[Amps] Salt water dummy loads

chas chasm at texas.net
Fri Jul 16 09:14:24 PDT 2010

Jim Thomson wrote:
> http://www.qsl.net/k5lxp/projects/SaltLoad/SaltLoad.html
> Has anybody actually tried these things ??      He show flat swr on 10m.  
> I'm thinking if a bigger version  is feasible.. like 10-20-30 gals.   And maybe using 
> cu strap or cu tubing for the probes.  With the amount of salt involved, I would
> not expect any algae, nor freezing problems.    The boiling point might also be raised
> a little, don't have a clue by how much though.   >1 gal.... glass is not feasible for the most
> part, but all sorts of plastic, and polycarbonate containers are available, that will easily
> handle 100+  deg C     
> later... Jim  VE7RF  
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I wonder what driving a KW into a 3gal Hygeia bottle full of salt water would 
do isfa breaking it down into gases such as chlorine, etc???  I am pretty 
sure that I would not want this inside the house.  I think it would be quite 
corrosive too.  fwiw, the babblings of a half educated post graduate with 
only a year of high school chemistry... 50 yrs ago....

chasm at texas.net   k5dam  Houston, TX


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