[Amps] our amplifier in 2010 CQWW

Jeff Blaine keepwalking188 at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 9 20:46:34 PST 2010


Agree with you.  And then some.

The "western" worlds view of what is fair play is not universally held.  In some cultures, rules are actually "suggested operation 
procedures" - and not hard-and-fast laws of the road.  Some view winning as winning - and winning while playing within the rules is 
not necessarly seen as the ideal it is here.  In fact, some view our willingness to stick to the "rules" as a lack of competitive 
spirit or worse.

It's a big world with a lot diverse viewpoints.  Fortunately, there is no global power cop camping out on every contesters door 
step.  At least not yet.  :)

73, Jeff ACØC
-----Original Message----- 
From: Carl
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 6:53 PM
To: Steve Katz ; Dave M ; amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] our amplifier in 2010 CQWW

Better still, a crybaby award for whoever got that silly rule rammed thru.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Katz" <stevek at jmr.com>
To: "Dave M" <slash_dot at msn.com>; <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 6:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] our amplifier in 2010 CQWW

> Why not just establish an "illegal power" class?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com]
> On Behalf Of Dave M
> Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 3:37 PM
> To: amps at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [Amps] our amplifier in 2010 CQWW
> And yet another consideration would be to create a new class of
> operation , perhaps based on ERP , call it "Elite Class" or something
> similar , most of the world class contest stations would scramble to
> qualify for it and they would be left to compete among them selves
> leaving us "Lower Class" stations to compete on even ground
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