[Amps] Dual 4-1000A RF PA

kb5gt at cableone.net kb5gt at cableone.net
Fri Nov 26 10:04:08 PST 2010

If you want to build a dual 4-1000A amp, acquire an Editors & Engineers Radio 
Handbook, edition 15 (1959, edited by Bill Orr) and refer to page 644. If you have 
never built a power amp, this is not for you, but it might stir you up to learn and 
develop some skills needed. You can get the Radio Handbook on ebay, and if you do, 
look at page 663 which shows it in a row of transmitters behind the operating 
position at W6YMD. The photo shows W6YMD & W6KFV at the controls. Do a goggle 
search on W6YMD. Bill, W6YMD had a high power multi-op contest station in the 
1950's. That's about the classiest two 4-1000A rig I know of.
As they say, real radios will kill you. No second chance.
Good Luck,

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