[Amps] blowers

W5JMW w5jmw at cableone.net
Fri Nov 26 15:10:10 PST 2010

This is a true story,Back in the late 80's I was working the arrl 160 
contest.I was using a dentron mla2500.Well I lost one of the 8857's.I didn't 
have a spare.Sooo,my solution..
I had a pair of 8874's.A quick trip to the hardware store.Made a pvc top 
with a t conn,a couple of swedges and I used the exhaust port on a old 
hoover roll around vaccum.Some will remember these as they were 
round..OK,Yes the pvc somewhat melted and ruined the 8874's..So what they 
were only abt $65.00 back then...73 happy thanksgiving to all  john 
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