[Amps] Voltage Doubler Regulation

Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Sun Jun 12 13:28:27 PDT 2011

Richard Solomon wrote:
>I would like to look at ways to improve the Voltage Regulation in a
>Voltage Doubler Circuit.
>I tried Google, but didn't get much on the actual calculations involved.
>Since we have certain givens; such as The AC Line is what it is, the
>Plate Xfmr is what it is,
>the only variable in the equation would be the Capacitor value. Am I
>correct in that assumption ?

Many more variables need to be taken into account. Voltage regulation in 
a doubler circuit will always be poorer than in a similar full-wave 
bridge, and the series resistance of the transformer windings becomes a 
critical factor.

>Can anyone point me to a reference that I can use ?
>Thanks, Dick, W1KSZ

Use the PSU Designer software:

Follow this link to download HV rectifier data and example files:


73 from Ian GM3SEK

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