[Amps] Can some explain this curious eBay auction
Roger (K8RI)
k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Sun Aug 26 04:18:06 EDT 2012
On 8/25/2012 8:21 PM, Manfred Mornhinweg wrote:
> > Hummm, I need to check my inventory of tubes....
> I did, two days ago... I have loads of Sylvania 6A6 NOS, but alas, they
> seem to sell for just 12 bucks apiece... I will have to wait until
> somebody discovers and adequately publicizes their magical properties of
> generating "good" distortion. They are power triodes, after all, and
> pretty old. You can make a push pull triode amp from each one, since
> they are dual.
> Or maybe I should start that myth myself, to create a worldwide dire
> need for 6A6 tubes, and then start selling mine, one or two at a time! ;-)
All you need is something reasonably rare and at least two people who
REALLY want them.
> When the 6A6 are all sold, at a few thousand bucks each, I can start
> promoting the DLL21 in the same way, because I also have a bunch of them!
> But I will keep the blue Arcturus '27 to myself. It's too beautiful to
> sell. And the Telefunken and Mullard gold-color metallized ones with
> screw cap on top, too.
I'd been thinking for quite a while I'd like to get an S-Line for a
tube, back up rig as the prices haven't been all that bad for some in
pretty good shape although the most recent, round emblems are getting a
bit pricey. But when I started looking at tube prices and keeping a
couple sets I decided that if there is a big solar flare, I'll just
disconnect everything. My whole shop is bonded steel after all, which
makes for reasonably good shielding.
Roger (K8RI)
> I couldn't find any 300. What a pity...
> Manfred
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