[Amps] Dedicated RF

Rob Atkinson ranchorobbo at gmail.com
Sun Jul 29 17:13:27 PDT 2012

There is a tremendous difference.  QRO solid state design has a whole
different set of issues.  Go to a show and talk to someone who has
done it and brought it to market.  As far as I know, the only outfit
with a no time limit solid state all band amp 1.5 KW is Dishtronix;
last I heard they want $10 or $11 K; go to Dayton and if they are
there they'll be delighted to fill you in on all the hurdles they had
to get over.

This is not a broadcast rig that parks on only one frequency.
Covering a range over which the wavelength divides by 16 is not



On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 7:02 PM, W2XJ <w2xj at nyc.rr.com> wrote:
> It is really no different than tube amps. In either case the amp must be
> designed to do the job. Many tube amps can not do RTTY or digital at
> legal limit. Those that can are not inexpensive. There is no difference
> in designing a key down CCS tube amp or a solid state amp. In either
> case there will be some over design as some will evaluate it.

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