[Amps] Plate Choke question

Steve Flood kk7uv at bresnan.net
Sun Nov 10 13:47:59 EST 2013

>I much prefer tossing the so called VHF choke and replacing with a
wirewound glitch resistor. The WW has inductance and serves a dual >purpose
wheras Ive seen a few amps where the "VHF" choke cause problems.



Thanks for the advice.  I'll wind a 50uH choke and use a 10-ohm 50-watt
glitch, each end bypassed with .0047 caps (idea gleaned from an earlier
topic), and perhaps an added 500pF bypass doorknob between glitch and choke
(unless those bypass values could be optimized for 10-20m also?).  I have
some ceramic/steatite standoffs that could serve as a choke form.


Steve, KK7UV 


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