[Amps] UHF Connectors

Ian White gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Tue Nov 12 17:46:58 EST 2013

>Subject: Re: [Amps] UHF Connectors
>On 11/12/2013 11:50 AM, qrv at kd4e.com wrote:
>> Watch out for the UHF elbow adapters as well.  Some are so poorly
>> they may arc internally to the shell.
>Amphenol, Amphenol, Amphenol!  The only safe alternative are vintage
>parts stamped with MIL numbers.
>73, Jim K9YC

Probably true for elbows, but the only value of the MIL-standard marking
is as an indication of the manufacturing quality. It says nothing about
the quality of the original design. There have been many improvements in
the past 70 years... and frankly, there needed to be.

We know that the original PL259 is an excellent connector if it is
assembled properly, but the original design allows so many different
ways of doing it badly - so much so that badly assembled PL259s have
become one of the most common causes of RFI. 

73 from Ian GM3SEK

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