[Amps] UHF Connectors & Crimpers: WHICH/WHAT SOURCE

Roger (K8RI) k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Thu Nov 14 02:05:49 EST 2013

On 11/13/2013 11:11 PM, Pete Raymond wrote:
> I do not know of any such list.  I would call the manufacturer of your
> dies and ask them about the ones you have.
> There must be some kind of numbers associated with them.  Good luck.
> 73 Pete N4KW

There are such lists for the tools.  I had several. Still 
do...Somewhere, but they should be available on the sites like the RFC 
and others.  Typically they will have a list for the tool and the sizes 
they cover.

They may be for each specific tool rather than a table listing.

IIRC there are two sets of dies for a tool/crimper. Each one covers a 
large RG8/LMR-400 and either RG58, or RG59/8X
and the other the rest of the sizes.  I'd have to look up how they are 
grouped.  LMR-600 is usually a single purpose crimper.


Roger (K8RI)

> On 11/13/2013 9:12 PM, Hardy Landskov wrote:
>> Pete & Everyone,
>> Maybe I've missed something along the way but is there a list that
>> calls out what die goes with what RG number? The only one I know for
>> sure is the one for LMR-400. I now have 2 crimpers, with 8 different
>> die sizes and only one I know for sure.
>> 73 Hardy N7RT

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