[Amps] Electron vs. Current Flow

Matthew McCloskey hidesertdrifter at live.com
Sun Sep 1 15:57:59 EDT 2013

When I went to USAF electronics school (1957-1958), very little of the curriculum included Semiconductor theory,
and of course it did teach Electron flow.  About 2 years later we were sent to classes in Semiconductor theory,
and I had a heck of a time understanding it because of my training in Electron theory.  I used a method
to remember the difference between an NPN, and PNP Symbols using Electron theory.  Since Electrons flows against the Arrow,
when the Arrow points to the Emitter it is a NPN, because an Electron travels from Neg (Emitter) to Pos.
(Base), and visa versa.  So using this convention I managed to have a hard time understanding Semiconductors because 
I applied Electron flow to them. I could troubleshoot them using test points and voltages from a schematic, butthey were always a black art to me. Well after reading all the posts in this reflector, I decided to apply Current flow theory to Semiconductors and re-read the ARRL handbook section on solid state devices.  Well guys the Transistor is not a black art anymore, its just in the gray zone although I still do use electron theory for tubes.  I can look at a transistor drawing and make sense of it now, and I want to thank all of youfor opening my mind to use both conventions, depending on the circuit configuration i.e.-tube or semiconductor.In my case It makes a big difference in understanding how solid state circuits work. I've been fascinated with  electronics since I was a kid, but I am very mechanical in my thinking, and if I can't SEE some thing doing its thing, I have a hard time understanding it.  Call me ignorant, or slow (I am both), but its been a difficult love affair with electronics. MattAD7XN     


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