[Amps] Question: Where to buy?
km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Tue Apr 8 11:02:54 EDT 2014
Eimac hasnt built a glass tube since the mid 90's or so. NOS ones may be
gassy and need a regettering before applying full HV and RF. Eimacs with
1987-88 date codes are especially suspect while the 1986 originals in my
LK-500ZC keep on chugging along.
Chinese ones have shown good reliability over the past 10 years or so. All
their "brands" come from the same factory including Alpha.
----- Original Message -----
From: <w4foa at comcast.net>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2014 10:20 AM
Subject: [Amps] Question: Where to buy?
>I can't tell you how impressed I am with the knowledge and willingness to
>help by members of the Amplifier Reflector. Having said that, I have had
>some serious problems with my beloved Amp Supply LZ-500ZB. I will need to
>replace the 3-500Z's finals and zener, etc.....as I repair this amp, I
>would like to DO IT RIGHT so that I can have another 15 or so years of
>trouble free operation.
> The question right now is are Eimac 3-500Z tubes available and if so,
> where may I find them. If not, is there a comparable brand and if so, what
> brand and where may I find them.
> Thank you for your time and advice.
> There will be more questions to follow, I'm sure.
> 73
> Tony, W4FOA
> PS: Is there anyone on here that has had experience with the Amp Supply
> amplifiers?
> Watch your thoughts; they become words.
> Watch your words; they become actions.
> Watch your actions; they become habits.
> Watch your habits; they become character.
> Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
> Frank Outlaw
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Joe Barnes" <n4jbk at comcast.net>
> To: "Amplifier Reflector" <amps at contesting.com>
> Sent: Monday, April 7, 2014 11:11:24 PM
> Subject: [Amps] Replacing light bulbs in a Command HF2500E
> Can anyone tell me how difficult it might be to replace the light bulbs in
> my Command HF2500E amplifier? The bulbs that are in there are not nearly
> bright enough for my taste, I have heard that the meters are held in place
> with some kind of rubber type glue or silicone. Also does anyone know of a
> direct replacement L.E.D. for these bulbs? I know that I am asking for a
> lot but in this crowd I have seen an awful lot more done with less.
> Thank you and 73,
> Joe N4JBK
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