[Amps] Sunset of old technologies
L at w0vt.us
Fri Apr 21 21:03:45 EDT 2017
I think there is also something else factoring into all this. That is,
the state of the hobby. I got licensed in 1953 and the culture of ham
radio has changed a lot since then. New ham interests are light years
away from mine. I am now retired and have some luxury to buy things I
could not consider as a young man. However, I now choose to save or
spend my disposable income on other things then to buy a $7000
amplifier. Modern day ham radio interests me very little. I spend
almost all my ham radio time and money on restoring old ham gear or
building QRP radios. This actually consists of a lot of bucks, but to
spend it on new gear has very little appeal to me. Same with QST. I am
a life member of the ARRL and when QST comes to my door, it goes in the
trash after looking it over for 5 minutes.
Lee, w0vt
On 4/21/2017 7:45 PM, Carl wrote:
> They will have to pry my oldie TS-950SD out of my cold hands!
> It was far ahead of its time and I see no reason to get something new.
> I also use a TS-940 for the second station and TS-830's drive
> transverters for VHF/UHF.
> A TS-930 was my first transceiver and replaced Drake C Lines
> A TS-130 is used as the bedroom radio plus mobile and when on vacation
> and a SB-230 amp for when on 120VAC.
> You could say Im sort of partial to Kenwood.
> A Central Electronics 100V and Collins 75A4 that Ive had both since
> 1965 get their use along with a NCL-2000 prototype Ive had since 64.
> Carl
> ----- Original Message ----- From: <donroden at hiwaay.net>
> To: "Catherine James" <catherine.james at att.net>
> Cc: <amps at contesting.com>
> Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 2:30 PM
> Subject: Re: [Amps] Sunset of old technologies
>> Quoting Catherine James <catherine.james at att.net>:
>>> I lean toward Kenwood, and I'm eager to see some kind of
>>> next-generation TS-2000 / TS-590SG based on the new SDR tech.
>>> 73,
>>> Cathy
>>> N5WVR
>> I like my TS-2000 "almost" as much as my Collins S-Line.
>> :-)
>> Don W4DNR
>> DonR
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