[Antennaware] Ham III Rotor

k4sb@bellsouth.net k4sb at bellsouth.net
Tue Nov 1 23:36:40 EST 2005

Tim Long wrote:
> What's the recommended fix for the terminal board on the bottom whose
> metallic parts are all rusted?
> 1. replace with another screw type terminal board? and where do you get
> new one?
> 2. hard wire a pigtail with a connector on the end?
> 3. replace with an 8 terminal  heavy duty Jones connector that's about
> the right size?  I happened to have one in the junk box.  Mounting the
> connector might be a challenge.
> All ideas and thoughts are welcome.  I don't know anybody who has
> rehabilitated a Ham III before.  Thanks in advance.  73, Tim, W2UI

Tim and all

What I have done with all 5 of my Tailtwisters ( even the 2 new ones
with that tiny plug ) is remove the
terminal board completely, taking notes on what color wire is connected
to each terminal, AND WHERE it goes.

I then fashion a thin metal plate the same size, and drill it, so as to
be able to mount it to the old terminal board slot.

But, first, cut a 3/8" hole in the center. I then use a heavy duty
connector ( 8 pins but looks like a
trailer harness. ( available from http://www.davisrf.com  --cost is
about $12 but you get a double ended
connector )

Cut the cable in half, then stick one end through the 3/8' hole, refer
to your notes, and wire it directly to
the interior, getting rid of all that small wire and junk. I don't try
to weatherproof the hole, believing more that some air circulation is
better, but that's a matter of opinion.

When it's finished, wire your rotor cable to the other end, and you have
a "quick disconnect" which will last a lifetime.


And in case anyone is wondering, I have 9 rotors. I also control 4 of
the Tailtwisters with one control box, but that's another story,

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