[CCF] FW: [TOEC] Re: [TOEC] NRAU mötet och HF contesti ng

Pasi Luoma-aho pasi.luoma-aho@sysopen.fi
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 09:38:50 +0300

Kotomaahankin nämä kirjailut tiedoksi.

73 de Pasi OH2IW/OH6UM

-----Original Message-----
From: Jari Jussila [mailto:Jari.Jussila@oh2bu.pp.fi]
Sent: 17. lokakuuta 2002 22:36
To: Jan Erik Holm; toec@contesting.com
Subject: [TOEC] Re: [TOEC] NRAU mötet och HF contesting

         Janne and our Swedish friends,

         Let me give a few words to your questions: Being at the time the 
President of NRAU and being responsible for the NRAU meeting at the end of 
August I may be the one to give you the answers your require.

         There's really no need to be upset by any means. The NRAU meeting 
did not, practically speaking, change a word in the SAC rules or 
NRAU-Baltic rules but we did make clear decisions on how the rules can be 
changed and we made a clear decision on that the contest managers are the 
one's mainly responsible for the changes.

         Let's go deep into the meeting: NRRL from Norway had proposed 
officially, that we should agree on a common wording of SAC (and 
NRAU-Baltic) rules. It was found out, that there indeed was different 
versions of the rules printed out on the six SAC-countries. During and 
after the meeting we decided on one common set of SAC (and NRAU-Baltic) 
rules. Those rules are practically speaking the rules which everyone can 
find from the pages of SM3CER web pages. Now we have a clear basis for the 
rules. Those rules where collected by me from the four SAC countries and 
they have been sent to all SAC countries.

         The meeting agreed, that between the NRAU meetings (which are held 
every third year) the contest managers of SRAL. NRRL, SSA and EDR can, if 
they all agree, change the rules of SAC (and NRAU-B ..). If the contest 
managers agree to change the rules and if they want it to be a permanent 
change, the next NRAU meeting has to agree on them. Or ... let's say it on 
other words: the Contest Managers can change the rules if they find a 
concensus but the NRAU meeting can change the rules with a vote.

         At the meeting there was really just this one official proposal 
from NRRL.

         As an unofficial proposal SRAL brought up the idea of SAC to be 
changed to an one weekend contest of CW, SSB and mixed mode. NRRL and LA4LN 
from Norway was strongly in favour of SRAL's proposal. The other leagues, 
SSA, EDR, IRA, FRA, had no objections but neither were they agreeing to the 
idea. As it was just an unofficial proposal, a decision could not be made 
on the subject. The meeting decided, that SRAL should make a proposal on 
the new rules and SRAL has to get an unanominous decision from other three 
countries by the 31.12.2002. EDR proposed SRAL to do the work, as their 
Contest manager OZ5WQ is very busy with the 2002 logs and as SRAL is the 
organized of 2003 SAC contest. I was named to co-ordinate and supervise the 
possible change of the rules.

         The decisions of the meeting was forwarded to SRAL Contest 
Managers OH6LI and OH2BCI the next day after the meeting. Both have been 
very active since that and they have collected the views and opinions from 
the Finnish contesters trying to find the basis for the SRAL proposal of 
new rules. As said, the new rules can only be implemented, if all four 
Contest Managers of SRAL. SSA, EDR and NRRL agree on the. They all have to 
agree on them, a vote is not possible. Jukka, OH6LI, has already started an 
intense discussion with his colleques OZ5WQ, SM7NDX and LA9HW.

         The official and confirmed minutes of the meeting was published on 
October 5th. That's the reason, why there's not been very much published 
yet on the Scandinavian magazines.Our leagues magazines, 
Radioamatööri-lehti, will publish the decisions in the November issue.

         The SSA delegation at the NRAU meeting consisted of Gunnar, 
SM0SMK, the president of SSA and Anders, SM2ECL, who was in charge of the 
VHF things. Gunnar was very active during the SAC discussions and he was 
very good and wisely informed by Sigge, SM5KUX, who was not able to 
participate the NRAU meeting. Gunnar brought up the Swedish views of SAC 
very diplomatickly and eloquently and everybody was listening when Gunnar 
spoke. Gunnar has the amazing ability to find an common solution to most of 
the differing views. As far as I understand, the SAC views had been 
thoroughly discussed in the board of SSA before the meeting and the views 
of SSA dominated in some instances the discussions. Janne should be very 
proud of SSA and it's way to handle the difficult situation. I know, that 
it's very difficult for any swede to bring up the good work he's made.

To sum this up:
         1) No changes to SAC rules has so far been made.
         2) Somebody has to make a proposal for the discussions.
         3) The NRAU meeting decided, that SRAL should bring up a proposal 
of new rules.
         4) The possible new rules has to be agreed by SRAL, NRRL, EDR and 
SSA unanomiously by the 31.12.2002 to be in effect in the SAC Contest 2003.
         5) SRAL Contest Manager Jukka, OH6LI, is just about to make the 
SRAL proposal to SSA, EDR and NRRL for the new rules
         6) The decision is to be made by the Contest Managers of these 
'       7) SRAL is organizing SAC 2003 with rules, that have been agreed 
all around Scandinavia.

         I hope this clears up some of your questions and confusion, Janne.

         Jari, OH2BU
         President of SRAL
At 16:50 17.10.2002 Thursday +0200, you wrote:
>Har ännu inte fått svar på min fråga angående vem som
>representerade HF contesting för Sverige på NRAU
>mötet, eller vem som hade fullmakt att agera.
>Tror att både SM5KUX och SM7NDX finns på denna
>reflektor och i så fall kan jag bara konstatera totalt
>ointresse och ignorans från deras sida.
>Som sagt, ställer mig dessa frågor.
>1. Vad gjordes från SSA contestmanager för att SAC test
>    frågor på NRAU mötet togs hand om på bästa sätt?

>2. Varför har ingenting publicerats i QTC´s testspalt? I
>    QTC nr 10 finns en redogörelse i VHF spalten från
>    NRAU mötet, som sagt varför inte i testspalten när SAC
>    frågor tydligen behandlades.

>3. Varför uppdrogs det åt SRAL och OH2BU att ta fram
>    nya regler för SAC? Hade inte ett sammarbete mellan
>    de nordiska contest managers varit på sin plats istället?

>4. Varför kommer det förfrågning från Finland om vi över
>    huvud taget har någon contest manager i Sverige?

>5. Är det möjligtvis så att SM5KUX och SM7NDX inte
>    är intresserade längre?
>Ser fram emot svar på dessa frågor / Janne SM2EKM
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