[CCF] [TOEC] Claimed .. SM8,SM9, SM12

Hannu Säilä hannu.saila at mbnet.fi
Fri Nov 3 00:00:49 EST 2006

Hello everybody
I have to say something so that nobody could have any wrong ideas.  Referring Jan/SM3CER below. The manager was not me when I had my 5 year OH manager period. On the contrary I do remember to have asked why OH0 is accepted to be same country as the main land. I still think the same. Just as JW, JX, OX OY.
I also remember that nobody did answer. We had those days also(?) a sac manager team. Well it did not work well or maybe not at all.
Hannu OH3WW
and nothing was written (as there were no written rules for the Cup), but
> we 
> agreed to separate OHØ from OH in the result lists to have a more fair 
> competition. The only one who disagreed was of course the OH manager and
> every time OH arranged SAC after those discussions they incorporated OHØ
> with OH in their result lists.
and nothing was written (as there were no written rules for the Cup), but
> we 
> agreed to separate OHØ from OH in the result lists to have a more fair 
> competition. The only one who disagreed was of course the OH manager and
> every time OH arranged SAC after those discussions they incorporated OHØ
> with OH in their result lists.



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