Göran Ingemar Backman sm5sic at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 22:41:26 EST 2018

Hieno suoritus Porin suunnalta. Se on elämänlaatua kun saa hyvien
kavereiden kanssa vetää kisaa. Kiitos kusoista ja onnittelut virkeälle
60-vuotiaalle kerholle.

73 de OH1SIC Göran, Nagu/Nauvo

ma 26. marrask. 2018 klo 16.46 Timo Klimoff (timo.klimoff at dnainternet.net)

>                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW
> Call: OG60F
> Operator(s): OH1MM OH1NOA OH1TM
> Station: OH1F
> Class: M/2 HP
> QTH: Länsi-Suomen lääni
> Operating Time (hrs): 48
> Summary:
>  Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
> ------------------------------
>   160:  518    20       74
>    80: 1311    29      101
>    40: 1948    37      140
>    20: 2021    38      135
>    15:  371    31      114
>    10:   82     4       27
> ------------------------------
> Total: 6251   159      591  Total Score = 8,223,750
> Club: Contest Club Finland
> Comments:
> Three operators, three radios and just relaxing, operating and having fun.
> This time everything went more or less smoothly except some glitches with
> the contesting software .. or maybe they call them features.
> 160m: just an Inv V which was noisy but probably our best score with this
> antenna, nice EU runs and exciting DX mults.
> 80m: just a GP but we got quite many US and JA which is not very common at
> our station. Band was open 24 hrs a day but with mini operation no time to
> chase on daytime. KH6LC wkd in the morning.
> 40m: the first night was medicore but after it we got it running nicely.
> Our problem is that 40m yagis and 20m stack are at the same rotatable tower.
> Compromises..
> 20m: Sat at sunrise we had here perhaps 2 qsos. A bit rough until Sun
> morning when 20m exploded to Asia. 1st day only 825 qsos.
> 15m: Short openings, no JA or USA runs.
> 10m: very few EU openings.
> Check free OH1AF/OH1AB/OH1F 60th Anniversary Award:
> https://www.qrz.com/db/OG60F
> Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/
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