CQWW CW scores and LPL v's RM
Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 EST 2003
From: NAME: Andy Burns
FUNC: Research and Development
TEL: 0324 493981 <BURNS,AL at A1@GRRD04>
To: "cq-contest at tgv.com"@rcwi01 at mrgate@grrd04
Scores first:
Relayed from Robert GM3YTS
ZC4Z Multi Single
160m 160 9 48
80m 306 16 68
40m 2276 31 100
20m 997 34 118
15m 1265 35 107
10m 759 35 95
5756 160 536 Total 11.49 M
Now the debate on LPL's signal v's N2RM. Ref Eric's last note and the burnt out
switch. I listened closely to the two stations between 1300z and 1700z on the
Saturday of the cqww cw test and found both signals to be identical in strength
and quality all thru that period (checking every 15mins or so) on 15m.
Unfortunately I didn't monitor the stations during the opening and closing of
the bands. If there was a problem at Eric's end then it wasn't showing over
here. On average, N2RM was sending slightly faster.
Both stations were loud (of course). QSB during the middle of the opening was
taking the signals down by only 4dB or so, wereas most of the other loud signals
from the US were being affected by 8dB or more.
On the basis of this cursory look, I can't see any reason why N2RM should have
been doing any better in this direction.
What might be interesting is to do a more detailed study in the ARRL SSB test
next March but this time covering the early and late periods. I will be hard at
it in the test so won't be able to listen but may be able to persuade a few
people this end to do the monitoring. Audio quality along with strength could
be monitored - any other ideas? The stations I could involve probably would
only have wire antennas but then as over 50% (or maybe 75%) of your callers
would be in the same boat then it would be quite representative.
Let me know Eric if your interested.
burns_al at grrd04.dnet.bp.com
>From headrick at radar.nrl.navy.mil Tue Dec 8 13:56:36 1992
From: headrick at radar.nrl.navy.mil (James M. Headrick)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Message-ID: <9212081856.AA18478 at radar.nrl.navy.mil>
KM9P: G3SXW 5NN 05 KM9P: G3SXW 5NN 05
G3SXW: G3SXW 5NN 14 G3SXW: KM9P 5NN 14
ARRL 160 1992 FOR W3CPB
>From 71662.17 at CompuServe.COM Tue Dec 8 22:25:13 1992
From: 71662.17 at CompuServe.COM (BILL J. FISHER)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: North American QSO Party (CW) Team?
Message-ID: <921209032513_71662.17_CHJ143-4 at CompuServe.COM>
Anyone interested in forming an INTERNET team for the NAQP CW the second
weekend of January? We only need 5 guys and I know some of you operate it
on a regular basis anyway.
For those of you who don't know... It only takes up 12 hours of your
Saturday and you are even required to take 2 hours off time. Work guys
once per band which keeps things moving!
Bill Fisher, KM9P
>From tanaka at osklns.kek.jp Wed Dec 9 13:47:03 1992
From: tanaka at osklns.kek.jp (Junichi Tanaka)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: Other score rumors:WW CW
Message-ID: <9212090447.AA21876 at osklns.kek.ac.jp>
I heard other score rumors.
BV/K1RX(S/O ?): 3,500QSO 145zone 276country
This is from his phone call to JH3DPB.
9M6NA (S/O; JE1JKL op)
band QSO zone country
160 21 5 6
80 150 13 25
40 827 28 76
20 685 34 71
15 1122 35 79
10 1204 32 91
4009 147 348
====> 5,877,930
(by e-mail)
>From tekbspa!tavan at uunet.UU.NET Tue Dec 8 16:05:04 1992
From: tekbspa!tavan at uunet.UU.NET (tekbspa!tavan at uunet.UU.NET)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: WKD B4
Message-ID: <9212082356.AA29433 at tss.com>
RE W3CPB commented on alleged dupes. Here is my
personal policy:
When a dupe calls me, I tell him. If the exchange
is short, I send it anyway and log the dupe. If the exchange
is long (SS), I attempt to abort. If he insists he
isn't a dupe, I work him even tho he appears in my
log as a dupe. This courtesy not only helps the caller
complete a contact he does not have logged, it also
prevents me from losing a previous Q that I may have logged
incorrectly. At least the "dupe" should count, even
if the first Q was busted.
I really get ticked off when someone blows me away
as a dupe and refuses to work me again even tho I am using
computer logging and am absolutely sure he is not yet in
my log. The next time I operate a contest seriously, I
will probably log all such events as zero pointers and
send a note to the sponsor to delete any Q with me that
the may appear in the offender's log.
/Rick N6XI
>From oo7 at astro.as.utexas.edu Tue Dec 8 23:24:48 1992
From: oo7 at astro.as.utexas.edu (Derek Wills)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: WKD B4
Message-ID: <9212090524.AA27899 at astro.as.utexas.edu>
I really get ticked off when someone blows me away
as a dupe and refuses to work me again even tho I am using
computer logging and am absolutely sure he is not yet in
my log.
Rick N6XI
This annoys me too. One of the ways it can happen is when two stations
are close in frequency and you call one of them and hear them both coming
back to you. You may not even know who the second one is, until you call
them later and they insist that you are a dupe. I often find myself in the
same contest as AA5B, and this causes problems for both of us, too.
Not to prolong the QRP discussion too much more, but on two separate
occasions today I heard someone sending only "QRP QRP QRP" on a DX station
frequency (6W6/K3IPK on 10 cw, 5X5WR on 15 cw) and in both cases they were
acknowledged and worked by the DX, so it is no surprise that QRP ops
continue to do this. If the DX station doesn't like it, then the QRP op
remains anonymous anonymous and can use the proper call later on. It made
me want to send "QRO QRO QRO" but I resisted. There was some justice, in
that the one who was worked by Baldur didn't know he or she had made it, and
continued to call a few more times before giving up. Perhaps the cards will
be made out simply to "QRP", that would soon stop the practise.
This is a bit off the subject of contesting, but Baldur was operating in a
novel way today - he would work transceive for a few QSOs and then hop up
or down a KHz or two without warning and work some more people on his freq,
then hop again. I suspect that he had receiver problems, and was not trying
to start a new technique for dealing with pile-ups (piles-up?).
Derek aa5bt
>From Dieter.Dippel at CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de Wed Dec 9 07:18:00 1992
From: Dieter.Dippel at CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de (Dieter.Dippel at CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: QSL-INFOS 12/92 de DL9WVM
Message-ID: <921209081721244-RRZE2:>
DX @WW de:DL9WVM 06.12.92 01:53 30
*3B8FE(3/91) NK6F *FO0M F5IN *PY5ZAF(=NOW=>) KW8T *
*3B8FE(=TRY=>) 3B8CF *FO0OJ(=NOW=>) K6HHD *R19A(=TRY=>) UA3AGS *
*3D2IM JA3OIN *GB2HI(92) G0IFK *R23A(=NOW=>) UA3AGS *
*3D2KT(=NOW=>) JI3DLI *H21A(=NOW=>) 9A2AJ *RA9C UZ9CZO *
*3D2TX JA3OIN *H23W(92) 9A2AJ *RE500A DB3FH *
*4T500DX OA4ED *HC0E HC1HT *S21U(4/91) JA1UT *
*4T7IA OA4ED *HC8N AA5BT *S21U(7/92) JA1UT *
*4U1ITU(7/3/88) DK8FD *HS1YL(50 MHZ) JA1UT *S21U(4/91) VK9NS *
*4U1ITU(9-11/6/88DK8FD *HV3JK(*NOT*) I5GJK *S79ELY JA1ELY *
*8P9DF(92) OH3RB *J68CM W7ZR *TU4IR OH8IR *
*9X5AB(>7/92) DL6NA *KC4UG/UL7E KC4UG *UW0CD K7QXG *
*DX3H DU3AAL *P40M(85) W6MI *XU1U JA1UT *
*F1LGQ/6W7 F1LGQ *PI4DIG PA3CAE *ZD8Z(>1/92) VE3HO *
*F6BFH/6W7 F6BFH *PJ9RM OH6RM *ZK1XE(11/91) G3SBO *
*F9IE/C56 F9IE *PR5T PY5EG *ZL0AAD(2/90) W6ZH *
Fine Xmas & happy new year 1993 from the Q S L - R O U T E S -Team
>From Dieter.Dippel at CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de Wed Dec 9 07:32:00 1992
From: Dieter.Dippel at CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de (Dieter.Dippel at CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: DXNL-No.: 822 de DARC
Message-ID: <921209083211693-RRZE2:>
DX @WW de:DL3HAH 07.12.92 08:02 30 11256 Bytes
DXNL 822 - Dec 7, 1992
DX-NEWS LETTER published weekly
by the DARC e.V. DX and HF-Radio Sport Section
Editor: Thomas T Milde, DL1HBT
Compeweg 2
W2100 Hamburg 90
Fed. Rep. of Germany
Phone: (+49) 40-765 86 43
Fax: (+49) 40-765 97 11
HF-DX-Bulletin: DK0DX (Fr. 3745 kHz/1700 UTC)
DX-NL orders : DARC, P.O. Box 1155, W3507 Baunatal 1, Germany
Payment : Postgiroamt Hannover 12359-306, BLZ 200 100 30
Prices (per year): DARC members: 60,- DM; non-members: 80,- DM;
EU: +10,- DM; Airmail: +30,- DM
Tnx: ARRL DX Bulletin, BARF80-BBS c/o OPDX-Bulletin, VP2ML c/o
TDXB, VERON DXPress, DL5XX, NM7M; Deadline for DXNL 823: Dec 13
for Packet (dl1hbt @ db0hb.deu.eu) and Fax (+49-40-7659711)
4U, ITU HQ - Stefan (DL5XX) made 3,600 QSO during CQWWDX CW as
4U1ITU. QSL cards will be send beforehand for all contacts made
during the contest.
VS6, Hongkong - VS6WO will take in the ARRL 10m Contest as a
multi-op entry with Dave (WX3N) and Mark (AG9A) helping. QSL via
K9EC. - GU4XGG can be heard signing VS6GU until Dec 19. QSL via
home call.
YI, Iraq - VERON DXPress reports YI1MH being a new station in
Iraq. QSL via Majid Abdul Hamid, P.O. Box 5864, Bagdad, Iraq.
9V, Singapore - Dave (WX3N) and Mark (AG9A) will operate from here
until Dec 10.
C2, Nauru - Brian (ZL1ACX) will be active as C21BR from Nauru
until mid-April '93. VERON DXPress suggests to look for him in the
222-net. QSL via Brian Rous, Box 478, Nauru, Central Pacific
KC6, Belau - See DXNL 821. TDXB suggests that the DXped of John
(NJ1V) and Jim (WV5S) as KC6VV and KC6SS may take place some time
in February.
V7, Marshall Islands - According to TDXB, AD1S and AH9B will show
up from here as V73S and V73B Jan 8 thru 15 on 10-160m (incl.
WARC). CW/SSB and RTTY. Try 25 kHz up on CW, 80 kHz up on RTTY.
QSL via Oklahoma DX Association, P.O. Box 88, Wellston, OK 74881,
C6, Bahamas - Bill (KM1E), retruns to Green Turtle Cay in early
January and again in March using his new issued callsign of C6AGN.
QSL via KA1DIG. TDXB says that Bill likes 6m !
HK0, San Andres - Silvano (KB6GL) and Don (AA5AU) will operate
HK0/.. Feb 27 thru Mar 7. Look for Silvano on 10-20m (incl. WARC)
SSB/RTTY; Don on 10-40m (incl. WARC) CW/RTTY. QSL HK/KB6GL via
KA6V and HK0/AA5AU via AA5AU. tnx TDXB!
KP5, Desecheo - A major operation led by N0TG/KP5 runs Dec 28 thru
Jan 4. Try 1830, 3505, 7005, 10105, 14020, 18075, 21020, 24900 and
28020 kHz on CW; 3790, 7090/7150, 14195, 18125, 21295, 24940 and
28395 kHz on SSB. RTTY 3620, 7085, 18105 and 80 kHz up. QSL all
../KP5 calls to Randy Rowe (N0TG), P.O. Box 891, Desoto, TX 75123-
0891, U.S.A. - direct only with SASE (donations will be very
appreciated). tnx TDXB!
P4, Aruba - Members of the Quannapowitt Radio Association - the
team consists of Jim (W1HL), Mike (NW1J), Bill (N1NGK) and Bob
(AA1M) - will air P4/W1EKT Jan 11 thru 18 on all bands CW/SSB and
RTTY. QSL via Bob Reiser (AA1M), 6 Savin Street, Burlington, MA
01803, U.S.A.
VP2m, Montserrat - VP2MT is back on Montserrat until Dec 10. TDXB
suggests to try 14025 kHz. - Stu (K8SJ) will be active as
VP2M/K8SJ Feb 5 thru 17 on all bands mostly CW 20-30 kHz up. QSL
via Stu Stephens (K8SJ), Box 266, Girard, OH 44420.
V3, Belize - Art (NN7A) and Mike (NG7S) will operate CW only as
V31JZ and V31RL Feb 22 thru 24 from Southwater Cay in the Belize
Caribbean Sea Coast South Group - a new one for IOTA.
V4, St. Kitts - James (5Z4FV) will operate as V47FV to Jan 5, with
emphasis on the low bands and SSB. QSL via his US call of N3JCL.
ZF2, Grand Cayman Islands - Howard (N6DEC) will air ZF2RC Dec 9
thru 16, incl. ARRL 10m. Look for him on SSTV outside the test.
QSL via Howard Phillips, N6DEC, P.O. Box 5121, Anaheim, CA 92814-
5121, U.S.A.
DP, Antarctica - Helmar, DL1KVC/P, who is in Antarctica for three
months, can be found almost daily on 14246 kHz from 1700-1900z. He
is a member of the team that helps to build a new antarctic
station. They are located near the former DP0GVN-station. Volker
(ex-Y88POL) will continue Helmar's work starting mid-February. The
only problems seems to be QSLing. Willy (HB9CZW) reports returned
mail from Helmar's address (Ulrich von Hutten Str. 29a, O-2510
Rostock, Germany). DXNL would be grateful for any kind of help on
obtaining the correct address!
T5, Somalia - Look for T5CB to be active from Dec 18 thru Jan 2.
He will be active from one of the UN compounds in the area. QSL
via P.O. Box 1311, Buena Vista, CO 81211, U.S.A.
Most wanted DXCC-countries
In addition to the publication of the results of the survey from
"The DX Bulletin" in issue 818, PA2NJC is still working on the
assembly of a list especially for EUROPE. This is your chance to
take part in the survey. - Please send a list of your 10 most
wanted DXCC countries to PA2NJC @ DK0MWX or to his home address:
Nick Cox, Heikamp 31, 6071 AR Swalmen, NETHERLANDS. Nick suggests
that the deadline for his survey will be around Dec 10. The
results will be published here around mid-Dec!
Upcoming DX
12.12. -17.12. A35 (SM0's) 821
-Aug'95 BY (F's) 812
-April'93 C21BR 822
C21NI (DL1VU) 817
-11.1. C6AGN 822
DU1/DL1VU 817
-Sep'93 D2EL 821
-Aug'95 ET3JR 806
10.12. -12.12. E28DX (HS) 818
Dec FK (DL's) 809
Dec - FT4WD 818
Dec FW (DL's) 809
27.2. -7.3. HK0 (W's) 822
11.12. -13.12. JD (JA5's) 821
-14.1.93 JA9IPX/JD1 815
-12.12. J7/DL5MAE 819
-1.2.93 KC4AAF 815
Feb'93 KC6 (W's) 822
KC6/DL1VU 817
26.1. -2.2.93 KH1 816/821
-Dec KH3AE/AF 801
KH5/DL1VU 817
Feb/Mar'93 KH5 + KH5K 820
26.3. -3.4.93 KP1 821
28.12. -4.1. KP5 815/822
25.2. -28.2.93 OJ0 821
-Dec PY0TSN 816
11.1. -18.1. P4/W1EKT 822
-21.12. TU4SR 819
T30CT (DL1VU) 817
T31AF (DL1VU) 817
T32VU (DL1VU) 817
T33VU (DL1VU) 817
18.12. -2.1.93 T5CB 822
-Jan'93 VK9CB 817
Feb'93. VK9LS/LT 807/808
-10.12. VP2MT 822
5.2. -17.2. VP2M/K8SJ 822
12.12. -13.12. VS6WO 822
-19.12. VS6GU 822
1.1. -28.1.93 V2/VE3BW 817
22.2. -24.2. V31 (W's) 822
-5.1. V47FV (5Z4FV) 822
15.12. -22.12. K4FAF/V63 821
V63VU (DL1VU) 817
8.1. -15.1. V73 (W's) 822
-Feb'93 XQ0X 815
-Dec'92 XT2BW 781
QRV XU7VK 794/797
-Apr'93 XU4OF (DJ4OF) 804
-Aug'93 XV7TH 812
-Oct'93 OK1IAI/YA 792
28.12. -2.1.93 YN0YN 819
9.12. -16.12. ZF2RC 822
-9.12. ZK1 (SM0's) 821
-9.12. ZK2 (JA's) 817
-15.1.93 ZS7ANT 819
29.12. -15.1.93 3D2 (SM0's) 821
Dec ? 3W (UA3's) 820
QRV 4K1YAR 820
-Dec'93 5U7M 806
17.12. -28.12. 5W (SM0's) 821
-10.12. 5X5WR (DJ5RT) 819/820
Oct - 5Z (F2JD) 803
23.1. -6.2. 8P9DX (VE3ICR) 821
28.12. -6.1.93 8Q7BX (I4ALU) 819
-end'92 9V1XE 812
-Aug'94 9X5AB 817
From the DXCC-desk
The following operations have been accredited for DXCC purposes:
From OPDX # 088: "It was announced this week by the ARRL Awards
Comittee that they voted unanimously to accept recommendations
from the DXAC (DX Advisory Committee) to add Croatia, Slovenia and
Bosnia-Hercegovina to the DXCC Countries List. Croatia and
Slovenia are added for contacts made 26th May 1991 and after.
Bosnia-Hercegovina is added for contacts made 15th October 1991
and after. The DXCC Desk will aceppt cards received at ARRL
Headquarters after 1st January 1993. Cards received before 1st
January 1993 will be returned without action. The Awards Committee
gave no reason why Macedonia was not added, but only it will
remain under study."
This Packet Radio edition of DXNL is a service free of charge. It
contains almost all information from the paper-DXNL. Always remember,
that this service can only be continued as long as there are enough
subscribers. If you find PR-DXNL useful, why not become a subscriber
and support DXNL ?
>From bob at mtdcr.att.com Wed Dec 9 07:41:00 1992
From: bob at mtdcr.att.com (bob at mtdcr.att.com)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: 4N5 in CQWW
Message-ID: <mailman.23.1043801128.8266.cq-contest at contesting.com>
This is a (probably) simple question of multipliers for CQWW.
I had heard some discussion that 4N5 in CQWW was supposed to
count for Macedonia rather than Yugoslavia. I didn't think
this was the case, but what's the real story? Inquiring minds
want to know. :-)
Bob K2PH
>From ronklein at vnet.ibm.com Wed Dec 9 06:28:18 1992
From: ronklein at vnet.ibm.com (R.D. Klein)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: Phone SS scores list
Message-ID: <mailman.24.1043801128.8266.cq-contest at contesting.com>
Thanks to the several who sent me copies of these scores. I will be
curious to see how the published ARRL results compare.
Ron - W0OSK
>From 71662.17 at CompuServe.COM Wed Dec 9 09:03:21 1992
From: 71662.17 at CompuServe.COM (BILL FISHER)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: 4N5 in CQWW
Message-ID: <921209140320_71662.17_CHJ26-1 at CompuServe.COM>
>This is a (probably) simple question of multipliers for CQWW.
>I had heard some discussion that 4N5 in CQWW was supposed to
>count for Macedonia rather than Yugoslavia. I didn't think
>this was the case, but what's the real story? Inquiring minds
>want to know. :-)
>Bob K2PH
I talked to Bob Cox this past weekend and he says that 4N5 will count only
for Yugoslavia in this year's CQWW contests.
Good luck,
>From 71662.17 at CompuServe.COM Wed Dec 9 09:19:22 1992
From: 71662.17 at CompuServe.COM (BILL FISHER)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: WKD B4
Message-ID: <921209141921_71662.17_CHJ26-2 at CompuServe.COM>
>When a dupe calls me, I tell him. If the exchange
>is short, I send it anyway and log the dupe. If the exchange
>is long (SS), I attempt to abort. If he insists he
>isn't a dupe, I work him even tho he appears in my
>log as a dupe. This courtesy not only helps the caller
>complete a contact he does not have logged, it also
>prevents me from losing a previous Q that I may have logged
>incorrectly. At least the "dupe" should count, even
>if the first Q was busted.
>I really get ticked off when someone blows me away
>as a dupe and refuses to work me again even tho I am using
>computer logging and am absolutely sure he is not yet in
>my log. The next time I operate a contest seriously, I
>will probably log all such events as zero pointers and
>send a note to the sponsor to delete any Q with me that
>the may appear in the offender's log.
>/Rick N6XI
This past SS I had a number of guys call me and I blew them off with the
usual "QSO B4 TU TEST DE N4RJ". After the contest Jeff (KR0Y) told me
that one of his buddies tried to work me twice on Sunday and I told him he
was a dupe. Jeff said the guy told him that I wasn't in his log.
However, he didn't bother to tell me this during the contest. I think
this is due to the fact that alot of guys won't take the initiative to
tell someone that they aren't in their log.
Keeping this mind... I will probably lose 3 QSO's now because this guy
wouldn't say "Hey lid, you didn't work me!". My practice from now on will
be to work all dupes that call me. Esspecially in a contest like SS where
the logs are checked closely and the final posisition can be the
difference of one QSO. With the number of guys using computers these
days, I don't get too many calling me that are dupes anyway. I just don't
think the rate will suffer enough to take a chance on losing 3 QSO's after
the contest!
Bill Fisher, KM9P
>From mraz at maverick.aud.alcatel.com Wed Dec 9 08:35:03 1992
From: mraz at maverick.aud.alcatel.com (Kris Mraz)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: WKD B4
Message-ID: <9212091435.AA00988 at maverick.aud.alcatel.com>
CT assumes you want to keep a dupe and makes you hit ALT W to clear it. I think
a better way would be for it to assume that you don't want the dupe and clear
is automatically. If you want to keep it then hit ALT K(eep) [or whatever].
This could be user configurable.
If I work a dupe who says he isn't, I log him anyway. Should I then go back and
zero out the first contact? Ie, keep it in the log but zero points?
Kris, AA5UO '~ ~`
mraz at rockdal.aud.alcatel.com L
>From sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu Wed Dec 9 09:14:33 1992
From: sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu (sellington)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: WKD B4
Message-ID: <mailman.25.1043801128.8266.cq-contest at contesting.com>
Certainly, the safe thing to do is to work the dupe, especially in a contest
with a short exchange, and log it for zero points. Then, of course,
don't delete it from your log. For any one of a number of reasons, your
first contact with that station may be invalid. Except perhaps in
SS, it takes longer to ask if he's sure you haven't worked than it
does to just work him again. It doesn't hurt a thing to have a zero
point dupe in your log.
Did anyone else notice in CQWW CW how few JA's tried to make duplicate
contacts? Maybe they all have computers. Or they're just very
Scott K9MA
>From GARLOUGH at TGV.COM Wed Dec 9 09:04:14 1992
From: GARLOUGH at TGV.COM (Trey Garlough)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: fixing busted calls
In-Reply-To: <"SGJC-4722-9087/27"*/PN=ERIC.L.SCACE/O=SPRINTINTL/ADMD=TELEMAIL/C=US/@sprint.com>
Message-ID: <723920654.844570.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>
> There was a version of CT once that AUTOMATICALLY resent the call on CW if
> you changed the logged callsign during the QSO! I thought it was a neat idea
> but there were situations where it was a pain; e.g., correcting a typo. So
> the feature was taken out.
I believe this feature still exists (you enable with a word-in-the-call-field
command, akin to WRITELOG -- I think the command is AUTOCORRECT or something
like that), but this feature is worthless when used in concert with the CT
typeahead feature since by defenition you are changing the call of everyone
you work. To wit, calling CQ I am answered by AA5BT, so I type "A A 5 INSERT
B T". On the air I transmit "AA5BT 5NN CA". CT begins this transmission as
soon as I hit INSERT. Since I can't type as fast as AA5BT sends, I only have
AA5 typed in the call field by the time Derek finishes sending his call, so I
am still typing in the BT when CT starts sending. Meanwhile, CT says "Aha!
Since you have "corrected" the call of the station you are working, I am going
to send the entire call when you send your acknowlegement." Feh.
I hit the appropriate function key when I explicitly want to send the call again
because CT can't really tell whether the call has been corrected or not.
>From GARLOUGH at TGV.COM Wed Dec 9 09:40:58 1992
From: GARLOUGH at TGV.COM (Trey Garlough)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: 9V1YC CQWW CW score
Message-ID: <723922858.26570.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>
9V1YC, Single Op
0 0 0
15 8 12
473 29 59
538 32 76
845 36 89
901 28 84
---- --- ---
2772 133 320 = 2.7M
43.2% Asia
21.2% North America
30.6% Europe
10,15,20 A3
40,80 HF2V
IC-735, 100 watts
>From tucker at eedsp.gatech.edu Wed Dec 9 11:42:41 1992
From: tucker at eedsp.gatech.edu (Jeff Tucker N9HZQ)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: WKD B4
Message-ID: <9212091830.AA17317 at gatech.edu>
If you do work the guy a second time, even though you think it's a dupe,
then what do you do with the log?
If you remove the first contact, or count it for zero points, then maybe
he finds your first call (paper logs) and deletes the second time he worked
you, the dupe. You have a valid contact for zero points and a second
contact that isn't in his log.
If you log the contact and leave it in the log as a dupe, if the guy is
right then your first contact won't be in his log. The log checkers
will bust you for that, but I highly doubt they will scan your log and
change the dupe into a valid contact. Maybe if they are using CT, the
contact will get automatically changed, but the NCJ article on log
checking implies that this doesn't happen.
In a short exchange contest, we just generally work everyone who
calls us. I worked lots of dupes in field day (not a contest, hi!)
Generally, I don't log the guy even if I work him if I think he's a dupe.
I.e. Tnx ur 599 05 QRZ (as my fingers hit Alt-W). But, this loses out
for me and him, I guess if I log only the first one and he logs only
the second.
What is your feeling about how logs should be submitted? CT allows you
to remove all dupes from your log. It looks much cleaner that way,
but is it best considering the above scenarios? Maybe I'd better stop
typing rmdupes at the end of the contests.
73 es CU in 10m this weekend, probably. Say hi.
Jeff N9HZQ at W4AQL
Jeff Tucker N9HZQ, EMT-A
tucker at eedsp.gatech.edu Graduate Student, Electrical Engineering
W4AQL Contest Domination Team Georgia Institute of Technology
>From KU4A at LEXVMK.VNET.IBM.COM Wed Dec 9 13:54:12 1992
From: KU4A at LEXVMK.VNET.IBM.COM (Chris Gay 545-4876)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: fixing busted calls
Message-ID: <mailman.26.1043801128.8266.cq-contest at contesting.com>
>What can REALLY slow me down in the last situation is when I give the
>correct call, but the other guy repeats his call phonetically instead
>of saying "QSL". That happens more often than you might think, and it
>really annoys me, because as soon as I hear phonetics I assume that I
>have the call wrong.
Well, what about this situation:
WA6DGX: KU...(burst of QRM)... 59 CAL
KU4A: KU4A 59 KY
The burst of QRM has prevented me from knowing whether or not you have
the call correct. If you hear KU4A both times, there is no problem, and
unless I ask for your call it is safe to assume I have it. If you hear
something different the second time around, you had it wrong the first
time anyway. I don't see the big annoyance, other than the QRM, but that
is life.
73 de Chris KU4A
Kentucky Contest Group - August '92 NAQP CW and SSB national champs.
>From george554 at austin.relay.ucm.org Wed Dec 9 11:44:44 1992
From: george554 at austin.relay.ucm.org (george554 at austin.relay.ucm.org)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <9212091212.S9865736 at austin.relay.ucm.org>
KM1H 6.03M 3256/163/479 KQ2M, opr
N4RJ 6.02M 3050/172/509 KM9P, opr
N2NT 5.80M 3198/153/471 at NF2L
KN8Z 5.58M 2988/172/469 WA8YVR, opr
VE3EJ 5.1M
K3ZO 5.0M 3025/157/421
N2LT 4.9M 2774/157/446
N6BV/1 4.23M 2720/140/396
W1PH 4.15M 2147/136/509
K1ZZ 4.06M 2308/153/466
NA8V 4.0M 2366/163/433
K5GN 3.8M 2161/168/449
N6UR 3.7M 2518/156/366 KR6X opr
W9RE 3.6M
W1WEF 3.2M 2009/145/411
K4PQL 3.0M 1928/141/400
W6QHS 2.43M 1701/163/330
K4XU 2.41M
NN7L 2.38M 1905/144/300
AK3Z 2.37M 1587/142/385 K2PH opr
W6EEN 2.23M KA6SAR opr
N6ND 2.10M
W9UP 2.0M
K9MA 1.9M 1393/139/342
K0KX 1.7M 1196/147/364
N1CC 1.2M 1001/113/302
N4YDU 1.1M
N6TV 1.06M 1044/131/234
K6XO/7 262K
P40W 9.7M 5700/150/423 W2GD, opr
8R1K 9.0M
9Y4H 5300
P40J 5300
8P9Z 5300
P40I 4700
D44BC 7.0M
9M6NA 5.8M 4009/147/348 JE1JKL opr
BV/K1RX 3.4M 3500/145/276
KM1H 37/11/26 363/23/64 783/31/93 515/33/91 646/33/106 912/32/99
N4RJ 34/13/27 170/21/66 727/34/104 708/37/114 729/35/106 682/32/92
N2NT 38/14/25 301/17/65 957/29/94 591/35/103 613/30/94 698/28/90
N2LT 25/ 9/16 187/19/55 761/32/102 410/35/89 744/31/99 647/31/85
KN8Z 35/13/25 231/27/67 686/31/90 642/37/103 677/34/99 717/30/85
K1ZZ 28/ 9/18 220/20/58 423/26/91 449/33/96 525/33/104 663/32/99
K9MA 7/ 4/ 4 64/14/31 145/23/64 388/35/88 441/34/85 350/29/70
K6XO/7 9/ 6/ 5 23/13/17 109/30/49 228/28/66 20/14/13
9M6NA 21/ 5/ 6 150/13/25 827/28/76 685/34/71 1122/35/79 1204/32/91
Low Power
N8II 2.04M
K7SV 1.2M
K1YRP 1.OM 902/109/282
UX3D 1299/127/335
UX3D 89/8/32 283/15/46 204/24/68 328/26/64 244/31/72 151/23/53
AA2U 1.2M 940/118/330
Single/op Assisted
K8AZ 5.042M 2477/172/537
K3WW 4.876M
KC1XX 4.6M 2152/166/572
WR3E 4.16M 1923/171/585
K2SX 3.9M
KC1F 3.7M 1921/157/511
AA2DU 3.3M 1757/149/509
K1VR 3.23 1658/153/479
K2WK 2.97M
K5NW 2.2M 1475/155/393
W1RR 1.9M
W1GD 1.66M 1023/144/428
K3ND 1.49M 909/145/429
KF2O 1.436M
WE1F 1.3M
NV3V 163K
K2EK 160 160/19/62
K1ZM 80 1088/30/106
K1IU 80 946/28/91
W1MK 80 964/25/80
KT3Y 80 694/25/86
K0RF 80 140K 523/30/76
KO0U 80 117K
N5RZ 80 92K 347/25/72
KO7V 80 73K
WA4SVO 80 255/17/55
PJ9U 40 1.196M 2749/30/116
ZF2TG 40 1.162M 3213/31/111
W7XR 40 800K 1642/38/138
K4XS 40 688K 1437/36/128
KB0G 40 638K 1310/34/140
N6RO 40 385K 925/35/115
K2VV 20 930K 1720/40/148
KW8N 20 1548/39/140
N2BA 20 1537/39/134
N9AW 20 255K
W0UN 15 645K 1457/35/122 W0UA, opr
K3EST/6 15 500K 1139/36/120 at N6RO
KC1SJ 15 456K 964/35/129
N6MZ 15 261K 717/35/96
WA7RJY 15 302/32/69
J33A 15 950K 2446/36/119
KA5W 10 446K 1078/34/113
KT4W 10 400K 969/34/117
K1GX 10 393K 895/33/129
P40X 10 1.2M 2838/33/111 N6BT, opr
N3RS 8.7M 3488/186/674
K1KI 8.3M 3372/182/663
K1DG 8.3M 3355/182/645
WW2Y 6.2M 2786/175/595
W1OO 5.4M 2535/167/572
W6GO 5.2M 2739/180/540
K2SG 4.5M 2445/153/489
KN2M 4.3M 2220/162/511
AA1K 4.3M 2109/160/555
WD8LLD 3.97M 2002/170/538
W0CP 3.1M 1869/162/433
NK7U 3.08M 2032/153/392
W9KDX 2.5M 1540/150/423
KS9B 2.0M 1579/136/336
ZC4Z 11.5M 5756/160/536
KH2S 7.975M 4515/170/426
S79S 5.0M 3420/136/389
VP5T 3.5M
RK3B 2.5M
RK3A 2.1M
K1KI 51/13/35 304/26/92 1054/36/134 587/38/144 614/36/133 762/33/125
K1DG 40/14/37 256/23/83 1095/37/131 627/39/136 801/36/136 536/33/122
N3RS 44/15/41 141/26/82 1038/36/137 852/39/145 688/37/137 736/33/132
KN2M 16/10/14 70/18/51 604/32/111 537/37/114 569/35/112 421/30/109
AA1K 22/10/21 160/17/65 352/30/107 464/36/120 432/35/122 679/32/120
NK7U 13/ 9/10 132/20/28 461/29/89 755/34/103 508/33/85 163/28/77
KH2S 32/ 8/ 8 118/22/45 1304/33/88 558/35/98 1335/37/102 1168/35/85
ZC4Z 160/ 9/48 306/16/68 2276/31/100 997/34/118 1265/35/107 759/35/95
K1AR 20.01M 7284/193/758
N2RM 19.01M 6971/196/742
W3LPL 17.4M 6482/196/738
NL7G 15.0M 9426/175/461
AD1C 13.09M 5610/175/639
VE2CSI 8.7M 6944/127/403
KY3N 6.87M 3109/170/604
NQ4I 6.6M
VS6WO 17.72M 9827/190/568
K1AR 108/16/59 741/29/108 1916/37/142 1769/39/157 1614/37/154 1136/35/138
N2RM 108/18/54 690/30/98 1552/37/144 1737/39/154 1690/37/152 1201/35/140
W3LPL 89/18/50 602/28/96 1622/38/144 1718/39/157 1440/37/152 1011/36/139
AD1C 49/12/31 510/19/81 1311/35/119 1512/39/148 1331/36/139 897/34/121
NL7G 186/12/14 537/16/22 1727/36/105 2894/39/125 2461/37/118 1621/35/77
VS6WO 264/17/43 1441/28/81 2185/36/111 1747/37/113 2371/39/119 1819/33/101
these are all the scores i have for now -- geoiii
>From reisert at mast.enet.dec.com Wed Dec 9 13:52:39 1992
From: reisert at mast.enet.dec.com (Alpha Personal Workstations -- DTN 223-5747 -- MLO3-6/B8 09-Dec-1992 1355)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: fixing busted calls
Message-ID: <9212091852.AA08819 at us1rmc.bb.dec.com>
------------------Reply to mail dated 9-DEC-1992 12:01:10.38------------------
Eric, K3NA wrote:
>There was a version of CT once that AUTOMATICALLY resent the call on CW if
>you changed the logged callsign during the QSO! I thought it was a neat idea
>but there were situations where it was a pain; e.g., correcting a typo. So
>the feature was taken out.
This feature is still there, at least in version 8.22. I think you type
CORRECTCALL in the callsign field if you want CT to resend the call if it
73 - Jim AD1C
>From KU4A at LEXVMK.VNET.IBM.COM Wed Dec 9 14:00:50 1992
From: KU4A at LEXVMK.VNET.IBM.COM (Chris Gay 545-4876)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: 160 M. Contest.
Message-ID: <mailman.27.1043801128.8266.cq-contest at contesting.com>
55 Qs/25 sections in about 3 hours Saturday night.
Off and on through the years I have tried to find a decent antenna for
160 for my small lot. I am still looking. Talk about alligators, it
is amazing the number of CQers I called with nary so much as a QRZ?.
Then there were those that could copy everything perfectly the first
73 de Chris KU4A
Kentucky Contest Group
>From 71662.17 at CompuServe.COM Wed Dec 9 13:51:18 1992
From: 71662.17 at CompuServe.COM (BILL FISHER)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: WKD B4
Message-ID: <921209185118_71662.17_CHJ89-1 at CompuServe.COM>
re: In response to AA5UO's comments on CT...
>CT assumes you want to keep a dupe and makes you hit ALT W to clear it.
>I think a better way would be for it to assume that you don't want the
>dupe and clear is automatically. If you want to keep it then hit ALT
>K(eep) [or whatever]. This could be user configurable. If I work a dupe
>who says he isn't, I log him anyway. Should I then go back and zero out
>the first contact? Ie, keep it in the log but zero points?
>Kris, AA5UO
I TOTALLY disagree with Kris's opinion on this... I always want to keep a
dupe for the reasons I mentioned in my previous message. The other reason
is that CT is complicated enough now! Ken (K1EA) does't even remember
most of the function keys and he's the guy that writes it. It is also
very easy to wipe out the QSO with ALT-W, F-11, CNTRL-J, ect...
The one thing that I wish Ken would add is a NUKE button like K8CC has in
his program (CNTRL-K = KILL). No matter what field you are in, this key
sequence will kill the QSO. In Ken's program you MUST be in the call
field to wipe out the QSO with ALT-W. I do think F11 will do it, but I
operate with a 84 key keyboard for contesting.
Bill Fisher, KM9P
This is kind of like an online NCJ isn't it?
>From reisert at mast.enet.dec.com Wed Dec 9 14:01:59 1992
From: reisert at mast.enet.dec.com (Alpha Personal Workstations -- DTN 223-5747 -- MLO3-6/B8 09-Dec-1992 1405)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: WKD B4
Message-ID: <9212091901.AA09047 at us1rmc.bb.dec.com>
------------------Reply to mail dated 9-DEC-1992 13:51:42.85------------------
Jeff, N9HZQ wrote:
>What is your feeling about how logs should be submitted? CT allows you
>to remove all dupes from your log. It looks much cleaner that way,
>but is it best considering the above scenarios? Maybe I'd better stop
>typing rmdupes at the end of the contests.
I agree with Eric, K3NA. If you exchange reports with someone, even if s/he
is a dupe, log it anyway. If you send "dupe" and the other station agrees,
there is no need to log it. Let the log checkers sort it all out. If you
take dupes out of your log, you have no recourse if the 2nd contact is the
only valid one, but you removed it. Why limit your chances? There is *no
penalty* for submitting a log where all the duplicate contacts are
73 - Jim AD1C
>From reisert at mast.enet.dec.com Wed Dec 9 13:57:19 1992
From: reisert at mast.enet.dec.com (Alpha Personal Workstations -- DTN 223-5747 -- MLO3-6/B8 09-Dec-1992 1400)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: fixing busted calls
Message-ID: <9212091857.AA08930 at us1rmc.bb.dec.com>
------------------Reply to mail dated 9-DEC-1992 13:23:05.82------------------
Trey, WN4KKN wrote:
>I believe this feature still exists (you enable with a word-in-the-call-field
>command, akin to WRITELOG -- I think the command is AUTOCORRECT or something
>like that), but this feature is worthless when used in concert with the CT
>typeahead feature since by defenition you are changing the call of everyone
>you work.
The earlier implemtations of this feature did this. Originally, Ken sampled
the callsign as soon as you hit the "+" key (after which point you might
still be finishing the callsign). However, the current version samples the
callsign *in between* the time *after* CT sends the callsign and before CT
sends the report. If the callsign changes after this point in time, then CT
will confirm the callsign. Thus, typeahead will not result in re-confirmed
73 - Jim AD1C
>From craigr at marlin.nosc.mil Wed Dec 9 11:01:14 1992
From: craigr at marlin.nosc.mil (Raymond D. Craig)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: : fixing busted calls
Message-ID: <9212091901.AA12108 at marlin.nosc.mil>
> I believe this feature still exists (you enable with a word-in-the-call-field
> command, akin to WRITELOG -- I think the command is AUTOCORRECT or something
> like that), but this feature is worthless when used in concert with the CT
> typeahead feature since by defenition you are changing the call of everyone
> you work. To wit, calling CQ I am answered by AA5BT, so I type "A A 5 INSERT
> B T". On the air I transmit "AA5BT 5NN CA". CT begins this transmission as
> soon as I hit INSERT. Since I can't type as fast as AA5BT sends, I only have
> AA5 typed in the call field by the time Derek finishes sending his call, so I
The command is CORRECT or NOCORRECT, the default is NOCORRECT, but it really
wrks the way you would want. If you correct or finish the call before it
xmits it, then it doesn't resend the call when you hit F3 or + . If you
make any changes after the call has been xmited, then it resends it. I
think it used to work the way Trey discribed but due to popular demand it
has been changed.
73 Rick N6ND
>From KU4A at LEXVMK.VNET.IBM.COM Wed Dec 9 14:12:25 1992
From: KU4A at LEXVMK.VNET.IBM.COM (Chris Gay 545-4876)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: dupes
Message-ID: <mailman.28.1043801128.8266.cq-contest at contesting.com>
Now that computer logging is the rule rather than the exception, it
seems to me that if one station says "dupe" and the other doesn't, it is
most likely the one that doesn't that is in error. Yes, I could have put
AA5B in the log instead of AA5BT, and when the real AA5B calls me my
computer says "dupe" but *I* am wrong. But it is more likely that if I
enter a call in error, I probably put in a call that is not in the
contest. When someone tells me "dupe", I'd better plan to figure out
what I did wrong.
73 de Chris KU4A
Kentucky Contest Group
>From codella at watson.ibm.com Wed Dec 9 14:24:47 1992
From: codella at watson.ibm.com (Chris Codella)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:28 2003
Subject: false dupes
Message-ID: <9212091924.AA18914 at codella.watson.ibm.com>
I know that at least some false dupes are due to bugs in logging software.
Twice during the Sweepstakes I had someone tell me I was a dupe, even though
I was running CT and knew I wasn't. On pressing the point, they looked back in
the log and found that they had worked W2PAU and I (W2PA) was incorrectly
flagged as a dupe. Don't know what software they were running.
Chris, W2PA
>From hurta at ap040.dseg.ti.com Wed Dec 9 13:43:43 1992
From: hurta at ap040.dseg.ti.com (Dwaine Hurta)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: WKD B4
Message-ID: <9212091943.AA16419 at ap040.dseg.ti.com>
>From mraz at maverick.aud.alcatel.com Wed Dec 9 13:51:53 1992
From: mraz at maverick.aud.alcatel.com (Kris Mraz)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: alligators?
Message-ID: <9212091951.AA01111 at maverick.aud.alcatel.com>
OK. I'll bite(!) Where did the term "alligator" come from? Seems to be
meaningful to the 160m afficionados.
Kris, AA5UO '~ ~`
mraz at rockdal.aud.alcatel.com L
>From sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu Wed Dec 9 13:53:22 1992
From: sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu (sellington)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: Mosley PRO-67B
Message-ID: <mailman.29.1043801129.8266.cq-contest at contesting.com>
Does anyone have any experience with this antenna? If it works as
well on 10-15-20 as the TH-7 and KT-34XA, it could be the
solution for those of us with limited space who need some
gain on 40, and might like to dabble around on the WARC bands
between contests.
Scott K9MA
>From mikemr at microsoft.com Wed Dec 9 11:32:09 1992
From: mikemr at microsoft.com (Michael Mraz)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: 160 antennas
Message-ID: <9212091211.aa19999 at ingate.microsoft.COM>
>Off and on through the years I have tried to find a decent antenna for
>160 for my small lot. I am still looking.
>73 de Chris KU4A
>Kentucky Contest Group
In the January CQWW/160 contest, I tried a 1/2-wave end-fed vertical
(no radials)
which was supported by a helium balloon. It worked very well until a storm blew
the balloons into a 100-foot-tall fir tree. Actually it still worked
well even then. I'm
going to try it again in the next CQWW/160.
(1) Has anyone else tried balloon- or kite- supported verticals on 160?
(2) If yes, did you use 1/2-wave or 5/8-wave?
(3) What kind of balloon? I'm thinking about trying one of those advertising
balloons, because they're more aerodynamic. The weather balloons have too
much windage.
73 Mike N6MZ
>From mikemr at microsoft.COM Wed Dec 9 06:57:42 1992
From: mikemr at microsoft.COM (mikemr at microsoft.COM)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: WKD B4
Message-ID: <9212090704.aa05963 at ingate.microsoft.COM>
I have found that when a station replies SRI B4, a simple
WHEN? usually results in a Q, at least in the short-exchange
Mike N6MZ
>From reisert at mast.enet.dec.com Wed Dec 9 15:53:44 1992
From: reisert at mast.enet.dec.com (Alpha Personal Workstations -- DTN 223-5747 -- MLO3-6/B8 09-Dec-1992 1556)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: WKD B4
Message-ID: <9212092053.AA12196 at us1rmc.bb.dec.com>
------------------Reply to mail dated 9-DEC-1992 15:49:32.74------------------
Dwaine Hurta, N5HD wrote:
>Do the log checkers verify serial numbers in the exchanges in SS? It
>hasn't appeared that way in the past... maybe the software "renumbering"
>of serial numbers isn't important. Maybe what serial number you send out
>isn't important...
I sure hope so! It's part of the exchange, and should be checked.
BTW, this is another good reason not to remove duplicate QSOs in contests
that have serial numbers, like SS and WPX.
73 - Jim AD1C
>From rhealy at arrl.org Wed Dec 9 15:54:19 1992
From: rhealy at arrl.org (Rus Healy NJ2L)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: WKD B4
Message-ID: <11915 at jwh>
>Do the log checkers verify serial numbers in the exchanges in SS? It
>hasn't appeared that way in the past...
Yes. (Well, to be specific, the computer does it.) If you bust the
serial number--or any other part of a QSO--you'll lose the Q
(assuming that the Contest Branch checks your log, that is).
>maybe the software "renumbering" of serial numbers isn't important.
Not true. This was a constant struggle with my old AEA CK-2 keyer,
but it's no hassle with CT. If someone insists that you haven't
worked, work 'em again and log him. The computer will take care
of the rest. It won't give you credit for working him twice.
Sometimes, if my rate is slow and a dupe calls in, then insists
that he's not a dupe, I tell him what time the QSO was. This
takes about 1 second with CT and about 5 seconds on the air. I
don't consider this a hassle if my rate is under 75 or so per
hour. Ninety-nine percent of the time, the guy comes back and
says, "Okay, QSL, QSO B4," or some such. You can usually envision
his/her embarrassment, too. :')
>Maybe what serial number you send out isn't important...
True, if you don't finish in the top 20 or so in your category.
Otherwise, I'd keep doing it the same way you always have: carefully.
--73, Rus, NJ2L
>From craigr at marlin.nosc.mil Wed Dec 9 12:41:59 1992
From: craigr at marlin.nosc.mil (Raymond D. Craig)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: : 160 M. Contest.
Message-ID: <9212092041.AA17912 at marlin.nosc.mil>
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 92 14:00:50 EST
> From: KU4A at LEXVMK.VNET.IBM.COM (545-4876)
> To: cq-contest at TGV.COM
> Subject: Re: 160 M. Contest.
> 55 Qs/25 sections in about 3 hours Saturday night.
> Off and on through the years I have tried to find a decent antenna for
> 160 for my small lot. I am still looking. Talk about alligators, it
> is amazing the number of CQers I called with nary so much as a QRZ?.
> Then there were those that could copy everything perfectly the first
> time.
> 73 de Chris KU4A
> Kentucky Contest Group
One of the stations that always hears well is N4AR. He is always one of
the first SouthEast stations I work on 160. Usually gets the exchange
the first time. K8CC is another one.
I was using CT 8.22 in the 160 test and had the Super Check Partial enabled
most of the time. With a fast computer, CT will update the Check Partial
Window each time you enter a letter in a call. I was amazed at how many
US calls were in his database. I think over 80% of the calls in my log where
in the database. Nifty feature but the delay in updating with a slower
computer is very annoying. 16 MHz 386SX is definitely not fast enough but
33 MHz 486 is a breeze. Hi...
73 Rick N6ND
>From young at young.enet.dec.com Wed Dec 9 16:24:31 1992
From: young at young.enet.dec.com (Not a paperless office)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: Alligators
Message-ID: <9212092124.AA13322 at us1rmc.bb.dec.com>
An alligator is a creature with a big mouth and small ears.
>From craigr at marlin.nosc.mil Wed Dec 9 13:27:42 1992
From: craigr at marlin.nosc.mil (Raymond D. Craig)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: Busted calls
Message-ID: <9212092127.AA20790 at marlin.nosc.mil>
On the subject of busted calls, I noticed at least two busted calls in CT8
Super Check Partial database, KH0/JE1CK AND KH0/JH0US. The correct calls
are also in the data base. I wonder what Ken's criteria is for including
calls in the data base. Might need to tighten it up a bit.
73 Rick N6ND
>From GARLOUGH at TGV.COM Wed Dec 9 13:06:01 1992
From: GARLOUGH at TGV.COM (Trey Garlough)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: alligators?
In-Reply-To: <9212091951.AA01111 at maverick.aud.alcatel.com>
Message-ID: <723935161.799570.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>
> OK. I'll bite(!) Where did the term "alligator" come from? Seems to be
> meaningful to the 160m afficionados.
The term alligator connotes a very large mouth and very small ears.
>From sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu Wed Dec 9 15:14:07 1992
From: sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu (sellington)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: WKD B4
Message-ID: <mailman.30.1043801129.8266.cq-contest at contesting.com>
Another reason to just work and log the dupes is the proliferation of
similar calls: K3NA, K5NA, K3ZO, K9ZO, etc. With so many of the short
callsigns in use by active contest operators, that's not surprising. Mistakes
happen, so the safest thing to do is to just make another (maybe the first)
Scott K9MA
>From alan at dsd.es.com Wed Dec 9 14:13:11 1992
From: alan at dsd.es.com (Alan Brubaker)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: alligators? In Utah?
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 09 Dec 92 13:51:53 CST."
<9212091951.AA01111 at maverick.aud.alcatel.com>
Message-ID: <9212092113.AA00870 at dsd.ES.COM>
I am not sure exactly where or when I first heard someone talking about alligators
(or crocodiles) and elephants, but it made perfect sense. An alligator gets out
very well but cannot hear well, and an elephant can hear very well, but does not
get out well. I have encountered many "alligators" and not many "elephants" through
the years. The alligator syndrome also roughly translates to, "If you
can't hear 'em,
you won't work 'em."
Alan, K6XO/7
Alan Brubaker, K6XO |~~|_ "Pumps have handles, Hams have names;
<IYF disclaimer> | * |mine's Lee, what's yours?" - Lee Wical,
Internet: alan at dsd.es.com|____|KH6BZF, the Bloomin' Zipper Flipper.
>From mraz at maverick.aud.alcatel.com Wed Dec 9 16:10:40 1992
From: mraz at maverick.aud.alcatel.com (Kris Mraz)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: 160 antennas
Message-ID: <9212092210.AA01203 at maverick.aud.alcatel.com>
> In the January CQWW/160 contest, I tried a 1/2-wave end-fed vertical
> (no radials) which was supported by a helium balloon. It worked very
> well until a storm blew
> the balloons into a 100-foot-tall fir tree. Actually it still worked
> well even then. I'm going to try it again in the next CQWW/160.
> Questions:
> (1) Has anyone else tried balloon- or kite- supported verticals on 160?
> (2) If yes, did you use 1/2-wave or 5/8-wave?
> (3) What kind of balloon? I'm thinking about trying one of those advertising
> balloons, because they're more aerodynamic. The weather balloons have too
> much windage.
> 73 Mike N6MZ
Many years ago a friend of mine N4BP (W4OZF at the time) tried the same thing
you did. The results: Worked fine in still wind. When the wind picked up it
laid over until near horizontal, touched a power line, vaporized the wire,
turned off lights in the entire neighborhood, killed palm tree it was touching,
smoked rig. End of experiment.
Kris, AA5UO '~ ~`
mraz at rockdal.aud.alcatel.com L
>From mraz at maverick.aud.alcatel.com Wed Dec 9 16:51:46 1992
From: mraz at maverick.aud.alcatel.com (Kris Mraz)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: Mosley PRO-67B
Message-ID: <9212092251.AA01252 at maverick.aud.alcatel.com>
> Does anyone have any experience with this antenna? If it works as
> well on 10-15-20 as the TH-7 and KT-34XA, it could be the
> solution for those of us with limited space who need some
> gain on 40, and might like to dabble around on the WARC bands
> between contests.
> 73,
> Scott K9MA
I don't know about the 67B but some fellow club members installed the PRO-97
at 70 ft in west Texas. They report it's a real killer. Based on their inputs
we've put a 97 in our club station upgrade plan.
Kris, AA5UO '~ ~`
mraz at rockdal.aud.alcatel.com L
>From ronklein at vnet.ibm.com Thu Dec 10 06:56:13 1992
From: ronklein at vnet.ibm.com (R.D. Klein)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: Mosley PRO-67B
Message-ID: <mailman.31.1043801129.8266.cq-contest at contesting.com>
>Does anyone have any experience with this antenna? If it works as
>well on 10-15-20 as the TH-7 and KT-34XA, it could be the
>solution for those of us with limited space who need some
>gain on 40, and might like to dabble around on the WARC bands
>between contests.
>Scott K9MA
I installed a PRO67B on my existing 50 foot tower in September. It is a
fine performer. I have no empirical data to compare to a TH-7 or
KT-34XA, but in the Phone SS, it performed extremely well. 40 and 10
were especially good, with good performance on 15 and 20. Compared to the
old Wilson System 33, it does a fine job. What little time I have spent
on the WARC bands, it does fine there as well.
It has a lot to do with my best ever SS Phone score - 1471 Q's/77
Sections in High Power, Single Op.
Consistent with the Mosley reputation, it is extremely well built, and
assembled easily - in spite of a manual that could be improved. The
customer service from Mosley was superb. Gary Sr, the President, was
the person that answered my questions while it was in assembly. He
is obviously a shirtsleeve fellow who takes pride in his product and
in assisting his customers to accomplish a successful installation.
It does weigh in at just over 100 pounds, so hoisting it up the tower
did require some work.
I would highly recommend the antenna for someone who does not strive
to be a true big gun. This combined with a pair of Hygain Hytowers
used as a 2 element phased array on 75 has completed my HF installation
very nicely. I beat some of the local big guns in some pileups during
CQWW SSB weekend. It is a fine antenna.
Ron - W0OSK
>From jayk at hpxxx.fc.hp.com Thu Dec 10 07:52:33 1992
From: jayk at hpxxx.fc.hp.com (Jay Kesterson K0GU x6826)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: PRO-67B
Message-ID: <9212101452.AA15313 at hpxxx.fc.hp.com>
>Does anyone have any experience with this antenna? If it works as
>well on 10-15-20 as the TH-7 and KT-34XA, it could be the
>solution for those of us with limited space who need some
>gain on 40, and might like to dabble around on the WARC bands
>between contests.
>Scott K9MA
I have a PRO-96, the big brother of the 67B. I'll agree with everything
that Ron W0OSK just posted. The boom on the 67B is 24 feet long, so
it probably compares better with the TH7 than the KT-34XA.
One big difference with the 67B, while it has 2 driven elements, it only
uses one driven element per band. So its not as broadband as antennas
using dual drivens on every band. My 96 will cover all of 20 meters OK,
but is very near 2:1 SWR on both ends of the band. On 40 it has the typical
narrow SWR of a 'shorty fourty'. With my antenna cut for 7.100 the SWR
is under 2:1 from the bottom to about 7240. The 96 has 3 elements on 40
so perhaps the 67B will act a bit differently on 40.
Its really nice to have a yagi on the WARC bands. When a rare one comes on
17 meters, with the PRO-96 and a KW I usually get through the pile-up in
a couple of calls.
>The customer service from Mosley was superb. Gary Sr, the President, was
>the person that answered my questions while it was in assembly. He
>is obviously a shirtsleeve fellow who takes pride in his product and
>in assisting his customers to accomplish a successful installation.
>Ron - W0OSK
Gary Sr. is (IMHO) the ONLY person at Mosley who know whats going on there...
73, Jay K0GU jayk at fc.hp.com
>From GARLOUGH at TGV.COM Thu Dec 10 07:26:08 1992
From: GARLOUGH at TGV.COM (Trey Garlough)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: HC8N rate sheet
Message-ID: <724001168.914571.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>
BREAKDOWN QSO/mults HC8N Single Operator
HOUR 160 80 40 20 15 10 HR TOT CUM TOT
0 ..... 4/4 5/4 8/7 129/12 2/2 148/29 148/29
1 . . 38/8 16/7 44/5 32/6 130/26 278/55
2 . . . . 152/4 23/5 175/9 453/64
3 . 2/2 1/1 97/9 12/11 11/7 123/30 576/94
4 7/1 3/3 73/8 9/0 3/1 . 95/13 671/107
5 . 5/2 . 171/14 . . 176/16 847/123
6 22/6 54/13 . 4/0 . . 80/19 927/142
7 13/2 6/2 99/13 2/0 1/1 . 121/18 1048/160
8 ..... ..... 148/8 ..... 1/1 ..... 149/9 1197/169
9 22/3 111/7 1/1 . . . 134/11 1331/180
10 2/2 42/0 14/1 . . . 58/3 1389/183
11 . 3/1 3/1 . . . 6/2 1395/185
12 . . 118/4 6/2 11/7 1/1 136/14 1531/199
13 . . 37/0 . 7/3 125/24 169/27 1700/226
14 . . . 1/1 1/1 136/9 138/11 1838/237
15 . . . . 2/2 190/9 192/11 2030/248
16 ..... ..... ..... ..... 64/8 57/8 121/16 2151/264
17 . . . . 37/1 127/0 164/1 2315/265
18 . . . . . 201/0 201/0 2516/265
19 . . . 1/1 1/1 210/1 212/3 2728/268
20 . . . 1/1 122/3 51/2 174/6 2902/274
21 . . . . 234/4 . 234/4 3136/278
22 . . . 1/1 58/0 103/0 162/1 3298/279
23 . . . . . 179/2 179/2 3477/281
0 ..... 2/1 109/5 ..... ..... 1/0 112/6 3589/287
1 . . 155/2 . . . 155/2 3744/289
2 . . . 170/14 . . 170/14 3914/303
3 2/1 4/4 . 11/2 5/3 6/4 28/14 3942/317
4 . 56/0 . 7/1 4/4 5/4 72/9 4014/326
5 1/0 29/4 1/1 3/2 2/1 3/1 39/9 4053/335
6 17/0 3/2 1/1 63/4 2/1 . 86/8 4139/343
7 . . 2/2 88/10 4/3 2/2 96/17 4235/360
8 2/0 ..... 1/1 79/4 ..... ..... 82/5 4317/365
9 . . 3/1 . . . 3/1 4320/366
10 . . . . . . . 4320/366
11 . . 6/0 . 83/6 1/1 90/7 4410/373
12 . . . . 143/9 3/0 146/9 4556/382
13 . . . 1/1 29/5 83/4 113/10 4669/392
14 . . . . . 158/3 158/3 4827/395
15 . . . . . 132/1 132/1 4959/396
16 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 160/1 160/1 5119/397
17 . . . 1/1 60/2 71/1 132/4 5251/401
18 . . . . 163/0 . 163/0 5414/401
19 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 51/2 73/3 128/9 5542/410
20 . . . 1/1 126/0 6/0 133/1 5675/411
21 . . . . 150/0 5/1 155/1 5830/412
22 . . . . 150/0 . 150/0 5980/412
23 . . . 159/1 19/1 . 178/2 6158/414
DAY1 66/14 230/34 537/49 317/43 879/65 1448/76 ..... 3477/281
DAY2 23/2 95/12 279/14 584/42 991/37 709/26 . 2681/133
TOT 89/16 325/46 816/63 901/85 1870/102 2157/102 . 6158/414
>From decvax!balrog.k8lt.ampr.org!glg at uucp-gw-2.pa.dec.com Thu Dec 10 22:24:00 1992
From: decvax!balrog.k8lt.ampr.org!glg at uucp-gw-2.pa.dec.com (Gary L. Grebus)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: 160 antennas
In-Reply-To: Michael Mraz's message of Wed, 9 Dec 92 11:32:09 PST <9212091211.aa19999 at ingate.microsoft.COM>
Message-ID: <m0n00z9-00014QC at balrog.k8lt.ampr.org>
The Ohio State University radio club (W8LT) used a balloon supported
vertical for the 160 contest for several years in the late 70's and
early 80's. We usually used a 1/4 wave wire, supported by a
"Kytoon", which is a brand name for what you describe as an
advertising balloon (it's an oblong balloon with fins, like a
mini-blimp). Overall, the antenna worked quite well and produced some
good scores. We did try a 5/8 configuration one year, but it didn't
appear to be any better than the 1/4 wave and suffered more from
windage. The Kytoon definitely works better than a weather balloon,
but neither works well in more than a light wind. We also had the
problem of the balloon losing helium and accumulating frost, so the
wire was often sagging by morning.
I don't believe we ever tried a 1/2 wave configuration...instead, we
just installed the antenna over ideal ground (the 2.5 acre aluminum
ground plane at the OSU radio telescope...see the cover of the 1990
ARRL Handbook for a picture). The balloon era ended one year when the
wire broke and the Kytoon escaped.
>From george554 at austin.relay.ucm.org Fri Dec 11 00:22:43 1992
From: george554 at austin.relay.ucm.org (george554 at austin.relay.ucm.org)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <9212110032.S11175876 at austin.relay.ucm.org>
ok -- for all the new folks on here and all the folks who didn't answer yet.
Why do you do contests?
george554 at austin.relay.ucm.org
>From 71662.17 at CompuServe.COM Fri Dec 11 09:17:12 1992
From: 71662.17 at CompuServe.COM (BILL FISHER)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: Why do we do contests?
Message-ID: <921211141711_71662.17_CHJ37-1 at CompuServe.COM>
>ok -- for all the new folks on here and all the folks who didn't answer
>Why do you do contests?
Ask ANYONE you know that is not a contester if they can say they have been
RECOGNIZED as being the best at ANYTHING in their State, Country, or
I would guess that if you asked 100,000 people randomly that 1 would
answer the question with a yes.
Why do I contest? I'm a competitve person by nature and would probably
pick my nose competitively if I thought I could be number one! Well maybe
>From mraz at maverick.aud.alcatel.com Fri Dec 11 08:58:59 1992
From: mraz at maverick.aud.alcatel.com (Kris Mraz)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: Why do we do contests?
Message-ID: <9212111458.AA01613 at maverick.aud.alcatel.com>
>Why do you do contests?
Here's some related questions that would be interesting:
How old is the contester? How long has (s)he been a ham? What license class?
These answers would help profile the contester.
On a related subject, has anyone ever analyzed Sweepstakes logs to determine
how many new hams participate and how that participation increases/decreases
over the years? Since your year of license is part of the exchange it should
be easy to write a program to do the analysis on computer logs. For example:
(number of hams licensed in 92)/(total qso's) = percentage of new hams
(number of hams licensed in 91)/(total qso's) = percentage of hams
participating 1 yr later.
Just food for thought.
Kris, AA5UO '~ ~`
mraz at rockdal.aud.alcatel.com L
>From KU4A at LEXVMK.VNET.IBM.COM Fri Dec 11 10:03:48 1992
From: KU4A at LEXVMK.VNET.IBM.COM (Chris Gay 545-4876)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: why
Message-ID: <mailman.32.1043801129.8266.cq-contest at contesting.com>
> Why do you do contests?
A lot of people have asked me why I'm a railfan, why I spend hours
standing around railroad tracks. I haven't yet come up with an answer
to that one yet, and I don't know if I can do any better with the
question about contesting. I think KM9P's answer pretty well applies to
me. I'm not an athlete, so I can't satisfy my competitive drive in
athletics. Contesting is something that, at the present time, I think I
could get good at if I really decide to apply myself to it. It was a
tremendous thrill to me to be associated with KCG's championship effort
in the August NAQP. I wasn't on the A team for either weekend, but I
will be on the A team for the 'phone weekend in January and so I'll be
part of the defense of our title. That is exciting to me.
73 de Chris KU4A
Kentucky Contest Group - August '92 NAQP CW and SSB National Champs.
>From SLP9M at CC.USU.EDU Fri Dec 11 08:51:36 1992
From: SLP9M at CC.USU.EDU (Scott E. Parker)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: Why do we do contests?
Message-ID: <01GS6LYXJ6OI921OWM at CC.USU.EDU>
Kris, AA5UO writes:
>On a related subject, has anyone ever analyzed Sweepstakes logs to determine
>how many new hams participate and how that participation increases/decreases
>over the years? Since your year of license is part of the exchange it should
>be easy to write a program to do the analysis on computer logs. For example:
I thought about this during fone SS. I didn't opereate much and so probably
don't have a very statistically valid sample but *ALMOST ALL* checks received
predated mine (73). Here I am a few months from OTC and SS makes me feel like
a young squirt.
A potential problem with the analysis would be guest operators, operators at
multiops and operators at club stations where the check sent belongs to the
station and not the operator. I suppose you could exclude all the above from
an analysis by computer. My straw poll obviously didn't.
73, -SEP
Scott E. Parker WA7VYJ \ INTERNET: SLP9M at cc.usu.edu
Center for Atmospheric & Space Sciences \ Twisted pair: (801) 750-2975
Utah State University \ Home: (801) 753-3924
Logan, UT 84322-4405 \
>From sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu Fri Dec 11 09:57:14 1992
From: sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu (sellington)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: Why???
Message-ID: <mailman.33.1043801129.8266.cq-contest at contesting.com>
>ok -- for all the new folks on here and all the folks who didn't answer yet.
There's just no explaining these things.
>From penneys at freezer.cns.udel.edu Fri Dec 11 11:07:41 1992
From: penneys at freezer.cns.udel.edu (robert penneys)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: Wanted FL45 filter
Message-ID: <9212111607.AA08167 at freezer.cns.udel.edu>
Anyone happen to have an ICOM FL45 narrow CW filter, or an IC HM10 scanning mike for an old IC 730? TNx Bob WN3K
>From pascoe at rocky.ndhm.gtegsc.com Fri Dec 11 11:21:19 1992
From: pascoe at rocky.ndhm.gtegsc.com (Dave Pascoe)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: Hmmm...why do I do contests?
Message-ID: <199212111621.AA14528 at rocky.ndhm.gtegsc.com>
This isn't too hard.....I've been interested in propagation ever since
I became interested in radio. There are few events that allow us
to explore interesting propagation paths as contests do. Long path,
grey line openings, meteor scatter, sporadic-E, etc., are just a few.
So that's one reason.
Another reason is the competitive aspect of contests. Along with
others on this forum, I have a competitive streak in me. Radio
contesting is a neat way of competing on a worldwide level.
Practically none of us can participate in something like the Olympics,
for example, so radio contesting is a good substitute.
The final reason is the comraderie associated with multi-op
contesting. I've been involved in many different multi-op efforts,
and most of them have given me a true sense of accomplishment.
Working with a good team of people towards a common goal, whether it
be to win or just have fun, is pretty awesome.
Dave Pascoe KM3T
Internet: km3t at rocky.ndhm.gtegsc.com
>From SLP9M at CC.USU.EDU Fri Dec 11 09:49:26 1992
From: SLP9M at CC.USU.EDU (Scott E. Parker)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: Dropoff theory
Message-ID: <01GS6NMHLVNM921OWM at CC.USU.EDU>
Dave K1MBO writes:
>I wrote a program to go through the log and bin out the histogram of
>year-licensed. I was suprised to find a dramatic drop off after the early
>seventies. I haven't done it on this year's logs yet, but I hope to get
>around to it. There doesn't seem to be much reason for such a drop, but
>it was sure there.
Here's my two-bit attempt at a dropoff theory. Back in the early seventies
techs had no HF prveleges. People didn't have access to computers with code
practice programs. In some areas of the country there wasn't a lot of VHF FM
activity. *THE* way to upgrade was to get on the air and work people.
Going from novice to tech was considered a dead end as your code practice
opportunities were gone (yes, there was the listen only mode, but that was more
like study and work whereas woring people was play). The consequence of all
this was that most people who made general and up were well on there way to
being a proficient HF operator.
Contrast this to the current scenario. The entry level license is the tech
ticet for many (most?) and their first exposure to operating is 2m FM. There
are extras out there who did it all by computer and have never worked anyone on
CW. Because of the way people get into ham radio or for whatever reason there
are many in the higher license classes who lack enough exposure to real world
operating to make a contest an enjoyable activity for them.
Or so it seems to me....
73, -SEP
Scott E. Parker WA7VYJ \ INTERNET: SLP9M at cc.usu.edu
Center for Atmospheric & Space Sciences \ Twisted pair: (801) 750-2975
Utah State University \ Home: (801) 753-3924
Logan, UT 84322-4405 \
>From V111QHEG at ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu Fri Dec 11 12:10:07 1992
From: V111QHEG at ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu (P.VASILION)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: Why contest?
Message-ID: <01GS6T1C9E6A90N2QC at ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu>
Number one, not all contesters are old farts. I'm 19 and I've been
working contests since I was licensed. At first it was to snag new DX. As
my worked totals increased to over 130 countries, it changed as the "new one"
came less and less often, into a more competetive form.
I still work the contest to fatten my DXCC totals and WAS totals, as
a goal is to work 5BDXCC and 5BWAS and I'm too lazy to park the VFO on a
DX net or WAS net. However, as long as I'm going make the effort of working
the new ones, I'll still work for score.
Why do I contest,
? I do it for fun, conpetition, and DXCC.
GL es DX de
Peter, KB2NMV
>From george554 at austin.relay.ucm.org Fri Dec 11 11:33:37 1992
From: george554 at austin.relay.ucm.org (george554 at austin.relay.ucm.org)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <9212111149.S11460922 at austin.relay.ucm.org>
single op qrp
WN3K 92/1/27
single op low power
N5OP 211/0/61
K6XO/7 112/0/39
KU4A 55/0/25
single op high power
W5XJ 900/0/73
K0GU 602/2/72
N6ND 537/3/73
W3CPB 236/0/45
these are the scores i have for the 160m contest so far --
austin c.k.u.
george554 at austin.relay.ucm.org
>From decvax!balrog.k8lt.ampr.org!glg at uucp-gw-2.pa.dec.com Fri Dec 11 22:45:00 1992
From: decvax!balrog.k8lt.ampr.org!glg at uucp-gw-2.pa.dec.com (Gary L. Grebus)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: Why..
Message-ID: <m0n0Nn2-00014QC at balrog.k8lt.ampr.org>
Why do I contest (what little I get to do anymore)...
Because it takes skill, and it's satifying to do it well. Maintaining
a good run, snagging the multipliers, hitting the openings, squeezing
every contact out of the wall of QRM. When everything is clicking
it's absolutely a thrill.
And, during the DX contests, it's really exciting to get your head
tuned into the whole world...you know where the sun is rising, where
most folks are sleeping, you hear your friends in other countries and
know they're doing the same thing you are.
Gary Grebus K8LT
glg at balrog.k8lt.ampr.org
>From penneys at freezer.cns.udel.edu Sun Dec 13 19:29:09 1992
From: penneys at freezer.cns.udel.edu (robert penneys)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: 10M test
Message-ID: <9212140029.AA13087 at freezer.cns.udel.edu>
SIngle op unassisted low power CW only in Delaware:
299Q 44S 29C = 86,140
>From n6tv at vnet.ibm.com Sun Dec 13 20:32:57 1992
From: n6tv at vnet.ibm.com (Robert A. Wilson)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: Rivets in Force 12 DXpeditioning antennas; 160M antennas
Message-ID: <mailman.34.1043801129.8266.cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sorry to take so long to reply. I fell behind in my CQ-CONTEST reading.
There are two kinds of rivets used by Force 12:
Closed-End Open-End
------------ ------------
| <--Steel mandrel is pulled up. It pulls
| aluminum up and breaks off.
| (mandrel removed)
----- ----- ----- -----
| | | | | | | |
| | | | <---solid aluminum, | | | |
| | \_/ fills hole. Doesn't | | /---\
+-+ elongate. +-+
Before After Before After
Normally, the closed-end rivets are used for permanent installations
(they can easily be drilled out when you need to disassemble the
antenna). Rivets don't cost much (about 8 cents each for the big ones).
For temporary installations like the CE0Y DXpedition, the plan was
just to use uncrimped open-end rivets, held in place with heavy tape.
No good for a permanent installation, but OK for a weekend-long
contest. Each element taper gets three rivets.
I do not know if they actually did it this way (I wasn't there) but
that was the plan. Nice thing about this technique: no tools of
any kind required to assemble the elements, not even a pliers! All
holes are pre-drilled, so you don't need a tape measure either.
For those viewing the above drawings on funny terminals:
"|" is a vertical bar
"/" is a slash
"\" is a backwards slash (backslash)
160 meter antennas on small lots.
I live on a small suburban lot. I shunt-feed my 89' crank-up at the
base. Tower is grounded with four 8' ground rods and some heavy braid,
but no radials. I seem to get out really well. Ground conductivity
is very good here in Silicon Valley -- must be all the silicon! ;)
Receive antennas are a big problem, because I have no room for a
beverage. I use a small indoor 4-turn receiving loop from July, 1977
QST, page 30, with an Industrial Communications Engineers 20 dB 160m
pre-amp. With the loop I can null-out the heavy line noise that
is being re-radiated by my tower. The loop has a bit better S/N
ratio than receiving on the tower, but even with the pre-amp most
signals barely move the S-meter. Guess I may have been an alligator
(all mouth and no ears) to some, but hopefully not to too many.
Finished with 409 x 66 = 53,988 (slept through the JA runs both
mornings; big mistake).
Bob, N6TV
>From n6tv at vnet.ibm.com Sun Dec 13 20:33:05 1992
From: n6tv at vnet.ibm.com (Robert A. Wilson)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: West Coast 10m contest scores
Message-ID: <mailman.35.1043801129.8266.cq-contest at contesting.com>
1992 ARRL 10m Contest
Mixed Mode
VE7NTT 2600x224 (this is WA6VEF's Canadian call)
W0YK 2110/198
N6EK 1271/157 613K
CW Only
N6TV 1221/114 557K
AG6D 968/112 433K
Phone Only
K3EST/6 3028x128 765K
Bob, N6TV
>From KU4A at LEXVMK.VNET.IBM.COM Mon Dec 14 07:57:59 1992
From: KU4A at LEXVMK.VNET.IBM.COM (Chris Gay 545-4876)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: 10M test
Message-ID: <mailman.36.1043801129.8266.cq-contest at contesting.com>
single-op low power mixed (15 hours):
KU4A 353/103 100528
As Sunday afternoon wore on I kept thinking...hmmm...wonder if I can get
over 100K. Had a good run of Californians till about 2340 that got me to
99.8K. Then a local called me to put me over the top. After working him
I noticed the band seemed quiet all-of-a-sudden. Tuned around, sure
enough, dead! Just made it!! (I did flip back down to CW and worked N6EK
for another Q, but that was the only station I heard after 2345) Talk
about the thrill of contesting! Thanks to everyone who worked me.
73 de Chris KU4A
>From 71662.17 at CompuServe.COM Mon Dec 14 09:27:09 1992
From: 71662.17 at CompuServe.COM (BILL FISHER)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: Low band antennas on small lots... Mine
Message-ID: <921214142708_71662.17_CHJ47-2 at CompuServe.COM>
I have an 85 foot tower at my station at home. On top is a 2 el Cushcraft
40M yagi at 95 feet and at 85 feet is Hygain TH-7. I put up quarter wave
slopers for 80 and 160. They both work FANTASTIC. The 160M job is 3 feet
above ground at the end and still works great. The key to the slopers is
the top hat. If you have a 2 el 40 on top of your tower, you can use a
sloper with success. The best 160M antenna I ever used at K4VX/0 was a
sloper on his 40 meter tower.
Good luck!
KM9P Bill Fisher
>From mraz at maverick.aud.alcatel.com Mon Dec 14 08:35:40 1992
From: mraz at maverick.aud.alcatel.com (Kris Mraz)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: 10m score
Message-ID: <9212141435.AA00339 at maverick.aud.alcatel.com>
Multi-single Q C S
Preliminary: 829 82 93
Score: 433,650
When I have more time I'll post my Murphy story on this one.
Kris, AA5UO '~ ~`
mraz at rockdal.aud.alcatel.com L
>From alan at dsd.es.com Mon Dec 14 07:35:43 1992
From: alan at dsd.es.com (Alan Brubaker)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: 10 meter contest.
Message-ID: <9212141435.AA29362 at dsd.ES.COM>
K6XO/7 Single op., low power, CW 197 QSOs 64 Mult.
Now I wish that I had put my 10 meter beam back up, but it is just as
well since I only had about 6 hours to do any operating. The propagation
was a lot better than I suspected that it would be with good openings
into western Europe both days. Even had a
QSO with OH1MMM at the end of the contest. This was all done with 100
watts to an 80 meter quad loop. Next year I will have a 4 element
beam up. And I'll bet that we will be lucky to have much of an opening
to Europe next time.
Alan, K6XO/7
alan at dsd.es.com
>From skitch at NADC.NADC.NAVY.MIL Mon Dec 14 11:50:38 1992
From: skitch at NADC.NADC.NAVY.MIL (M. Squicciarini)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: DX Bulletin OPDX #90 December 14, 1992
Message-ID: <9212141650.AA06706 at NADC.NADC.NAVY.MIL>
The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 090 (OPDX.090)
December 14, 1992
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 8/N/1
Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, DL1HBT & DXNL, DF4RD,
KW2P, WB3JFS, WB3LHD, K4CEF & Southeastern Cluster Group, W8GIO, KF8VW
and VE3CDX for the following DX information.
3W, VIETNAM. 3W4VL was reported active on 28025 and 14025 kHz between
0000 to 0200z on December 12th. The operator stated he was UV3HD and to
5R8, MADAGASCAR. George (5R8GW) has a new call sign as of December 8th.
It is 5R8DG. He has been heard on 24952 kHz around 1453z and 21260 khz
at 1600z. QSL via F6FNU.
5X, UGANDA. 5X5WR with Baldur at the key, summed up the CW side of the
operation on 21025 on December 9th: The station used by Baldur was a
FT747, Windom antenna, 100 watts, on Lake Victoria. He reported making
8500 CW QSOs and said "DL Dxpedition to Uganda QRT QRT QRT" at 1942Z.
CW QSLs to DJ6SI direct, SSB QSLs to Medical Assistance Radio (M.A.R.) -
Box 1223, D-8209 Scholssberg Stkn. 1 - Germany.
6W, SENEGAL. Apparently, Rich's, K3IPK, stay in The Gambia was short.
He was again active this week as 6W6/K3IPK. His length of stay is still
unknown. Check 7007 kHz around 0545z and 28025 kHz around 1600z.
EP, IRAN. A Canadian station reported that EP2AS was active during a net
operation on 21157 kHz around 1200z. (Hopefully his activity will move
up the band.)
FW, WALLIS ISLAND. FW/Y31XO and FW/Y58IO have been quite active on 18
and 24 MHz as well as 7 MHz. Activity will continue until the end of the
year. Check around 1100 to 1230z on or around 7010 kHz. Also, check
24900 kHz starting around 1800z and 18100 kHz around 2345z. QSL via Y58IO.
KP5, DESECHEO ISLAND. (UPDATE) From a news release sent to OPDX by Bob,
KW2P. The KP5 team plans to depart from KP4 on December 28 at about 1130z
(before sunrise). They are hopeful, prior to 2300z, that all stations will
be active from Desecheo. A lot depends on sea conditions and the associated
problems of transferring the equipment from the boat to shore. The list
of operators and call signs are as follows: Randy N0TG/KP5, Dave W0RJU/KP5,
Murray WA4DAN/KP5, Ron AA4VK/KP5 and Bob KW2P/KP5. Activity will be 10-160
as follows:
CW - 1830, 3505, 7005, 10105, 14020, 18075, 21020, 24900, 28020
SSB - 3790, 7090/7150, 14195, 18125, 21295, 24940, 28395
RTTY - 3620, 7085, 14080, 18015, 21080, 28080
QSL all call signs to N0TG: There will be a new QSL address for N0TG:
Randy Rowe N0TG, P.O. Box 891, Desoto, TX. 75123. (Please, direct only,
S.A.S.E and NO BURO)
P5, NORTH KOREA. (A Christmas treat or a belated Halloween prank?) WFWL!
A station signing P51AA has been quite active every day like clockwork on
15 meters mostly, but there have been 10 meter spots reported. The station
was heard on 21022, 21330 and 28550 kHz between 2200 to 2345z. Some of
the reports on the operator's behavior range from his being confused
about what mode to operate on or that he sounded like he was drunk. The
operator states to QSL via HA5BBE. JA operators are stating that the
P51AA station is transmitting somewhere in Japan.
S2, BANGLADESH. Erik, WZ6C, has now been issued the callsign S21ZG. This
is valid for one year and he may renew it. He promises to work lots of CW.
T5, SOMALIA. T5CB is Chuck Brainerd of Tennadyne. He is going to Somalia
the first two weeks of January to install some antennas and train some
operators. He'll be on the air during this time as T5CB. He says SSB only,
no CW. Plans are for 40, 20, 15, and 10 using a dipole for 40 and one of
Tennadyne's 14-30 MHz log periodics for 20-10. He says he's not sure about
any WARC band operation. Due to his busy schedule, he may only be on 4-5
hours per day. Later in January, another guy (in the military) will be
operating as time permits.
Meanwhile, TU4EC/T5 was active this week on the 14226 DX net around
2115z. We have no other details on this station.
XW, LAOS. WD4NGB reports that Gus, 9V1ZE, K4SXT/DU3, K4SXT/VS6, etc.
works for the Embassy in Singapore, and was to be transferred to the
Embassy in Vientiane (Capital of Laos). Gus apparently arrived in Laos
on December 1st, but unrelated matters required his return to Singapore
on December 4th. Gus told Bruce (WD4NGB) that licensing action by the XW
authorities is very slow due to some problems with a previous operation
there by other parties. A 500 watt rig is available for his use. With
some diplomatic help, he expects to be licensed sometime in early spring.
Evidently, he will not be transferred to Laos, but his job requires some
amount of travel back and forth from Singapore to Laos.
YI, IRAQ. VERON DXPress reports YI1MH is a new station in Iraq. QSN
reports show activity on or around 28507 kHz starting at 1330z. Also,
there has been activity on 14199 kHz around 1515z. QSL via Majid Abdul
Hamid, P.O. Box 5864, Baghdad, Iraq.
5X, UGANDA. It has been reported by Baldur (DJ6SI) and Wilfried (DJ5RT)
that a pirate was using their call sign of 5X5WR on 40 meters SSB
on December 1st between 2300-0000z and on December 2 on 10 meters
CW at 0600z.
PZ, SURINAM. PZ1EE, who is a resident Amateur in Surinam, announced that
PZ5EL is a pirate. Please DO NOT QSL this station.
C9RJJ AND C9RDM CARDS. QSL cards for these two stations should ONLY be
sent direct to Paul, W8GIO, with a S.A.S.E. Paul requests that you should
refrain from using the ARRL Buro. There is already a pile of QSL cards
for both of these stations at the W8 bureau. Cards sent to the bureau
will take longer to answer.
Survey can be found in OPDX.088. Ballots can be sent to the following
packet and online addresses listed below.
Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS
online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 and leave a message with
the Sysop or send InterNet Mail to: aq474 at cleveland.freenet.edu or send
BitNet Mail to: aq474%cleveland.freenet at cunyvm or send PRODIGY Mail to:
DFJH48A or send a message via packet to KB8NW @ WA8BXN.OH.USA.NA
73 -- marty -- nr3z skitch at nadc.navy.mil
>From penneys at freezer.cns.udel.edu Mon Dec 14 12:04:57 1992
From: penneys at freezer.cns.udel.edu (robert penneys)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: 10M test correction
Message-ID: <9212141704.AA14909 at freezer.cns.udel.edu>
That was 299Q 44S 30C = 88,800 CW only low power unassisted, Newark, DE
Tnx Bob WN3K FRC
>From sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu Mon Dec 14 14:54:06 1992
From: sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu (sellington)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: 10 M Score, K9MA
Message-ID: <mailman.37.1043801129.8266.cq-contest at contesting.com>
CW only, high power, unassisted, not a serious effort:
446 Q, 43 C, 46 S, 156K Points
(This is rough, as my CT files don't seem to be working quite right.)
Scott K9MA
>From hurta at ap040.dseg.ti.com Mon Dec 14 15:08:26 1992
From: hurta at ap040.dseg.ti.com (Dwaine Hurta)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: 10 Meter Results - K5OJI
Message-ID: <9212142108.AA24383 at ap040.dseg.ti.com>
10 Meter Contest Results:
K5OJI: multi-op 1506/216 for 936,144 points. (us)
W5XJ: multi-op 1513/212 for 978,168 points. (them - boo!)
10 Meter test at K5OJI was a blast, and it was nice having a lot of
local activity and competition. The contest started at 0000z and was
pretty flat by 0020z, but things picked up and by 0100z there was a
nice pipeline to Florida (I never knew there were that many Florida
stations around). Basically, the band was open to the SE and SW from
0045z until we shut down at 0336z.
Saturday was good conditions, but our major mistake was that the op
Saturday morning didn't work the Eu run on SSB- we missed a lot of
easy mults then... Saturday evening wasn't as exciting as Friday
Ten more mults and we could have beat W5XJ :-( ...
Dwaine Hurta, N5HD hurta at lobby.ti.com
Texas Instruments, Dallas, Texas 480-1338
>From 71662.17 at CompuServe.COM Mon Dec 14 16:41:44 1992
From: 71662.17 at CompuServe.COM (BILL FISHER)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: N4AR 10 meter results
Message-ID: <921214214144_71662.17_CHJ63-1 at CompuServe.COM>
I talked to N4TY just now and he informs me that N4AR had 1.6 million
multi single for the 10 meter contest.
Sorry, he didn't remember the exact number of QSO's or mults but I will
post it when it becomes available.
>From MCONATOR at SFOVMIC6.VNET.IBM.COM Mon Dec 14 14:26:46 1992
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: ARRL 10M Contest Results - W7RM (AA7NX op.)
Message-ID: <mailman.38.1043801129.8266.cq-contest at contesting.com>
I had a great time operating W7RM this weekend. Thanks to all for the Qs/Ms.
Antennas were 6 el yagi at 165', stack of 2 6 el. yagis at 38' and 76' (EU/SA).
Used a TS-930 for SSB, TS-940 for CW and one of Rush's 4CX1000s loafing at 1kw.
Rush's station has a truly commanding signal. Being almost exclusively a CW
op, I had to push myself to do the phone part too, but ended up really
enjoying the changing of pace. Whenever the rate dropped off more than 20-25%,
it was time to switch modes and/or go mult hunting. Hope you all had at least
HALF the fun I had!
Single Op/Unassisted/High Power
CW 874 59 45
SSB 1347 59 41
Total 2221 118 86 (====> 118+86 = 204)
Estimated Score = 1,259,904
Michael R. Conatore
mconator at sfovmic6.vnet.ibm.com
IBM Oregon Trading Area
1211 S. W. Fifth Avenue Suite 1000 Portland, Oregon 97204
>From n6tv at vnet.ibm.com Mon Dec 14 15:41:50 1992
From: n6tv at vnet.ibm.com (Robert A. Wilson)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: ARRL 10m contest summary
Message-ID: <mailman.39.1043801129.8266.cq-contest at contesting.com>
Here is a summary of the 10m scores. Will update as more are posted.
Any big scores hiding on East Coast PacketClusters? Please QSP.
1992 ARRL 10m Contest
Mixed Mode
VE7NTT 2600/224 (this is WA6VEF's Canadian call)
W1FEA 1975/224 1.2M
W0YK 2110/198 ?
N6EK 1271/157 613K
KU4A 353/103 100528
CW Only
N6TV 1221/114 557K
AG6D 968/112 433K
NY3G 795/127 403860 low power
AA5WQ 969/95 373160 (Erik is 15 years old)
K9MA 446/89 156K
WN3K 299/74 88800 low power
K6XO/7 197/64 low power
Phone Only
K3EST/6 3028/128 765K
WA2JPU 450/95 low power
N4AR 1.6M
W5XJ: 1513/212 978168
K5OJI: 1506/216 936144
W5BJ 829/175 433650
Bob, N6TV
>From sylvan at skatter.usask.ca Mon Dec 14 22:28:51 1992
From: sylvan at skatter.usask.ca (Sylvan Katz)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: 10 M Test - Almost
Message-ID: <9212150428.AA25831 at skatter.usask.ca>
The 10 meter contest was interesting to say the least. First of all I
forgot that it is was on this weekend. I had just spent 3 weeks at
37,000 feet never knowing from day to day which city I was in let
alone the date. Next my father had booked my time on saturday morning
to help him clean up the basement. Finally, I have some RFI problems
with a neighbour - I am still working on that one. So after my Dad and
I had done our thing I had lunch. Then I sat down at the rig just to
see what was on. Twenty and fifteen meters were dead so just for the
hell of it I zipped up to 10. Boy was there ever a lot of activity -
BINGO - I remembered. On went the linear and I was off. So the
following results reflect my activity from about 2130z on saturday
until sunday about 2300z when the neigbour asked me if could use his
stereo (get this - he $1200 stereo is only encased in a wooden box -
no shielding - what a nightmare). Anyway -
QSOs Sec Countries
CW 614 52 23
SSB 1086 51 17
----- -- --
Total 1700 103 40 660K points
BUT I do have one question! Where were the EU's stations - I worked a
total of 20 or so G/GW/DL/F/OH's and not a single U. AND these I worked
very late sunday morning. Oh well, I guess that is what happens when
you live inside a propagation black hole. Still in search of the
Sylvan - VE5ZX
>From 0004504465 at mcimail.com Tue Dec 15 05:16:00 1992
From: 0004504465 at mcimail.com (Eugene Walsh)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: 10M TEST SCORE 4U1UN
Message-ID: <40921215051604/0004504465PK1EM at mcimail.com>
CW 1015Q 77C 56S
PH 1887Q 95C 58S
2902 172 114 2,240,524
All of the antennas were wiped out by our XMAS storm Friday morn!
We had one little 3 element which was put up on Thursday in place
of the 6 meter beam which was removed, and this turned out to be
the only useable antenna. Nothing like a bunch of guys running around
on a roof 550 feet up in 60 MPH winds to create a sense of
adventure. It was, as always, a gas!
73 de GENE N2AA
>From 0004504465 at mcimail.com Tue Dec 15 07:40:00 1992
From: 0004504465 at mcimail.com (Eugene Walsh)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: why contest?
Message-ID: <92921215074029/0004504465PK2EM at mcimail.com>
Why Contest??
What else is there??
Back in 1956 or so, while becoming interested in DXing, I
stumbled into a DX contest on 40M. There was lots of DX,
and the folks seemed to be having a wonderful time. I have
been a true addict ever since. It starts by hooking you in
to working new countries, then you start measuring what you
can do with what you have against other guys who do what they
can with what they have, and then your soul is lost to it!
I discovered that contesters are really dif
Why Contest??
What else is there??
Back in 1956 or so, while becoming interested in DXing, I
stumbled into a DX contest on 40M. There was lots of DX,
and the folks seemed to be having a wonderful time. I have
been a true addict ever since. It starts by hooking you in
to working new countries, then you start measuring what you
can do with what you have against other guys who do what they
can with what they have, and then your soul is lost to it!
I discovered that contesters are really different! They strive
to do the best they can with whatever they have. There are those who
say that they want to develop friendships via ham radio and you cannot
do that by exchanging reports, but friendships developed among
contesters have more depth and understanding of common interests
than any that come from random QSOing and general ham activities.
There is no other activity in ham radio which fosters international
friendship as a byproduct than contesting. This is not the reason
that we do contests, but it is a pretty good side effect. You meet
even a casual contester from anyplace in the world, and you immediately
have an understanding regardless of politics or particulars.
I do it because it is more fun than nearly anything else. There is
nothing like working through the morning openings on 20M having all
the DX calling in as the grey line marches along, building up your
multiplier total from almost every direction. I love 20M! I live
for it! This is almost a religious experience. (You do need a good
antenna to get in to this!)
I agree with KM3T that multi op is the best experience one can have.
I have been lucky enough to win the CQWW a couple of times (many years
ago!) because I was in a good place during a good time and I was young
enough to be able to stay the course and go to work the morning after.
This was a great experience, but doesn't equal the emotional highs of
the multi-multi efforts which I was involved with later. There is
nothing to compare with being in a competitive multi-multi, whether
you win or lose (its always better if you win!). Once at K2GL, when
20 was dead in the middle of the night, I leaned over to K3EST who
was cranking away on 40M in the adjacent position, and asked him
"Bob, do you ever get tired of doing this?". He said, "This is
a mystic experience, you do it whenever you can!". Nuff sed.
Why contest?? If you are lucky enough to know about it, you cant not!!!
73 de Gene N2AA
>From gary.sutcliffe at mixcom.mixcom.com Tue Dec 15 11:14:29 1992
From: gary.sutcliffe at mixcom.mixcom.com (Gary Sutcliffe)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: W9XT 10M score
Message-ID: <9212151114.aa11071 at mixcom.mixcom.com>
W9XT High power, mixed: 1701 Q, 237 mults, => 1,098,258
Some computer problems will probably force me to remove a few
QSOs, but there may be another mult in there. A broken rotor on my
TH7 hurt a bit.
73 - Gary
Gary Sutcliffe - W9XT Unified Microsystems (414) 644-9036
ppvvpp at MIXCOM.COM PO Box 133, Slinger WI 53086
>From mraz at maverick.aud.alcatel.com Tue Dec 15 13:44:29 1992
From: mraz at maverick.aud.alcatel.com (Kris Mraz)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: 10m contest : observations
Message-ID: <9212151944.AA02058 at maverick.aud.alcatel.com>
1. Find 15 over 9 line noise at 2330 Friday. :-(
2. Traced to power substation across the street. TU Electric says it can't be
fixed until Monday. :-(
3. Team member volunteers his shack as alternate site. :-)
4. Lose all operating time Friday moving to alternate site. :-(
5. Laptop used for logging is susceptable to high RF fields. PC clock runs
10% fast when on SSB. Discover this well into contest. :-(
6. New-ish ham on team operates first contest. Gets hooked. :-)
7. Old-Top ham, an ex-contester, helps out. Gets hooked. :-)
8. Excellant world-wide openings both days. :-)
9. Band folds early Saturday evening. :-(
10. Called by BV2A. :-)
11. KH4 station worked but not giving serial numbers. :-(
10. We beat cross-town rival (friendly) club. :-)
11. Lost bad to K5OJI. :-(
Net result: It was a blast!
Kris, AA5UO '~ ~`
mraz at rockdal.aud.alcatel.com L
>From penneys at freezer.cns.udel.edu Tue Dec 15 16:38:56 1992
From: penneys at freezer.cns.udel.edu (robert penneys)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: NAQP
Message-ID: <9212152138.AA18675 at freezer.cns.udel.edu>
Is there an issue of NCJ out which has the details for the upcoming NAQP?
Tnx Bob WN3K FRC
>From 71662.17 at CompuServe.COM Tue Dec 15 17:14:29 1992
From: 71662.17 at CompuServe.COM (BILL FISHER)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: 160M & 10M Test oberservations:
Message-ID: <921215221428_71662.17_CHJ39-3 at CompuServe.COM>
Didn't operate either contest....
1. Not burned out for the winter events! (smile)
2. My wife hasn't left me (yet)
3. My neighbors acknowledge my existance (sort of)
4. My ears don't hurt from my headphones and my wrist doesn't hurt from
my keyboard.
5. Road 50 miles both weekends on my bicycle
All in all.... Pretty good results!
>From az at i5120h.nrl.navy.mil Tue Dec 15 18:03:20 1992
From: az at i5120h.nrl.navy.mil (Andy Zwirko)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: 160M & 10M Test oberservations:
Message-ID: <9212152303.AA04584 at i5120h.nrl.navy.mil>
Just so Bill doesn't think he had any competition this fall season....I too
blew off this years 160m & 10m tests.
1. Partied with and entertained friends (DC nite life)
2. Slept in REAL late both Sat. & Sun. (almost missed sunset!)
3. Got out and did some serious iceskating (oh my knees & cold ears!)
4. Felt half-way human, Mon. at the job
5. Realized I let another test season slip by...
I am kinda disappointed that I missed the 10m test. That's how I got
hooked on contesting. Check out the 1st page of '76 test results. I'd gotten
my novice ticket 6 days earlier. Amazing that I ever got hooked, especially
if you remember 10m condx in '76!! Think I worked 30+ Q's & 6 mults!
Zwirko at Wave.NRL.Navy.Mil
>From Doug.Grant at analog.com Tue Dec 15 18:58:00 1992
From: Doug.Grant at analog.com (Doug.Grant at analog.com)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: MY 160&10M Stories
Message-ID: <m0n1m9J-0000LWC at ibm_gate.analog.com>
Discovered that this contest conflicts with several events Mrs. DG had planned
(after all, she let me get away with 4 multi-op efforts at our house this
year) as well as a YCCC meeting on Saturday. Also used YCCC meeting as
opportunity to have the gang say goodbye to K1AR. Spent Sunday taking AR's
tower and antennas down (25 deg F, 20 MPH winds). Worked one guy. I will show
up as a unique...
My usual hired-gun (WZ1R) ran out of Mrs. R favors (after all, she did let him
come up to my place for 5 contests and several weekends of antenna work...),
so he couldn't make it. FIgured I'd get on and work the boys myself. Got stuck
in Chicago trying to get home. Spent ALL DAY Saturday getting booked on
flights that then got cancelled, and re-booking. Snow is bad. Anyway, got home
2AM SUnday, and Mrs. DG reminded me of several obligations on Sunday. Just as
well - I would probably have gone berserk the first time someone tried to
steal my frequency, considering my mood by that time. Worked VE7NTT, XE2/K9VV,
and W1RR in the last hour of the contest.
C U in ARRLDX Test.
Doug K1DG
>From winter at apple.com Tue Dec 15 17:42:28 1992
From: winter at apple.com (Patty Winter)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: Questions on non-US QSL bureaus
Message-ID: <9212160142.AA29240 at apple.com>
I just got curious about how QSL bureaus work in other countries. I
figured there are people on this group who either live or have lived
outside the U.S. Here are my simple questions:
* Is there a central bureau for incoming cards (in contrast
to our district system)?
* What happens when cards arrive? Are they separated and sent
to regional bureaus?
* Are there enough hams to justify having suffix managers
(as we do in the U.S.)?
* Are the incoming and outgoing bureaus (or the single bureau)
run under the auspices of the country's primary amateur radio
* Are the bureaus staffed entirely by volunteers? (Our incoming
ones are, but not the outgoing one.)
:: Patty Winter N6BIS Internet: winter at apple.com ::
:: Sunnyvale, California AMPRNet: ::
>From GARLOUGH at TGV.COM Tue Dec 15 18:05:42 1992
From: GARLOUGH at TGV.COM (Trey Garlough)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: Questions on non-US QSL bureaus
In-Reply-To: <9212160142.AA29240 at apple.com>
Message-ID: <724471542.190401.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>
My perception of how things are done in Paraguay:
> * Is there a central bureau for incoming cards (in contrast
> to our district system)?
Yes. It is managed by the Radio Club Paraguyo (the ARRL of ZP),
headquartered in Asuncion, near the Port of Asuncion.
> * What happens when cards arrive? Are they separated and sent
> to regional bureaus?
I'm not sure what happens to cards for other call areas, but the
ZP5 members have mailboxes at RCP HQ and the cards are stuffed
into the members' boxes. It may be that cards for other areas
are distributed at meetings.
> * Are there enough hams to justify having suffix managers
> (as we do in the U.S.)?
> * Are the incoming and outgoing bureaus (or the single bureau)
> run under the auspices of the country's primary amateur radio
> organization?
Yep. The outgoing bureau is run by a volunteer, Doug Wooley, ZP6CW
(ex ZP6XDW). As cards accumulate in the country boxes, Doug decides
at some point that it's time to make a shipment to that country, so
he bundles up the cards and sends them. Since the radio club is
underwritten by the government, the club has a franking privilege
for sending stuff via surface mail, so there is no direct charge to
the memebers for sending QSLs via the bureau. I think the government
subsidizes air mail postage too, because it seem I remember club
memeber being able to QSL direct via airmail at a reduced rate.
> * Are the bureaus staffed entirely by volunteers? (Our incoming
> ones are, but not the outgoing one.)
Every time I visit RCP HQ, there are always the same two people working
there, so I would guess there is a full time staff of two. In fact, one
of the two actually lives there.
>From george554 at austin.relay.ucm.org Wed Dec 16 00:25:21 1992
From: george554 at austin.relay.ucm.org (george554 at austin.relay.ucm.org)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <9212160058.S2933718 at austin.relay.ucm.org>
qsl buro stuff.
in zk1 the buro is a pile of cards in the corner of the communications
this is the office where you pay for your liscence. i think the pile just
sits there. :-)
in 5w1 one guy handles all the cards. 5w1au when i was there in 1986.
he works at the airport and even gave us cards as we were leaving.
>From george554 at austin.relay.ucm.org Wed Dec 16 00:46:31 1992
From: george554 at austin.relay.ucm.org (george554 at austin.relay.ucm.org)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <9212160058.S2936158 at austin.relay.ucm.org>
more 10m scores
to add to the list
s/o lp mixed
n5rz 1104/203 624k
s/o lp ssb
ke5fi 2103/150 630k
s/o hp ssb
k4xs 2929/173 1.03m
nr5m 2699/167 901k
w5kft 2474/136 671k
s/o hp mixed
w9xt 1701/237 1.09m
n5nmx 2094/234
>From george554 at austin.relay.ucm.org Wed Dec 16 00:47:39 1992
From: george554 at austin.relay.ucm.org (george554 at austin.relay.ucm.org)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <9212160058.S2936534 at austin.relay.ucm.org>
160m scores + a few new ones.
single op qrp
N5RZ 105/1/47 the dx was ja3onb
WN3K 92/1/27
single op low power
W3CPB 236/0/45
N5OP 211/0/61
K6XO/7 112/0/39
KU4A 55/0/25
single op high power
W5XJ 908/7/73
K0GU 602/2/72
N6ND 537/3/73
N6TV 409/0/66
W3CPB 236/0/45
>From spud.Bridge_House at rxuk.xerox.com Wed Dec 16 03:42:56 1992
From: spud.Bridge_House at rxuk.xerox.com (spud.Bridge_House at rxuk.xerox.com)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: Questions on non-US QSL bureaus
In-Reply-To: "cq-contest-relay%tgv:com:Xerox's message of 16 Dec 92 01:42:28 GMT (Wednesday)"
Message-ID: <"16-Dec-92 11:42:56 GMT".*.Iain_Philipps.Bridge_House at RXUK.Xerox.com>
Remarks from G-land:-
<<I just got curious about how QSL bureaus work in other countries.>>
S'funny - we're kinda curious about how our QSL bureaux work, too :-)
<<Is there a central bureau for incoming cards?>>
<<What happens when cards arrive? Are they separated and sent to regional
Our bureax is distributed, according to call prefix. F'rinstance, All the
G2-calls have a manager (there's not that many of 'em these days), but the G0's
are split something along the lines of G0AAA-G0AZZ = thisManager, etc. The
'local' managers (known as submanagers round these parts) have volunteers who
work at home.
<<Are there enough hams to justify having suffix managers (as we do in the
I think I adressed this above.
<<Are the incoming and outgoing bureaus (or the single bureau) run under the
auspices of the country's primary amateur radio organization?>>
Yes, that's the way it is here. Focal point for _ALL_ cards is RSGB HQ; they
batch outbound cards for each international bureau. They also batch inbound
cards and forward them to the relevant submanagers.
<<Are the bureaus staffed entirely by volunteers? (Our incoming ones are, but
not the outgoing one.)>>
Hey! We do that too!
73 es CUL - Iain
G8SJP/G0RDI/C30DLA/AA2stillWaiting :-)
>From rhealy at arrl.org Wed Dec 16 08:20:41 1992
From: rhealy at arrl.org (Rus Healy NJ2L)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: NAQP
Message-ID: <12245 at jwh>
WN3K asks:
>Is there an issue of NCJ out which has the details for the upcoming NAQP?
Not yet. The rules for the 1993 NAQPs will be in the Jan/Feb 1993
NCJ, which should hit the mail the week after Christmas.
--73, Rus
>From craigr at marlin.nosc.mil Wed Dec 16 07:12:42 1992
From: craigr at marlin.nosc.mil (Raymond D. Craig)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:29 2003
Subject: 10M scores
Message-ID: <9212161512.AA10903 at marlin.nosc.mil>
Couple more 10 Meter scores:
AE6E (M/S) from N6DX I think
CW 916 62 56
SSB 1819 74 60
2735 136 116 1,840,104
N6ND S/O assisted (gotta have my packet)
CW 504 55 57 210K 10 hours
73 Rick N6ND
>From Dieter.Dippel at CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de Wed Dec 16 15:42:00 1992
From: Dieter.Dippel at CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de (Dieter.Dippel at CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:30 2003
Subject: DXNL-No.: 823 de DARC
Message-ID: <921216164205733-RRZE2:>
DX @WW de:DL3HAH 14.12.92 05:23 30 11709 Bytes
921214/0339z DB0FP , 921214/0341z DB0DNI, 921214/0330z DK0MAV
921214/0413a DB0AGM, 921213/1201z DB0HB
DXNL 823 - Dec 14, 1992
DX-NEWS LETTER published weekly
by the DARC e.V. DX and HF-Radio Sport Section
Editor: Thomas T Milde, DL1HBT
Compeweg 2
W2100 Hamburg 90
Fed. Rep. of Germany
Phone: (+49) 40-765 86 43
Fax: (+49) 40-765 97 11
HF-DX-Bulletin: DK0DX (Fr. 3745 kHz/1700 UTC)
DX-NL orders : DARC, P.O. Box 1155, W3507 Baunatal 1, Germany
Payment : Postgiroamt Hannover 12359-306, BLZ 200 100 30
Prices (per year): DARC members: 60,- DM; non-members: 80,- DM;
EU: +10,- DM; Airmail: +30,- DM
Tnx: BARF80 BBS c/o OPDX Bulletin, LNDX, DXNS, TDXB, DK7LA,
DL1SBF, DL5KZA; Deadline for DXNL 824: Dec 17 for Packet (dl1hbt @
db0hb.deu.eu) and Fax (+49-40-7659711)
DL, Germany - The special event station DL0ITU will be aired by
DF9LB, DJ7SW, DK7LA and DL1FL until the end of this month.
Attention DOK-hunters: the station carries the DOK "ITU". Look for
them on CW: 3530, 7030, 14030, 21030 and 28030 kHz; SSB: 3675,
7070, 14270, 21270 and 28570 kHz. QSL via bureau. Direct requests:
CW via DJ7SW//SSB via DK7LA (CBA'93).
BV, Taiwan - TDXB reports several BVs on 80m recently. Check
around 3503 kHz at 1430z. Active stations include BV7JA, BV2A and
BV2D J. The address of the BV-bureau is: Box 93, Taipei, TAIWAN,
Republic of China.
S2, Bangladesh - Thanks to INDEXA and WZ6C, S21B finally got on
the air on Nov 23. He is using an Icom 730 and wire antennas. QSL
via W4FRU. - Eric (WZ6C ) has finally been issued the call S21ZG.
His license is dated Dec 7 and is good until the end of the year.
Eric has already requested for a renewal through 1993. QSL via
XU, Kampuchea - Activity by XU7VK began in early December. The
operator is Sanyi (HA7VK), he was active on 14014 kHz around
1900z. QSL via HA0HW. - John (PA3BTQ) is in Phnom Penh until the
end of Jan'93. He has been issued the call sign XU6TQ. John is
working on the installation of Int. Red Cross radio equipment. His
QSL manager is PA0EQ. Check the following CW-QRGs: 14050 and 21050
kHz; SSB: 14315 and 21315 kHz. Time permitting he will also appear
on OSCAR-13 Mode B = uplink: 435508 kHz LSB; downlink: 145890 kHz.
3D2r, Rotuma - 3D2AM will stay on Rotuma until the end of this
FK, New Caledonia - LNDX reports Eddy (FK8CR) being QRV on 80m
looking for European stations.
6Y, Jamaica - (NA-097) Alan (G3XAQ) will put his QRP signal on 20m
CW until Dec 21. Check 14025 kHz starting around 1200z. QSL via
home call.
TI, Costa Rica - Jimmie (N9IUO) will sign TI2IDX until Jan 6 on
CW/SSB 10-160m.
C5, The Gambia - Rich, K3IPK, who was active lately at 6W
(Senegal), is now active as C56/K3IPK. His length of stay is
unknown, but he has been very active on 7006 kHz between 2300-
0230z. Also, check 10122 kHz around 2030z and 21029 kHz around
D2, Angola - N2QHO/D2 says he'll be in Angola for 2 years, SSB
only. QSL route to be announced later.
TR, Gabon - According to LNDX, TR8NSY is active on CW only after
2200z on 7 MHz.
ZS, South Africa - ZS1DAS will be active Dec 15 th ru 19 from
Dassen Island (new for IOTA) on 10-40m plus 2m/6m SSB (CW on
request). QSL via bureau.
5X, Uganda - Wilfried (DJ5RT) and Baldur (DJ6SI) went QRT as 5X5WR
on Dec 11. There has been set up a special postal box to help with
the over flow of cards that will be sent. QSL to P.O. Box 122, W-
8209 Schlossberg, Federal Republic of Germany. All documentation
for 5X5WR is approved for DXCC.
Focus on the Antarctic Region
(tnx TDXB)
The current summer season in the Antarctic region means a dramatic
increase in the number of amateur stations. Among the most active
HF0POL (South Shetlands, QSL via SP9DWT) 80m-0300-0500z, 14014
kHz/0030z; VP8GAV (Antarctica, QSL GM0LVI) 1833 kHz/0300z, 3505
kHz/0130-0330z, 7005 kHz/2300z, 10102 kHz/2100-2300z, 14022
kHz/0300z and 28020 kHz/1400z; 4K1YAR (Antarctica, QSL UA3YAR)
14023 kHz/0100-0300z; KC4AAA (South Pole, QSL NC6J) 14030
kHz/0200z; KC4/W6REC (Antarctica, QSL W6REC) 14026 kHz/0400z;
LU1ZA (South Orkneys, QSL LU2CN) 14255 kHz/0400z; VP8VN
(Falklands, QSL G4LGZ) 14010 kHz/0030z.
There has been some confusion concerning the correct address of
DL1KVC, who currently is in the Antarctica (DXNL 822) signing
DL1KVC/P. Thanks to Bert (DL5KZA) - who checked Helmar's address
with the license authorities in Rosto ck - here is the mailing
address that must work:
Helmar Pabst (DL1KVC), Ulrich-von-Hutten Str. 29a, O-2510 Rostock
5, Germany, EUROPE. (tnx Bert!)
Upcoming DX
-17.12. A35 (SM0's) 821
-Aug'95 BY (F's) 812
-April'93 C21BR 822
C21NI (DL1VU) 817
15.12. -11.1. C6AGN 822
DU1/DL1VU 817
-Sep'93 D2EL 821
-Nov'95 N2QHO/D2 823
-Aug'95 ET3JR 806
Dec FK (DL's) 809
Dec - FT4WD 818
Dec FW (DL's) 809
27.2. -7.3. HK0 (W's) 822
-14.1.93 JA9IPX/JD1 815
-1.2.93 KC4AAF 815
Feb'93 KC6 (W's) 822
KC6/DL1VU 817
26.1. -2.2.93 KH1 816/821
-Dec KH3AE/AF 801
KH5/DL1VU 817
Feb/Mar'93 KH5 + KH5K 820
26.3. -3.4.93 KP1 821
28.12. -4.1. KP5 815/822
25.2. -28.2.93 OJ0 821
-Dec PY0TSN 816
11.1. -18.1. P4/W1EKT 822
QRV S21 ZG (WZ6C) 823
-6.1.93 TI2IDX (N9IUO) 823
-21.12. TU4SR 819
T30CT (DL1VU) 817
T31AF (DL1VU) 817
T32VU (DL1VU) 817
T33VU (DL1VU) 817
18.12. -2.1.93 T5CB 822
-Jan'93 VK9CB 817
Feb'93. VK9LS/LT 807/808
-10.12. VP2MT 822
5.2. -17.2. VP2M/K8SJ 822
-19.12. VS6GU 822
1.1. -28.1.93 V2/VE3BW 817
22.2. -24.2. V31 (W's) 822
19.12. -5.1. V47FV (5Z4FV) 822
15.12. -22.12. K4 FAF/V63 821
V63VU (DL1VU) 817
8.1. -15.1. V73 (W's) 822
-Feb'93 XQ0X 815
-Dec'92 XT2BW 781
-24.1.93 XU6TQ 823
QRV XU7VK (HA7VK) 797/823
-Apr'93 XU4OF (DJ4OF) 804
-Aug'93 XV7TH 812
-Oct'93 OK1IAI/YA 792
26.12. -2.1.93 YN0YN 819
-16.12. ZF2RC 822
-15.1.93 ZS7ANT 819
31.12. 3D2AM 823
29.12. -15.1.93 3D2 (SM0's) 821
Dec ? 3W (UA3's) 820
QRV 4 K1YAR 820
-Dec'93 5U7M 806
17.12. -28.12. 5W (SM0's) 821
Oct - 5Z (F2JD) 803
-21.12. 6Y5 (G3XAQ) 823
23.1. -6.2. 8P9DX (VE3ICR) 821
28.12. -6. 1.93 8Q7BX (I4ALU) 819
-end'92 9V1XE 812
-Aug'94 9X5AB 817
From the DXCC
Documentation has been received and approved for Romeo 's 9D0RR
operations from 5th August 1992 to 17th August 1992. Also, QSL
cards for operations by Iranian amateurs for QSOs on 20th August
1988 and after are now being accepted for DXCC. Previously
rejected cards may be returned for DXCC credit. There has be en a
correction on the date for Croatia and Slovenia that was in the
news release dated 25th November. It was announced that Croatia
(9A) and Slovenia (S5) were added to the list for QSOs made 26th
May 1991 and after. The correct date is their independence day,
26th June 1991. The DXCC Desk will accept cards after the 1st of
January 1993. Cards received before January 1993 will be returned
without action. (tnx OPDX #089)
Japan Low Band Cw Test (Jan 8 thru 10)
Five-Nine magazine in Japan sponsors the Japan International
DX Contest. The Contest has been devided into two parts, beginning
this year. The first part is the low-band segment, 2200z Jan 8 to
2200z Jan 10 on 160/80 an d 40m CW only. Stations outside of Japan
are limited to 30 hours of operation. Categories are: single-
op/all-band; single-op/single-band and multi/single with 10-minute
band- change rule. Exchange RST and CQ Zone from outside Japan and
RST and prefecture number (01-50) for Japanese. Contacts on 160m
count 4 points each, on 80m 2 points each and on 40m 1 point.
Multipliers are Japanese prefectures plus Minami Torishima,
Ogasawara and Okino Torishima. DXers who work all Japanese
prefectures in the test can g et a special contest award. Logs by
Feb 28 to Five-Nine Magazine, P.O. Box 59, Kamata, Tokyo 144
Japan.(The high-band part of the test is April 9-11 on 20/15 and
10m) - tnx TDXB!
This Packet Radio edition of DXNL is a service free of charge. It
contains almost all information from the paper-DXNL. Always remember,
that this service can only be continued as long as there are enough
subscribers. If yo u find PR-DXNL useful, why not become a subscriber
and support DXNL ?
>From 71662.17 at CompuServe.COM Wed Dec 16 19:03:10 1992
From: 71662.17 at CompuServe.COM (BILL FISHER)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:30 2003
Subject: North American QSO Party Team Members Needed!!!
Message-ID: <921217000309_71662.17_CHJ50-2 at CompuServe.COM>
I have about 7 or 8 people so far for the 1st ever Internet team! I would
like to field two good teams as opposed to 1 great team and one so-so
I need 2 or 3 more guys to operate! It is Saturday January 9, 1993.
Bill Fisher, KM9P
>From george554 at austin.relay.ucm.org Thu Dec 17 01:15:09 1992
From: george554 at austin.relay.ucm.org (george554 at austin.relay.ucm.org)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:30 2003
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <9212170133.S3779240 at austin.relay.ucm.org>
1992 ARRL 10m Contest
single op mixed mode high power
VE7NTT 2600/224 (this is WA6VEF's Canadian call)
K5NW 1873/241 1.29M
W1FEA 1975/224 1.2M
W9XT 1701/237 1.09M
W0YK 2110/198 ?
VE5ZX 1700/143 660K
N6EK 1271/157 613K
KU4A 353/103 100528
single op mixed mode low power
N5RZ 1104/203 624K
single op cw high power
N6TV 1221/114 557K
AG6D 968/112 433K
AA5WQ 969/95 373160 (Erik is 15 years old)
K9MA 446/89 156K
single op cw low power
NY3G 795/127 403K
WN3K 299/74 88K
K6XO/7 197/64
single op ssb high power
K4XS 2929/173 1.03M
NR5M 2699/167 901K
K3EST/6 3028/128 765K
W5KFT 2474/136 671K
N8RA/1 1600/127
single op ssb low power
KE5FI 2103/150 630K
WA2JPU 450/95
single op asst.
N6ND 504/112 210K mixed
4U1UN 2902/286 2.2M
AE6E 2735/252 1.84M
N4AR 1.6M
N5NMX 2094/234
W5XJ: 1513/212 978168
K5OJI: 1506/216 936144
W5BJ 829/175 433650
Bob, N6TV
>From penneys at freezer.cns.udel.edu Thu Dec 17 11:26:31 1992
From: penneys at freezer.cns.udel.edu (robert penneys)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:30 2003
Subject: NERDS in NAQP!
Message-ID: <9212171626.AA24203 at freezer.cns.udel.edu>
The Newark Extras from Rural Delaware State (NERDS) will participate in the CW
and phone NAQP. They are :
Gene, NY3C
Dale, WW3F, and
Bob, WN3K,
all FRCers in Newark, DE.
The NERDS worked the Sprints but did not enter as a team.
CU there! Bob
>From hardie at herald.usask.ca Thu Dec 17 13:12:57 1992
From: hardie at herald.usask.ca (Peter Hardie)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:30 2003
Subject: CQWW: ARRL vs. WAE
Message-ID: <9212171912.AA03023 at herald.usask.ca>
When scoring the CQWW contests, handling the ARRL DXCC countries list is
fairly easy, since it is so familiar. But I have some questions about the
WAE list. I have a fairly recent copy of it but can't figure out some of it.
So for all you experts out there:
- what/where is UA1346?
- what/where is YU1567?
- Is there any easy way to distinguish GM = Scotland and GM = Shetlands?
- ditto for JW = Bear and JW = Spitzbergen.
Pete hardie at herald.usask.ca VE5VA
>From 71662.17 at CompuServe.COM Thu Dec 17 14:43:16 1992
From: 71662.17 at CompuServe.COM (BILL FISHER)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:30 2003
Subject: Internet Team for NAQP
Message-ID: <921217194316_71662.17_CHJ75-1 at CompuServe.COM>
Here are the people I have so far for the Internet team in no particular
1. Dave (KN2M)
2. Kim (N5OP)
3. Alan (K6XO)
4. Howie (K4PQL)
5. George (WB5VZL)
6. Trey (WN4KKN)
7. Bill (KM9P)
I think preasure should be exerted to other notables to join us such as:
K1DG, N6ND, W9RE, NJ2L, K3NA, ect....
73' Bill
>From n6tv at vnet.ibm.com Thu Dec 17 14:40:22 1992
From: n6tv at vnet.ibm.com (Robert A. Wilson)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:30 2003
Subject: ARRL 10m contest update
Message-ID: <mailman.40.1043801130.8266.cq-contest at contesting.com>
While merging in WB5VZL's changes I may have put some stations in the wrong
category. If so, let me know (direct please), and I will update for
the "next release."
1992 ARRL 10m Contest, scores as of 12/17/92
Mixed Mode, high power
VE7NTT 2600/224 ? (this is WA6VEF's Canadian call)
K5NW 1873/241 1.29M
W7RM 2221/204 1259904 AA7NX, op.
W1FEA 1975/224 1.2M
W9XT 1701/237 1098258
W0YK 2110/198 1055432
VE5ZX 1700/143 660K
N6EK 1271/157 613K
Mixed Mode, low power
N5RZ 1104/203 624K
NC7K 613/151 278K 10 hrs
KU4A 353/103 100528
CW Only, high power
N6TV 1221/114 557K
N6YK/7 1133/? ?
AG6D 968/112 433K
AA5WQ 969/95 373160 (Erik is 15 years old) rs old
W1IHN 473/128 242176
K9MA 446/89 156K
CW Only, low power
NY3G 795/127 403860
AA6MV 528/87 179520 12 hours
WN3K 299/74 88800
K6XO/7 197/64 ?
Phone Only, high power
K4XS 2929/173 1.03m
NR5M 2699/167 901k
K3EST/6 3028/128 765K
W5KFT 2474/136 671k
N8RA/1 1600/127
Phone Only, low power
KE5FI 2103/150 630k
NY3G 795/127 403k
WA2JPU 450/95 ? ours.
WN3K 299/74 88k
K6XO/7 197/64 ?
4U1UN 2902/286 2240524
AE6E 2735/252 1840104
N5NMX 2094/234 ?
N4AR ?/? 1.6M
NK7U ?/? 1.5M
W5XJ 1513/212 978168
K5OJI 1506/216 936144
W5BJ 829/175 433650
N6ND 504/112 210K 10 hours, S/O assisted, CW only
Bob, N6TV
>From Doug.Grant at analog.com Thu Dec 17 18:02:00 1992
From: Doug.Grant at analog.com (Doug.Grant at analog.com)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:30 2003
Subject: Where did K1AR Go?
Message-ID: <m0n2U8q-0000LmC at ibm_gate.analog.com>
Several alert readers asked me for details on where AR went that caused us to
take down his antennas and have a good-bye party.
John has taken a full-time position at CQ Magazine in Hicksville, NY, and
moved to Long Island last week. He's working on getting Internet access, and
will probably announce his presence by calling CQ on here (assuming he can
find something that looks like a band edge) and having a 200-hour.
If you want to talk to him, you can call him at CQ. After all, it's his job
now to talk to hams, so he won't get yelled at.
Doug K1DG (one of the three remaining big-time contesters left in Windham, NH
now that AR's gone. I need to figure out how to get N6BV and K1TR to move t
o NY...)
>From OOPDAVID at ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu Fri Dec 18 08:08:13 1992
From: OOPDAVID at ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu (D.RODMAN)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:30 2003
Subject: ComTek phased arrays
Message-ID: <01GSGCVHEGPU8WWNH3 at ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu>
Does anyone have any experience with the performance, setup or operation
when the ComTek phase box is used with Folded Sloping Dipoles instead
of quarter wave verticals?
Reference: CQ Magazine, December 1989, page 42-45.
73, Dave.
>From reisert at mast.enet.dec.com Fri Dec 18 09:33:46 1992
From: reisert at mast.enet.dec.com (Jim Reisert AD1C 18-Dec-1992 0937)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:30 2003
Subject: Maybe this technique could benefit Contesters?
Message-ID: <9212181433.AA21248 at us1rmc.bb.dec.com>
[Business Week, December 14, 1992]
For year, scientists at the Laboratory for Circadian & Sleep Disorders
Medicine of Harvard University Medical School have been studying the
effects of light on the human biological clock. the research shows that
when normal sleep routines are disrupted, the body's clock can go
haywire, leaving factory workers and other swing-shift workers prone to
poor performance and accidents. Both the Three Mile Island and
Chernobyl accidents, for example, occurred on the graveyard shift. Lab
director Charles Czeisler and the university have patented a way to
reset the body's clock forward or backward quickly, using precisely
controlled exposure to bright lights. To help power plant workers
adjust to night duty, for instance, Light Sciences Inc., in Braintree
Mass., which is commercializing the technology, installs a computer
controlled lighting system in the plant's control room. the technique
is also helping prepare NASA's shuttle astronauts.
Jim Reisert Internet: reisert at mast.enet.dec.com
Digital Equipment Corp. UUCP: ...decwrl!mast.enet.dec.com!reisert
146 Main Street - MLO3-6/C9 Voice: 508-493-5747
Maynard, MA 01754 FAX: 508-493-0395
>From 142_GATE at mosbos.msk.su Fri Dec 18 13:41:39 1992
From: 142_GATE at mosbos.msk.su (142_GATE at mosbos.msk.su)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:30 2003
Subject: North Korea (PRESS RELEASE)
Message-ID: <ABpZRChmv5 at mosbos.msk.su>
After long and difficult preparations, a group of amateurs found an
opportunity to operate from NORTH KOREA (P5...).
In view of the most complicated political situation (which is
well-known) the expedition has a higher probablity of failure, than of
success. A license was issued by the military authorities of NORTH KOREA.
It holds certain guarantees that the upcoming operation will take place.
However, the DXpedition organizers have serious concerns, because there
are many conditions, restrictions and stipulations imposed upon them.
This DXpedition, if it takes place, doesn't wish to undermine the major
work done by the IARU group consisting of W1RU, OH2BH and others. In our
case military (not civilian) license was issued. Moreover, the first
operation from a previously "closed" country frequently "opens" that
country for future ham radio activity.
The organizers decided not to appeal for funds and support to any clubs
& associations before the upcoming operation, even though the expenses are
very high. The risk is just too big and we feel we cannot risk other
peoples money. Everything was organized and funded privately by
individuals from several countries.
After the DXpedition is over, DXAC shall receive ORIGINALS of all
available documents, licenses, passports, photographs, perhaps even video
shot on location.
Because of restrictions imposed upon the operators, they can transmot
only correspondents callsign and his report. Please don't ask any
questions on the air> Address all inquiries to the manager, JA1HGY.
Donations can also be made via JA1HGY, any support is welcomed.
Proposed callsign for the operation: P5RS7 (papa five radio sierra
seven), to QRV _ONLY_ CW and SSB. Standard DXpedition frequencies, QSX up!
No RTTY or WARC bands due to restrictions. We shall announce the names
of all operators when the expedition is successful.
We thank you all beforehand for being disciplined and understanding.
Wish us good luck.
73! For the operators and organizers.
>From hardie at herald.usask.ca Fri Dec 18 11:52:00 1992
From: hardie at herald.usask.ca (Peter Hardie)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:30 2003
Subject: North Korea operation
Message-ID: <9212181752.AA07610 at herald.usask.ca>
I wonder how many computer contesting programs would croak if you give them
the callsign P5RS7 or something similar. Does this callsign actually conform
to international amateur callsign formats - is there a real standard?
Pete hardie at herald.usask.ca VE5VA
>From lsil!mhost!lonfs01!laurence at fernwood.mpk.ca.us Fri Dec 18 18:54:56 1992
From: lsil!mhost!lonfs01!laurence at fernwood.mpk.ca.us (Laurence Mason)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:30 2003
Subject: Questions on Antennas
Message-ID: <9212181854.AA25686 at lonfs01.lsi-logic.co.uk>
It has been interesting to read the comments on TH7 and KT34XA antennas.
The Plymouth Radio Club G3PRC are going to upgrade their 3ele triband
beam ( A TB3 made by J Beam) and we would be interested in comments
from users who have been able to compare the performance of both TH7
and KT34XA antennas. The aerial will usually be used in a field day
type environment on top of a 60 or 70 foot tower. Wind and Ice survival
is not too much of a problem as:
a/ it's England and
b/ it will only be put up for Contests.
Our cw nfd in June gives double points for contacts on 10 m. As a lot
of contacts can be made with weak G stations and other Europeans (and
we are at the edge of the G activity) most gain on this band is
probably more important than directionality, f/b etc. Band by band
comparisons would be really useful!
The Mosley antennas look interesting but I have seen no information on
them in this country so it might be difficult to get hold of. The
biggest Mosley antennas over here are just simple 3 ele tribanders.
Thanks in advance for your comments and as it is that time of year a
Merry Christmas to all our readers.
Laurence G4HTD
laurence at lsi-logic.co.uk
>From sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu Fri Dec 18 14:40:05 1992
From: sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu (sellington)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:30 2003
Subject: Questions on Antennas
Message-ID: <mailman.41.1043801130.8266.cq-contest at contesting.com>
As far as I know, the consensus seems to be that there isn't too much
difference in performance between the TH-7 and the KT34XA, in spite of
the fact the the KT34XA has a longer boom. Perhaps others are
aware of evidence to the contrary, though. One clear difference is
that it takes a lot longer to assemble the KT34XA from scratch, because
you have to assemble all the tuning stubs. That may not be a problem
if you can leave the elements partly assembled between field days. Either
would certainly be durable enough for your purposes.
Scott Ellington K9MA
>From GARLOUGH at TGV.COM Fri Dec 18 14:49:36 1992
From: GARLOUGH at TGV.COM (Trey Garlough)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:30 2003
Subject: K3LR M/S 10M contest score
Message-ID: <724718976.589400.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>
K3LR (+WR3G) 2799/300 = 2.295M
>From GARLOUGH at TGV.COM Fri Dec 18 14:52:15 1992
From: GARLOUGH at TGV.COM (Trey Garlough)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:30 2003
Subject: K3LR 160m score
Message-ID: <724719135.421400.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>
K3LR (+WR3G) M/S 160m contest 1354/98 = 277K
>From syn at sibcom.glas.apc.org Fri Dec 18 12:19:34 1992
From: syn at sibcom.glas.apc.org (Victor Budyukin)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:30 2003
Subject: Subscribe
Message-ID: <2B320826 at sibcom.glas.apc.org>
Hello Trey!
Could we join this conference?
73 de UZ0AXX
FIDO : 2:5090/2 Internet : syn at sibcom.glas.apc.org
--- GoldEd 2.40+
>From n6tv at vnet.ibm.com Fri Dec 18 16:08:36 1992
From: n6tv at vnet.ibm.com (Robert A. Wilson)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:30 2003
Subject: ARRL 10m contest update
Message-ID: <mailman.42.1043801130.8266.cq-contest at contesting.com>
1992 ARRL 10m Contest, scores as of 12/18/92
Mixed Mode, high power
VE7NTT 2600/224 ? (this is WA6VEF's Canadian call)
K5NW 1873/241 1.29M
W7RM 2221/204 1259904 AA7NX, op.
W1FEA 1975/224 1.2M
W9XT 1701/237 1098258
W0YK 2110/198 1055432
VE5ZX 1700/143 660K
N6EK 1271/157 613K
Mixed Mode, low power
N5RZ 1104/203 624K
NC7K 613/151 278K 10 hrs
KU4A 353/103 100528
CW Only, high power
N6TV 1221/114 557K
N6YK/7 1133/? ?
AG6D 968/112 433K
AA5WQ 969/95 373160 (Erik is 15 years old) rs old
W1IHN 473/128 242176
K9MA 446/89 156K
CW Only, low power
NY3G 795/127 403860
AA6MV 528/87 179520 12 hours
WN3K 299/74 88800
K6XO/7 197/64 ?
Phone Only, high power
K4XS 2929/173 1.03m
NR5M 2699/167 901k
K3EST/6 3028/128 765K
W5KFT 2474/136 671k
N8RA/1 1600/127
Phone Only, low power
KE5FI 2103/150 630k
NY3G 795/127 403k
WA2JPU 450/95 ? ours.
K6XO/7 197/64 ?
K3LR 2799/300 2.295M +WR3G
4U1UN 2902/286 2240524
AE6E 2735/252 1840104
N5NMX 2094/234 ?
N4AR ?/? 1.6M
NK7U ?/? 1.5M
W5XJ 1513/212 978168
K5OJI 1506/216 936144
W5BJ 829/175 433650
N6ND 504/112 210K 10 hours, assisted, CW only
Bob, N6TV
>From GHOWARD at Kentvm.Kent.edu Sat Dec 19 14:25:08 1992
From: GHOWARD at Kentvm.Kent.edu (Geoffry S. Howard)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:30 2003
Subject: XT VGA Help?
Message-ID: <mailman.43.1043801130.8266.cq-contest at contesting.com>
Hope you all won't see this as in improper use of this frorum, but I'm
desperate!!?? Trying to get a new VGA monitor to run with an old XT
as a Christmas present for my wife. NOW is it clear why I'm desperate?
Have a new Zenith 284m SVGA monitor and a Wang 1MB video adapter
card in an old XT clone. All works perfectly, including all of the
video modes. Only problem is that all the colors are wrong. In
running the video diagnostics, green is coming out blue, blue as
green, and intensified as non-intensified.
At bootup, I am getting a message (probably from the "SPEEDY EXCEL
TURBO" ROM BIOS) that "ERROR #04 is occuring. From there, I can
press enter and the bootup concludes normally.
I'm using the ANSI.SYS supplied with the video card.
All applications work fine, but colors are all wrong. You should
SEE what CT looks like!!! Kenny would flip.
Anybody been this route before who can help?? Drop me mail
at GHOWARD at KENTVM.KENT.EDU or via the mail reflector. I am
also on Prodigy as BKCX26A. I have looked all through the Zenith
Data Systems video forum on CompuServe for help, but no
Thanks and 73 from Geoff, W0CG, Suffield, Ohio....
>From 71662.17 at CompuServe.COM Sat Dec 19 18:04:15 1992
From: 71662.17 at CompuServe.COM (BILL J. FISHER)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:30 2003
Subject: Packet experts:
Message-ID: <921219230415_71662.17_CHJ101-1 at CompuServe.COM>
I've been trying to send the scores I get off of this forum and put them
on our cluster. I am using Procomm Plus and when I try to do an ASCII
upload it craters about half way into the file. It acts like it has
filled up some kind of buffer in the TNC. Is there some sort of flow
control that could take care of this problem?
Bill Fisher, KM9P
>From steven at ulysses.atmos.coloState.edu Sun Dec 20 10:37:04 1992
From: steven at ulysses.atmos.coloState.edu (Steven London)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:30 2003
Subject: NAQP Team Awards ?
Message-ID: <9212201737.AA02838 at ulysses.atmos.coloState.edu>
I am trying to get a Colorado NAQP team set up. Unfortunately, the
potential team members aren't enthused because they figure that none
of them is going to win Colorado, and therefore, won't get a certificate.
Does the NAQP give a certificate to each member of the top scoring
team (like the NA Sprint) ?
This, of course presumes that we will be the top socring team !
Steve, N2IC/0
>From skitch at NADC.NADC.NAVY.MIL Mon Dec 21 08:11:13 1992
From: skitch at NADC.NADC.NAVY.MIL (M. Squicciarini)
Date: Tue Jan 28 19:45:30 2003
Subject: DX Bulletin OPDX #91 December 20, 1992
Message-ID: <9212211311.AA14638 at NADC.NADC.NAVY.MIL>
The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 091 (OPDX.091)
December 21, 1992
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 8/N/1
Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, DL1HBT & DXNL, DF4RD,
AD1C, K1ER, WB3JFS, WB3LHD, K4CEF & Southeastern Cluster Group, NW8F,
K0GU, K8YSE, OH3MEP, VE3CDX and VE3ICR for the following DX information.
8P9, BARBADOS. Glenn, VE3ICR, plans to be active from January 23 to
February 6 as 8P9DX. He has had this call sign since 1987. Activity
will be on the low bands, including the WARC bands. Glenn plans to
be active "full tilt" in the CQ World-Wide 160 CW Contest.
A22MN QSLS. Please allow 1-2 months for Ken, WA8JOC, QSL Manager for
A22MN to answer QSLs for the past contests. He is making a software
change, and please do not resubmit cards.
A3, TONGA. A35CT will be active for the next 2 to 3 years as Department
Manager at the only bank in Tonga. Check 14219 kHz around 0530z.
BV, TAIWAN. There was been plenty of activity from the following: BV2A,
BV2FA, BV2FG, BV2TA, BV4JB, BV5BG, BV7BB and BV7JA. Some activity has
been on 80 meters by BV2A, BV2DJ and BV7JA. Check between 3500 and 3510
kHz from 1030 to 1430z. The address of the BV-bureau is: Box 93, Tapipei,
Taiwan, Republic of China.
BY, CHINA (NEW PREFIXES). In an ARRL bulletin this week, it was announced
that China has decided to permit operation by individual amateur stations
beginning December 22. Prefixes will be BA, BD and BG.
JT, MONGOLIA. Several JT's including JT1V have been active on 80 meters
at east coast sunrise. Zone 23 is much needed by many on the lower bands.
OH0, ALAND ISLAND. Pete, OH3MEP, and others will be spending their
holiday on Aland Island. Look for Pete/OH0MEP, Alpo/OH0MFP, Pertti/OH0LQK,
Marko/OH0MYD and Jukka/OH0NLP starting on December 26th to January 3rd.
Activity will be on 10-80 meters using a Butternut antenna for 80, 40
and 30 meters, a Cushcraft R-5 for the upper bands and also a 3 element
monobanders for 17 and 10 meters. Their location will be on the southern
edge of the main island, OH-county 010 (Lemland) and IOTA number EU-02.
QSL via their homecalls in OH3-land.
P5, NORTH KOREA. It has been reported by Kan, JA1BK, that Romeo (aka
3W3RR, YA0RR, 1S0RR, 9D0RR) is in North Korea operating as P5RS7 thru
the end of the year. P5RS7 was first reported (December 19) on 7045 kHz
working JAs around 0020z. Then later P5RS7 was reported working the west
coast of the U.S. on 28495 kHz around 0115z. From 0215 to 0547z, P5RS7
was active on 21295 and 14195 kHz. QSL via JA1HGY.
preparations, a group of amateurs found an opportunity to operate from
"In view of the most complicated political situation (which is well-known)
the expedition has a higher probablity of failure then of success. A
license was issued by the military authorities of NORTH KOREA. It holds
certain guarantees that the upcoming operation will take place. However,
the DXpedition organizers have serious concerns because there are many
conditions, restrictions and stipulations imposed upon them.
This DXpedition, if it takes place, doesn't wish to undermine the major
work done by the IARU group consisting of W1RU, OH2BH and others. In our
case military (not civilian) license was issued. Moreover, the first
operation from a previously "closed" country frequently "opens" that
country for future ham radio activity.
The organizers decided not to appeal for funds and support to any
clubs and associations before the upcoming operation, even though the
expenses are very high. The risk is just too big and we feel we cannot
risk other peoples money. Everything was organized and funded privately
by individuals from several countries.
After the DXpedition is over, DXAC shall receive ORIGINALS of all
available documents, licenses, passports, photographs, perhaps even
video shots on location.
Because of restrictions imposed upon the operators, they can transmit
only correspondent's callsign and his report. Please don't ask any
questions on the air. Address all inquiries to the manager, JA1HGY.
Donations can also be made via JA1HGY, any support is welcomed.
Proposed callsign for the operation: P5RS7 (papa five radio sierra
seven), to QRV _ONLY_ CW and SSB. Standard DXpedition frequencies, QSX
There will be no RTTY or WARC bands due to restrictions. We shall
announce the names of all operators when the expedition is successful.
We thank you all beforehand for being disciplined and understanding.
Wish us good luck.
73! From the operators and organizers."
** AN UPDATE ON THE P5 (Minutes before going to print!) **
There was an announcement around 2151z December 20th that the P5 operation
was taken off the air by local authorities. Then almost 30 minutes after
the announcement, P5RS7 appeared on 7001 and then moved to 21022 kHz.
SPECIAL EVENT STATION. VI5VIA will be active between January 29th and
February 1st to mark the closing of the Adelaide Coastal Radio Station
"V I A", on January 31, 1993. VK5WC and VK5ZRH, in conjunction with the
South Coast Amateur Club, will operate on all HF bands along with some
VHF/UHF operations. VIA was commissioned in Adelaide on October 12, 1912.
A special QSL card will be made available. More details as to operating
frequencies and modes will be made available shortly.
T5, SOMALIA. OPDX was informed that Nick, G3KOX, is now stationed in
T5-land and is expected to be QRV. There are no other details available
at this time. Meanwhile, TU4EC/T5 continues to be active and showing
up on the 14226 DX net around 2030z. UPDATED DEC. 20th: Nick was heard
signing 6O/G3KOX on 14187 kHz around 1248z.
XU, KAMPUCHEA. There is plently of activity from this one. Sanyi, HA7VK,
has been there since early December signing XU7VK. Check 14014 and
14185 kHz between 1900 to 0230z. QSL via HA0HW. John, PA3BTQ, is in
Phnom Penh until the end of January 1993, and has been issued the call
sign XU6TQ. John is there to install radio equipment for the International
Red Cross. Check the following frequencies: CW - 14050 and 21050 kHz.
SSB - 14315 and 21315 khz. Time permitting he will be on OSCAR 13 Mode B.
QSL via PA0EQ. Also, XU3UN has been active and worked from the eastern
half of the US on December 20th with good signals on 80 meters ssb. He
was transmitting on 3793 and listened on 3791, 3775 and then from 3770-3780
around 12-1300Z. Zone 26 is a much needed zone on 80 meters and it was
nice to see effort being made to operate there.
Survey can be found in OPDX.088. Ballots can be sent to the following
packet and online addresses listed below.
Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS
online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 and leave a message with
the Sysop or send InterNet Mail to: aq474 at cleveland.freenet.edu or send
BitNet Mail to: aq474%cleveland.freenet at cunyvm or send PRODIGY Mail to:
DFJH48A or send a message via packet to KB8NW @ WA8BXN.OH.USA.NA
73 -- marty -- nr3z skitch at nadc.navy.mil
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