Fwd: [garlough@tgv.co: Visalia report]

Bruce Sawyer sawyer at twg.com
Mon Apr 19 16:49:36 EDT 1993

>I drove down to the DX gathering in Visalia this weekend and it was 
>worth the trip.  Lotsa interesting folks to talk to and a few 
>interesting presentations.  I didn't go to the DX Forum except for 
>the part where W6QHS talked about the future of DXing and that was
>interesting.  The Contest Forum was brilliant again this year, with 
>N6TV moderating a "McLaughlin Group" format panel discussion featuring 
>K7SS, N6AA, K3ZO and N6TJ.  The banter between N6AA and N6TJ was quite 
>amusing, as always.

Let me see if I can remember some of the panel consensus opinions, since it 
surely relates to some of the mail that keeps flooding my mailbox from the contest 
1.  Forget having a 24 hour category in major contests--nobody on the panel was in 
favor.   But K7SS did advocate a 1/4 time category for the casual contester, and I 
don't think anybody argued against it.
2.  Keep CQWW-CW where it is, and let those who want turkey all weekend just eat 
turkey.  However, N6TJ made the suggestion that we should swap phone and CW 
in alternate years.  N6AA was, of course, opposed.
3.  No agreement at all about what the effect of removing contest coverage from 
QST would be, or what we should do in response to the threat.  The responses 
ranged all the way from "that would be the death of contesting" to "no effect".
4. Forget about establishing 28.300 to 28.350 as a contest-free zone.
5.  Only N6TV would admit to spending time cooking--or at least simmering--his 
logs after a contest before sending it in.

Here, my memory starts to run out.  Actually, N6TV was the moderator and at least 
seemed to be taking notes.  Bob,  do you care to pass along your notes?

One thing Trey didn't mention was that there was discussion about starting a May 
Sprint on 40/20/15.  N6TR took a poll of interest, and it looked to me like those 
assembled were in favor.

                                                                    de Bruce, AA6KX

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