morse music
Tue Dec 28 02:26:35 EST 1993
Back in 1967, when I was 17, I used to hang out in Greenwich Village on
Friday and Saturday nights. There were many stores, including many music
stores. One night, while I was walking down Bleeker Street, I heard music
coming from one storefront and it went like this...
"Oh dear Miss Morse. I love you. Yes I do, really do. Dit dit dah dit.
Dit dit dah. Dah dit dah....". Well, you get the rest. The really
sang the 'words' dit and dah. The group was Pearls Before Swine and the
song was Miss Morse.
And now you know the rest of the story.
Geoff WA1U
>From Dieter Dippel" <UNRZ45 at Tue Dec 28 09:44:49 1993
From: Dieter Dippel" <UNRZ45 at (Dieter Dippel)
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1993 09:44:49 MET
Subject: RXCLUS: Cluster DX RX pgm (HB9BZA)
Message-ID: <2F9541136EE at>
Here are some informationen about the RXCLUS-software !
Please don't send any kind of requests to me !!!!!
Please send all requests to HB9BZA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
73 de Dieter, DF4RD
DXNEWS @EU de:HB9BZA 24.12.93 13:31 30 4107 Bytes
RXCLUS:Cluster DX RX pgm
The french versions of this program have been developed for nearly 2 years
and were uploaded about every 6 monthes to the french speaking area's BBS's.
For the first time, the version 5.0 includes a multilanguage support, so
this version is uploaded @EU to see if there is interest for such a
program in a wider area.
As an introduction, here is the beginning of the user documentation :
This program RXCLUS is used to receive informations
transmitted on the PacketCluster system without having to establish
a connection to a cluster node. It identifies the frames sent to
cluster users, and also those exchanged between two cluster nodes
with a special protocol. This possibility is especially interesting
during the night time as it allows you to receive cluster
informations with no connection even if no user is connected on the
local cluster node !
DX, WWV and ANN informations are recognised among all the
frames heard on the monitored frequency and are the only ones to be
displayed. Of course, each information is displayed only once, even
if it is repeated many times on the frequency because several users
are connected. So you get the same result as if you would be
connected to the cluster, but without additional traffic on the air
and with no link failures problems. It is not a problem if the
monitored frequency is shared with other packet services (Mailbox,
and so on).
There is of course a limitation: if you are not connected to
the cluster, you cannot send informations requests ! But RXCLUS can
attenuate strongly this problem: DX et WWV informations can be
stored in databases on disk and you can recall them using different
search criterias. Furthermore, a world countries database allows the
program to give many informations and make some calculations like a
cluster node: prefix allocation, WAZ and ITU zones of a country,
azimut and distance, local time.
V4.0 : new search criteria in the DX database: in the comment field
and by logger, choice of the bands you wish to receive the DX spots
on, support added for 23 cm spots, more versatile structure of the
configuration file, screen saver.
V5.0 : multilanguage support (english, french and german provided,
translation in other languages by the user is possible), world
countries database.
- An IBM compatible computer (PC/XT/AT), monochrome or color.
A harddisk is strongly recommended if you wish to store the
- A TNC on the serial port of the PC. This TNC must make itself the
frames assembly/desassembly (TNC-2, PK-88, PK-232, KAM, and so
on). Internal cards (for example DRSI) or modems requesting a
specific driver (like BayCom) are not supported.
- A receiver able to receive a frequency used for cluster traffic
(to users or between two cluster nodes).
The program with its english documentation is beeing uploaded to IBM @ EU as
a self-extracting archive file RXCLU50.EXE encoded with 7PLUS in 16 parts
about 4700 bytes in length.
Please send .ERR files, if any, to HB9BZA @ HB9IAP. Comments and suggestions
for improvements are also welcome.
Vy 73 and good DX to all Robert - HB9BZA @ HB9IAP
>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM Tue Dec 28 18:41:00 1993
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 93 10:41:00 PST
Subject: FW: U.S. Citizens/callsigns
Message-ID: <2D208079 at admin.ClemsonSC.NCR.COM>
Years ago more Carribean countries used to give out callsigns to reciprocal
licensees. But there were abuses - I remember a case where a US Advanced
class licensee got a Carribean reciprocal and then came back to the US and
used the Carribean callsign portable in the Extra bands. I was told that
the government involved stopped giving out real callsigns becuase of their
Paul, K1XM
I know very well the station to whom you're referring. He had a ZF call and
operated portable 3; he lived in the 80m extra phone section for a couple
of years, and actually had a respectable signal. As I understand it, the
ZF'ers decided to continue to issue ZF calls but restricted the validity of
license for only the time the visiting ham was on the island.
73, Tom WB4IUX (back from Christmas holiday and too many big meals
and desserts...gotta diet to get back into the chair in the shack)
>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM Tue Dec 28 18:41:00 1993
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 93 10:41:00 PST
Subject: FW: VE4VV
Message-ID: <2D2080FA at admin.ClemsonSC.NCR.COM>
Perhaps this
was proved by Tom W4BVV whilst his station was in its heyday...or was it
the signal...or was it the ops...
If you knew his station you know the answer.
73, Tom WB4IUX
>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM Tue Dec 28 18:41:00 1993
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 93 10:41:00 PST
Subject: FW: Who?
Message-ID: <2D20807E at admin.ClemsonSC.NCR.COM>
In the immortal words of Cass WA6AUD, a question from definitely
one of the as-yet non "Deserving" DX'ers. I trust this question is in
jest, and thus I won't even answer. 73, Tom WB4IUX
From: scott
To: cq-contest
Subject: Who?
Date: Friday, December 17, 1993 8:54PM
> >> call wb6acu
> Call-Sign: WB6ACU Class: ADVANCED
> Real Name: JOSEPH F WALSH Birthday: NOV 20, 1947
> Mailing Address: 13009 BLAIRWOOD, STUDIO CITY, CA 91604
> ------------
> Scott E. Parker WA7VYJ
> Center for Atmospheric and Space Sciences
> Utah State University Logan, UT 84322-4405
Who is Joe Walsh?
Scott, N1EE/6
Scott Lieberman
INTERNET: scott at f6.n143.z1.FIDONET.ORG
"The views expressed above are those of Scott Lieberman only."
>From Wirzenius Jari <HATJWI at> Wed Dec 29 00:33:00 1993
From: Wirzenius Jari <HATJWI at> (Wirzenius Jari)
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 93 16:33:00 PST
Subject: QSL-info
Message-ID: <2D20D09B at>
I dare to ask QSL-info on this reflector although the subject is more
relevant on DX-reflector. Since I got zero replys from dx-reflector and
because one info I need, is contest related, I must ask for your help!
I need a CW-QSL from 6Y to go closer of the cw honor roll of DXCC.
I have sent QSL's via buro and direct (with greenstamp or 2-3 IRC's and
SAE) to the following stations and so far no reply (not even a note which
would indicate not in the log):
6Y5J 1986 CQ WW DX CW 3.5 MHz (need this for 5BDXCC, 18 cards short
on 80m and then I've got them all)
6Y5JH 1987 7 Mhz CW
6Y25JS I could not find the year of the QSO
Any kind of confirmation would do. Stamp or hand written verification on my
own QSL, just anything which the ARRL would approve.
I don't know why I have not worked 6Y5 recently. I have been very active
between the years 1982 - 1991. These are only 6Y5 stations on CW I have
worked during that time. Maybe I am always at the right time on a wrong
frequency or vice versa, hi.
Is it impossible to get these cards or do I have to prepare to hunt on 6Y on
73's Jari, OH2BVE
Reply to i-net: hatjwi at
>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM Tue Dec 28 18:41:00 1993
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 93 10:41:00 PST
Subject: FW: Who?
Message-ID: <2D208081 at admin.ClemsonSC.NCR.COM>
From: slp9m
To: scott
Cc: cq-contest
Subject: Re: Who?
Date: Saturday, December 18, 1993 6:08PM
>> >> call wb6acu
>> Call-Sign: WB6ACU Class: ADVANCED
>> Real Name: JOSEPH F WALSH Birthday: NOV 20, 1947
>> Mailing Address: 13009 BLAIRWOOD, STUDIO CITY, CA 91604
>Who is Joe Walsh?
>Scott, N1EE/6
Around these parts you wouldn't even ask a question like that. It simply
the rocky mountain way.
Can you believe it? There's an individual on this reflector not quite a
older than I am who doesn't know who Joe Walsh is. Sheesh, there goes the
Oh well, I guess I'll just take it in stride. After all, life's been good.
73, -SEP
P.S. :^) (just in case)
Scott E. Parker WA7VYJ
Center for Atmospheric and Space Sciences
Utah State University Logan, UT 84322-4405
Internet: sparker at sparker at
Twisted pair: 801-750-2975 (USU) 801-750-2992 (FAX) 801-753-3924 (home)
NO, I couldn't believe and refused to answer. Even though we true-blue
and Contests are special, very special, we're just .....
73, Tom WB4IUX (now removing tongue from cheek)
>From Bruce Sawyer" <sawyer at Tue Dec 28 17:22:31 1993
From: Bruce Sawyer" <sawyer at (Bruce Sawyer)
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 93 9:22:31 PST
Subject: FW: Who?
Message-ID: <9312281723.AA00886 at>
N1EE has posed the trivia question for the day...
>> >> call wb6acu
>> Call-Sign: WB6ACU Class: ADVANCED
>> Real Name: JOSEPH F WALSH Birthday: NOV 20, 1947
>> Mailing Address: 13009 BLAIRWOOD, STUDIO CITY, CA 91604
>> ------------
>> Scott E. Parker WA7VYJ
>> Center for Atmospheric and Space Sciences
>> Utah State University Logan, UT 84322-4405
>Who is Joe Walsh?
>Scott, N1EE/6
> --
>Scott Lieberman
>INTERNET: scott at f6.n143.z1.FIDONET.ORG
>"The views expressed above are those of Scott Lieberman only."
I think he's a pro football player, but I can't remember which team. Or
is it that he's a college team coach??? I dunno...but I do recall that
he's involved with sports some way or another.
>From Joel B Levin <levin at BBN.COM> Tue Dec 28 18:22:26 1993
From: Joel B Levin <levin at BBN.COM> (Joel B Levin)
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 93 13:22:26 -0500
Subject: FW: Who? (Joe Walsh)
Message-ID: <10967.757102946 at>
Jeez, didn't we work this one into the ground three weeks ago?
( No, I didn't know who he was either, and I qualify for QCWA :-). )
>From Jim Hollenback <jholly at> Tue Dec 28 19:04:06 1993
From: Jim Hollenback <jholly at> (Jim Hollenback)
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 93 11:04:06 PST
Subject: WPX Single OPing
Message-ID: <9312281904.AA01990 at>
> In my opinion the contest wasn't broken in the 1st place.
> Bill, KM9P
Say what? It was broken big time from the begining...try working it from the
left coast and beat the east coast/europe qso party. The scoring needs to
be fixed...period.
>From David Robbins (KY1H) 413-494-6955(w) 413-655-2714(h) <robbins at> Tue Dec 28 20:21:01 1993
From: David Robbins (KY1H) 413-494-6955(w) 413-655-2714(h) <robbins at> (David Robbins 413-494-6955 413-655-2714 (KY1H w h))
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 93 15:21:01 EST
Subject: NAQP station available
Message-ID: <9312282015.AA27130 at>
i have no plans for NAQP for my station if anyone is interested in a place
to operate from. location is in Peru Mass, about 12mi east of Pittsfield
Mass. i have several radios and amps available, enough aluminum to keep
almost anyone happy, a couple keyers, 6 computers with ct (does ct do naqp???)
and dvp's. have never done this one myself so if you are interested you will
have to tell me just what you need set up, or come early and do it yourself.
contact me on here, on packet > AA1AS, or phone 413-655-2714 before 9pm.
73, dave
>From slp9m at (Scott E. Parker) Tue Dec 28 21:37:10 1993
From: slp9m at (Scott E. Parker) (Scott E. Parker)
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1993 14:37:10 -0700
Subject: FW: U.S. Citizens/callsigns
Message-ID: <01H70LUFGWXUANVB7A at>
>Years ago more Carribean countries used to give out callsigns to reciprocal
>licensees. But there were abuses - I remember a case where a US Advanced
>class licensee got a Carribean reciprocal and then came back to the US and
>used the Carribean callsign portable in the Extra bands. I was told that
>the government involved stopped giving out real callsigns becuase of their
> Paul, K1XM
>I know very well the station to whom you're referring. He had a ZF call and
>operated portable 3; he lived in the 80m extra phone section for a couple
>of years, and actually had a respectable signal. As I understand it, the
>ZF'ers decided to continue to issue ZF calls but restricted the validity of
>license for only the time the visiting ham was on the island.
Was this guy a U.S. citizen? If so he had to lie on the application for a
reciprocal permit. If this incident was enough to move the ZF
administration to change their procedures, I wonder if it was enough to
move the FCC to take action against the guy?
73, -SEP
Scott E. Parker WA7VYJ
Center for Atmospheric and Space Sciences
Utah State University Logan, UT 84322-4405
Internet: sparker at sparker at
Twisted pair: 801-750-2975 (USU) 801-750-2992 (FAX) 801-753-3924 (home)
>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at Tue Dec 28 18:41:00 1993
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 93 10:41:00 PST
Subject: FW: VE4VV
Message-ID: <2D2080FA at admin.ClemsonSC.NCR.COM>
Perhaps this
was proved by Tom W4BVV whilst his station was in its heyday...or was it
the signal...or was it the ops...
If you knew his station you know the answer.
73, Tom WB4IUX
>From Joel B Levin <levin at> Tue Dec 28 18:22:26 1993
From: Joel B Levin <levin at> (Joel B Levin)
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 93 13:22:26 -0500
Subject: FW: Who? (Joe Walsh)
Message-ID: <10967.757102946 at>
Jeez, didn't we work this one into the ground three weeks ago?
( No, I didn't know who he was either, and I qualify for QCWA :-). )
>From Jim Hollenback <jholly at> Tue Dec 28 19:04:06 1993
From: Jim Hollenback <jholly at> (Jim Hollenback)
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 93 11:04:06 PST
Subject: WPX Single OPing
Message-ID: <9312281904.AA01990 at>
> In my opinion the contest wasn't broken in the 1st place.
> Bill, KM9P
Say what? It was broken big time from the begining...try working it from the
left coast and beat the east coast/europe qso party. The scoring needs to
be fixed...period.
>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at Tue Dec 28 18:41:00 1993
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 93 10:41:00 PST
Subject: FW: Who?
Message-ID: <2D20807E at admin.ClemsonSC.NCR.COM>
In the immortal words of Cass WA6AUD, a question from definitely
one of the as-yet non "Deserving" DX'ers. I trust this question is in
jest, and thus I won't even answer. 73, Tom WB4IUX
From: scott
To: cq-contest
Subject: Who?
Date: Friday, December 17, 1993 8:54PM
> >> call wb6acu
> Call-Sign: WB6ACU Class: ADVANCED
> Real Name: JOSEPH F WALSH Birthday: NOV 20, 1947
> Mailing Address: 13009 BLAIRWOOD, STUDIO CITY, CA 91604
> ------------
> Scott E. Parker WA7VYJ
> Center for Atmospheric and Space Sciences
> Utah State University Logan, UT 84322-4405
Who is Joe Walsh?
Scott, N1EE/6
Scott Lieberman
INTERNET: scott at f6.n143.z1.FIDONET.ORG
"The views expressed above are those of Scott Lieberman only."
>From Bruce Sawyer" <sawyer at Tue Dec 28 17:22:31 1993
From: Bruce Sawyer" <sawyer at (Bruce Sawyer)
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 93 9:22:31 PST
Subject: FW: Who?
Message-ID: <9312281723.AA00886 at>
N1EE has posed the trivia question for the day...
>> >> call wb6acu
>> Call-Sign: WB6ACU Class: ADVANCED
>> Real Name: JOSEPH F WALSH Birthday: NOV 20, 1947
>> Mailing Address: 13009 BLAIRWOOD, STUDIO CITY, CA 91604
>> ------------
>> Scott E. Parker WA7VYJ
>> Center for Atmospheric and Space Sciences
>> Utah State University Logan, UT 84322-4405
>Who is Joe Walsh?
>Scott, N1EE/6
> --
>Scott Lieberman
>INTERNET: scott at f6.n143.z1.FIDONET.ORG
>"The views expressed above are those of Scott Lieberman only."
I think he's a pro football player, but I can't remember which team. Or
is it that he's a college team coach??? I dunno...but I do recall that
he's involved with sports some way or another.
>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at Tue Dec 28 18:41:00 1993
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 93 10:41:00 PST
Subject: FW: U.S. Citizens/callsigns
Message-ID: <2D208079 at admin.ClemsonSC.NCR.COM>
Years ago more Carribean countries used to give out callsigns to reciprocal
licensees. But there were abuses - I remember a case where a US Advanced
class licensee got a Carribean reciprocal and then came back to the US and
used the Carribean callsign portable in the Extra bands. I was told that
the government involved stopped giving out real callsigns becuase of their
Paul, K1XM
I know very well the station to whom you're referring. He had a ZF call and
operated portable 3; he lived in the 80m extra phone section for a couple
of years, and actually had a respectable signal. As I understand it, the
ZF'ers decided to continue to issue ZF calls but restricted the validity of
license for only the time the visiting ham was on the island.
73, Tom WB4IUX (back from Christmas holiday and too many big meals
and desserts...gotta diet to get back into the chair in the shack)
>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at Tue Dec 28 18:41:00 1993
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 93 10:41:00 PST
Subject: FW: Who?
Message-ID: <2D208081 at admin.ClemsonSC.NCR.COM>
From: slp9m
To: scott
Cc: cq-contest
Subject: Re: Who?
Date: Saturday, December 18, 1993 6:08PM
>> >> call wb6acu
>> Call-Sign: WB6ACU Class: ADVANCED
>> Real Name: JOSEPH F WALSH Birthday: NOV 20, 1947
>> Mailing Address: 13009 BLAIRWOOD, STUDIO CITY, CA 91604
>Who is Joe Walsh?
>Scott, N1EE/6
Around these parts you wouldn't even ask a question like that. It simply
the rocky mountain way.
Can you believe it? There's an individual on this reflector not quite a
older than I am who doesn't know who Joe Walsh is. Sheesh, there goes the
Oh well, I guess I'll just take it in stride. After all, life's been good.
73, -SEP
P.S. :^) (just in case)
Scott E. Parker WA7VYJ
Center for Atmospheric and Space Sciences
Utah State University Logan, UT 84322-4405
Internet: sparker at sparker at
Twisted pair: 801-750-2975 (USU) 801-750-2992 (FAX) 801-753-3924 (home)
NO, I couldn't believe and refused to answer. Even though we true-blue
and Contests are special, very special, we're just .....
73, Tom WB4IUX (now removing tongue from cheek)
>From David Robbins (KY1H) 413-494-6955(w) 413-655-2714(h) <robbins at> Tue Dec 28 20:21:01 1993
From: David Robbins (KY1H) 413-494-6955(w) 413-655-2714(h) <robbins at> (David Robbins 413-494-6955 413-655-2714 (KY1H w h))
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 93 15:21:01 EST
Subject: NAQP station available
Message-ID: <9312282015.AA27130 at>
i have no plans for NAQP for my station if anyone is interested in a place
to operate from. location is in Peru Mass, about 12mi east of Pittsfield
Mass. i have several radios and amps available, enough aluminum to keep
almost anyone happy, a couple keyers, 6 computers with ct (does ct do naqp???)
and dvp's. have never done this one myself so if you are interested you will
have to tell me just what you need set up, or come early and do it yourself.
contact me on here, on packet > AA1AS, or phone 413-655-2714 before 9pm.
73, dave
>From DKMC" <dkmc at Wed Dec 29 00:56:56 1993
From: DKMC" <dkmc at (DKMC)
Date: 28 Dec 93 16:56:56 PST
Subject: CQ WW CW K5GN
Message-ID: <CPLAN065.DKMC.1128.1993 12 28 16 40 16 40>
Microsoft Mail v3.0 IPM.Microsoft Mail.Note
From: McCarty, DK 'David'
Subject: CQ WW CW K5GN
Date: 1993-12-28 18:31
Fixed Font: 0001
Message ID: 3800112F
Conversation ID: 3800112F
The 2nd harmonic waited until 12/7/93 to arrive so the contest was not
interrupted (lost a QSO every time the 'phone rang...) but the reporting was
slowed just a bit...Congrats to WX3N at K4VX for best score in the west.
Callsign used = K5GN
160 48 109 2.27 14 30
80 150 410 2.73 25 70
40 884 2484 2.81 31 101
20 389 1030 2.65 35 101
15 585 1617 2.76 31 98
10 122 265 2.17 21 42
All 2178 5915 2.71 157 442
Single Operator, Unassisted
Club or team:
Texas DX Society (TDXS)
Best 160M opening to Europe in a long time for W5 on
Saturday night. Best 40M ever heard. 10M was not as
good as the solar flux level would indicate.
Rate report for those interested:
---- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- -----
0 0 0 31 9 14 4 58 58
1 0 0 56 11 4 0 71 129
2 0 0 0 61 5 0 66 195
3 5 13 0 3 1 0 22 217
4 0 5 54 1 0 0 60 277
5 1 13 5 0 0 0 19 296
6 3 9 0 6 0 0 18 314
7 0 13 35 2 0 0 50 364
8 0 1 84 0 0 0 85 449
9 1 1 60 0 0 0 62 511
10 5 3 61 0 0 0 69 580
11 3 5 12 0 0 0 20 600
12 0 10 36 0 0 0 46 646
13 3 0 4 55 0 0 62 708
14 0 0 0 12 53 10 75 783
15 0 0 0 14 64 2 80 863
16 0 0 0 6 22 18 46 909
17 0 0 0 32 6 0 38 947
18 0 0 0 0 27 4 31 978
19 0 0 0 3 4 17 24 1002
20 0 0 0 31 0 3 34 1036
21 0 0 0 15 8 1 24 1060
22 0 0 0 2 65 3 70 1130
23 0 0 0 1 46 0 47 1177
0 0 5 15 9 1 0 30 1207
1 0 0 54 7 0 0 61 1268
2 0 0 55 0 0 0 55 1323
3 7 0 14 0 0 0 21 1344
4 0 39 0 0 0 0 39 1383
5 14 7 0 0 0 0 21 1404
6 0 3 45 1 0 0 49 1453
7 2 0 17 0 0 0 19 1472
8 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 1475
9 3 2 44 0 0 0 49 1524
10 0 0 80 0 0 0 80 1604
11 0 10 28 0 0 0 38 1642
12 0 0 52 2 0 0 54 1696
13 1 7 7 4 36 0 55 1751
14 0 0 0 4 87 3 94 1845
15 0 0 0 29 35 1 65 1910
16 0 0 0 2 48 8 58 1968
17 0 0 0 5 17 26 48 2016
18 0 0 0 16 13 4 33 2049
19 0 0 0 7 1 11 19 2068
20 0 0 0 26 6 2 34 2102
21 0 0 0 5 14 5 24 2126
22 0 0 8 4 7 0 19 2145
23 0 1 27 4 1 0 33 2178
TOTAL 48 150 884 389 585 122
Continent List CQ WW CW 1993 K5GN Continent Distribution
160 80 40 20 15 10 ALL
--- -- -- -- -- -- ---
USA calls = 5 2 34 26 27 18 112
VE calls = 6 10 42 30 32 24 144
N.A. calls = 14 21 22 27 27 23 134
S.A. calls = 4 10 13 30 30 33 120
Euro calls = 12 74 338 183 329 3 939
Afrc calls = 1 4 7 10 13 11 46
Asia calls = 0 3 21 17 7 0 48
JA calls = 4 19 385 55 106 0 569
Ocen calls = 2 7 22 11 14 10 66
Unknowns = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total calls = 48 150 884 389 585 122 2178
Note ZERO Asia/JA on 10M]]]
See you all in 1994.
David K. McCarty, K5GN
dkmc at
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