Final QSL

g-taylor4 at g-taylor4 at
Sun Mar 28 18:56:56 EST 1993

> I think keeping order and rhythm are of primary importance in maintaining
> (not necessarily maximizing) rate.  We broke the pattern in times where we
> got a loud, medium-sized pile of known good ops who could follow an accel-
> erated, less verbose method, but that would only last for a minute or two,
> tops.  Then it was back to the consistent pattern.
> When I'm the callee, I don't like not knowing if my info was copied OK or
> not...especially when operating QRP on the low bands or some such.

I concur, as a QRP station I'm usually in the S&P mode so don't
always know if thats the way the operator works the pileup or if he just
lost me. I sure don't want to fool around trying to get heard again if
I've already got through once, especially if its a new mult. It doesn't
take that long to R, TU or whatever and it sure reduces the confusion.

Greg, KD4HZ

Dr. Gregory S. Taylor               !MAIL:  110 Dairy Science Building
Extension Program Leader for        !       College Station, TX 77843-2124
  Community Development             !VOICE: 409-845-4445
Texas Agricultural Extension Service!FAX:   409-847-8744
Texas A&M University System         !EMAIL: Reply or g-taylor4 at

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