CQP Awards ... more
PA_REFLECTOR/HP0000_EN at opnmail1.corp.hp.com
PA_REFLECTOR/HP0000_EN at opnmail1.corp.hp.com
Sat Sep 18 23:40:00 EDT 1993
The remaining 7 plaques and 23 bottles of wine and certificates
will be shipped Tuesday, 21 September, via UPS. Results were sent
out this week to the remaining award winners. Getting wine to VE4GV
will require shipment close to the border for hand carry over. Last
year, Gary and Nikki carried the wine into BC and then arranged for
it to propagate over to Bob in VE4-land. Any volunteers for this
kinda caper to get Bob's wine to him?!
Turns out that I (W0YK) am the culprit in the delayed awards drama.
I took over as Awards Chairman in early 1992. All awards, certificates,
wine, T-shirts, results, etc. were ready for Visalia and available
there for pick-up. We even twisted arms of people to carry awards
back to winners in their home area. However, there were a few typos
on plaques, wine labels and certificates that had to be re-worked.
The SCREW-UP of late shipping of the remaining awards to people is
totally my responsibility. Had the NCCC officers even known that
the awards hadn't gone out, they would have been all over me to help
get them out ... they assumed I had completed my task and sent
everything out. I won't bother you with the reasons for the delay.
I do agree with everyone that my actions tend to discourage
participation in the 1993 CQP. I hope now that you all will realize
that the NCCC team is VERY reputable and should not be slimed too much
for the errant ways of one member. I will deliver awards faster than
ever in the history of the CQP for the 1993 CQP ... else the NCCC will
replace me after the tar and feather ceremony! PLEASE participate in the
1993 and future CQPs and encourage others to do so, too. Feel free to
direct your anger and frustration at me and leave the NCCC to continue
doing the outstanding job they always have.
Please contact me with any further comments, questions or requests:
Ed Muns, W0YK
POB 1877
Los Gatos, CA 95031-1877
(408)353-1853 or -5798
(408)353-6107 (FAX)
reflector_pa at hp0000.desk.hp.com
We've probably taken enough Reflector bandwidth on this topic, but I
would appreciate your forwarding this message to all locations any of
you sent the original concerns.
Thanks & 73,
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