IC761 and Contest keying
dieven at almaden.ibm.com
dieven at almaden.ibm.com
Mon Feb 14 11:02:31 EST 1994
Apparantly my note didn't get to you. I solved this by installing a
new 1/4 inch phone jack on the rear panel for the computer keying line.
I installed a small bead inside, and wired the line to the output line
of the internal IC-761 keying circuit. The result is just as the IC-765
has done. I had access to service manuals for both the 761 and 765 to
do this.
You may not want to drill a hole in the back panel. I didn't mind.
73 de Dick, AA6MC
I will try this, using the "spare" jack on the '761. That will give
me the best of both worlds.
73, Kirk WR3O ( WR3O at isd2.tdec.state.tn.us )
>From Doug Brandon <dab at kaiwan.com> Tue Feb 15 01:33:16 1994
From: Doug Brandon <dab at kaiwan.com> (Doug Brandon)
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 1994 17:33:16 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Keyboard Mapper
Message-ID: <199402150133.RAA06815 at kaiwan.kaiwan.com>
A few weeks ago, somebody was talking about a keyboard mapping program.
I was thinking to myself, what does he need that for? Now I see... I'm
sitting here with a laptop computer to take to Mexico this weekend, and
to squeeze a '+' keypress out of this thing I have to hit 'Shift ='.
Will this keyboard mapping program convert say the '[' character to
a '+'? If so, where can I get a copy? Please reply privately.
73 de Doug NF6H
Doug Brandon [NF6H] Placentia, California dab at kaiwan.com
>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM Mon Feb 14 22:07:00 1994
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 94 14:07:00 PST
Subject: Summary of computer keying inquiry
Message-ID: <2D5FF625 at admin.ClemsonSC.NCR.COM>
Many thanks to all the experienced contesters who responded to my
inquiry on computer keying. Virtually all agreed on the following, or
did the following (had about 2 dozen responses):
1. the 2n2222 xsistor + 1kohm resistor is THE circuit
2. it is easy to mount in a DB25 connector and plug directly
into the computer port
3. everyone used the parallel printer port (kind of obvious,
since you need the serial ports for tnc, radio control)
4. shielded cable was used from the DB25 to the radio
5. only 1 respondent experienced RFI from using computer
keying (no one said they used any ferrite beads for emi control)
6. it is a whole new experience in cw contesting having the
computer do all the keying
7. I am a dummy for not doing it sooner...
CU in the ARRL with computer keying!!!
73, Tom WB4iUX
>From geoiii at bga.com (George Fremin III - WB5VZL) Tue Feb 15 04:26:43 1994
From: geoiii at bga.com (George Fremin III - WB5VZL) (george fremin iii)
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 1994 22:26:43 -0600 (CST)
Subject: ssb sprint rumors
Message-ID: <199402150426.AA24889 at zoom.bga.com>
here they are - as usual send corrections/additions/etc.
to me -- geoiii at bga.com
K9RS 350 52 aa5b
K6LL 338 51
K0GU 328 48
NL7GP 319 52
KN5H 316 54
KI3V 295 51
W1FEA 285 49
AG9A 283 49
WD0T 273 46
WB5VZL 270 51
W5ASP 268 46
K9ZO 267 51
NC6U 266 47
KW8N 259 50
K7SS 259 49
W9RE 256 50
N5RP 256 45
WB0O 255 46
N0AT 254 44
W9NQ 245 48
W9UP 241 49 we9v
KO9Y 238 49
NV6O 235 47
KM0L 226 45
WA4PGM 226 45
AA8U 223 47
KE9I 221 45
N9HZQ 217 43
VE4VV 216 43
WX9E 211 44
KE3Q 200 44
WE9V 199 38
WR6R 198 41
WM9M 189 47
NA4M 178 42
WU3M 173 42
K6XO 172 42 ka1oda
WC7S 160 31
K5ZD 159 43
AJ9C 157 42
KA4RPU 154 41
N7LOX 151 38
N0AX 149 39
WN3K 148 40
K7SV 141 42
KI4HN 120 36
K8JLF 118 37
ND1H 100 33
N9JF 86 26
WD8IXE 67 32
AA0YI 48 32
KM5H 16 11
K1AR 0 0
George Fremin III
Austin, Texas C.K.U.
geoiii at bga.com
>From forg at cent.gud.siemens.co.at (Forthuber Gerald) Tue Feb 15 10:04:43 1994
From: forg at cent.gud.siemens.co.at (Forthuber Gerald) (Forthuber Gerald)
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 94 11:04:43 +0100
Subject: message TO Eric/K3NA
Message-ID: <9402151004.AA01782 at cent.gud.siemens-austria>
Servus Eric,
die Internet-Adresse im Kopf Deiner email wurde als "unknown"
zu mir zurueckgeliefert, daher Antwort ueber list-server.
Servus Eric,
Danke fuer Deine email - habe seit kurzem in meiner Firma
ueber mailtool Anschluss an Internet. Gestern bekam ich von
einem Freund die Information, dass von einem server Nach-
richten an "Abonenten" versendet. Habe leider fuer Rueckfrage
meiner Einstellungen die falsche Adresse erwischt.
Ich bin bei SIEMENS in der Entwicklung fuer Kraftwerks-
einsatzplanung (power plant scheduling/generation control
scheduling) taetig. Zur Zeit arbeite ich an der Optimierung
von Wasserkraftwerken mit.
Wenn Zeit bleibt bin ich an meinem HF-transceiver. Ich
arbeite so nebenbei an meinem CQ-County-Award und am WAS,
aber da QSL-Karten benoetigt werden, dauert das sicher noch
einige Jahre bis ich damit fertig werde. - An Conteste nehme
ich nur zum Spass teil - habe weder die noetige Ausruestung
noch Ergeiz fuer "top-scoring".
So das war's - Danke nochmals fuer die email.
73 & Servus de Gerald/OE1GOU
P.S.: Dein Deutsch ist wirklich sehr gut!!!
Gerald Forthuber e-mail: forg at cent.gud.siemens.co.at
Siemens AG Austria phone: (+43-1) 601 71 - 6326
Gudrunstrasse 11 FAX: (+43-1) 601 71 - 6399
A-1100 Wien
>From Robert Wilgus (FSAC-ND) <rwilgus at PICA.ARMY.MIL> Tue Feb 15 15:59:26 1994
From: Robert Wilgus (FSAC-ND) <rwilgus at PICA.ARMY.MIL> (Robert Wilgus (FSAC-ND))
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 94 10:59:26 EST
Subject: List
Message-ID: <9402151059.aa15359 at FSAC3.PICA.ARMY.MIL>
>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM Tue Feb 15 00:21:00 1994
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 94 16:21:00 PST
Subject: America On Line number?
Message-ID: <2D6015E7 at admin.ClemsonSC.NCR.COM>
Could someone please forward to me the phone number to contact
America On Line? A lot of you seem to be using and enjoying their
service...thanks. 73, Tom WB4iUX
Tom.Skelton at ClemsonSC.NCR.COM
>From draperbl <draperbl at smtplink.mdl.sandia.gov> Tue Feb 15 20:25:18 1994
From: draperbl <draperbl at smtplink.mdl.sandia.gov> (draperbl)
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 94 14:25:18 MDT
Subject: K9RS (AA5B) Phone Sprint
Message-ID: <9402151425.A09448 at smtplink.mdl.sandia.gov.>
What's all this I hear about bad condx? Sounded just
hunky-dory here in NM ;)
Numbers aren't final because I log the Sprint on paper and
'kinda' keep a dupe sheet. I wouldn't be surprised to see
the QSO total drop by 4 or 5 when my computer gets ahold
of the logs.
20 132
40 139
80 79
350 total
Mults: 52. Heard but not worked: KL7, XE, TI, VP2M.
Made 11 band changes (but 1 resulted in no Qs).
Pretty good start: QSO #50 was at 0024Z.
20m started to fizzle much earlier that usual, but there
were a lot of weak-but-workable stations hangin' around
until well after 02Z.
TS850, DTR2000. KT34XA @ 60' (NE), KT34A @ 50'(NW),
CC 2el 40 @ 70', 80m vee @ 60'.
Hope to be on from XE2NQ for ARRL DX CW, but it's looking
a little grim. C U from somewhere . . .
73, Bruce AA5B (Albuquerque, NM)
draperbl at mdlchtm.eece.unm.edu
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