VP5NC in IARU Contest

AA4NC at aol.com AA4NC at aol.com
Tue Jun 28 12:12:55 EDT 1994

For those intrepid contesters who are brave enough to face the boredom of a
mid-70's solar flux, and the always lovely July QRN on the low bands, please
look for me at VP5NC in the IARU 'Test. I will be operating SO/mixed mode
with decent antennas & 500 watts. Would appreciate the Q's, especially if
you're casual operating...

73,  Will Roberts  AA4NC / VP5NC  

>From rmarosko at bcm.tmc.edu (Ron Marosko)  Mon Jun 27 13:17:38 1994
From: rmarosko at bcm.tmc.edu (Ron Marosko) (Ron Marosko)
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 12:17:38
Subject: Prelim FD results: K5DX 3A STX
Message-ID: <rmarosko.314.000C4BA0 at bcm.tmc.edu>

First cut score for K5DX (+KB5NFN), 3A STX, ~15,000, including bonuses, etc.

Still have to combine the logs and such, but getting there. A SV1 called our 
20CW station, and asked "What is this Field Day?".  

  Ron NFN

#include <std.disclaimer.h>
   As usual, the views expressed here do not represent the views of
   the BCM management, staff, or any living person.
|         Ron Marosko           | The Computing Resource Center  |
|      rmarosko at bcm.tmc.edu     |   Baylor College of Medicine   |
|        kb5nfn at amsat.org       |                                |

>From Charlie Ocker <Ocker at KD5PJ.dseg.ti.com>  Mon Jun 27 21:28:17 1994
From: Charlie Ocker <Ocker at KD5PJ.dseg.ti.com> (Charlie Ocker)
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 94  15:28:17 CDT
Subject: FD results, N5JS, 1A NTX
Message-ID: <2981737697-8806410 at KD5PJ>

A last-minute effort by a non-club, organized by N5JS and W5BJ (both of
whom you could say "know how to operate ssb but don't contest" was held
in the City of Sachse City Hall.  It was a good site in that it was AIR
CONDITIONED and had a REAL RESTROOM and a kitchenette.  Power for the
rigs provided via 3200 kW generator.  I joined the group only because my
regular team had to cancel due to work commitments.

HF rig was a TS-940S.  No novice station.  VHF station was 2M fm and
packet only.  No satellite station

Antennas were a Mosely Classic 33 at 36' and a 285' per leg VEE beam
(apex approx. 70 degs, aimed NE).  Room for the VEE beam provided by the
Sachse Cemetary, which is adjacent to the city hall.  Apex of the VEE
beam about 2' below the tribander, which detuned it BADLY, and the ends
were between 15' and 20' off the ground held up by poles lashed to the
cemetary fence.

Operators were AA5BP, W5BJ, N5JS, and KD5PJ.

First pass results:

Band    CW      SSB/phone
----    --      ---
80        6       0     (S9 noise level... what else is new?)
40       57     266
20      268     297
15       40      84
10        0      50
Packet   10
2M fm            10

Total   381     707

Estimated points (with bonuses) := 3,538

Highlights that I recall was the fantastic short skip.  AR and MS
stations were loud here.  Another was the performance of the VEE beam.
It was as good or better than the tribander in it's favored direction.
Shortly after the contest started, we parked the tribander NW and left
it there.  Main disappointment was my 40 cw performance.  As I was the
only cw op and the only op who knew how to use the logging software, I
ended up pretty bushed around 3:00 am Sunday.  I recall from FD's past
that 40 cw starts cooking around midnight.  I don't think it was the
antenna, as our 40 ssb results are respectable.  Perhaps I didn't have
the tuner adjusted right... who knows.  I only remember being dead

Everyone who participated had a good time.  Probably best of all was the
POSITIVE contest exposure to the non-contesters, especially N5JS who for
the last umpteen years has limited his operating to 2m repeaters and
such.  The NA logging software did as much to generate enthusiasm as
anything, especially when they started watching the rate meter and had
competitions among themselves to see who could get the highest last 10
rate numbers.

Charlie  KD5PJ          ocker at kd5pj.dseg.ti.com

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