Contest Rig of Choice
ve2zp at bbs.ve3jf.AMPR.ORG
ve2zp at bbs.ve3jf.AMPR.ORG
Wed Jun 29 11:02:20 EDT 1994
In response to John K2MM's observations about TS-850s, I'd like to say that in
the three years that I have had a TS-850, I have never had any sort of failure.
I have a lot of confidence in the rig, and I would recommend it highly. there
are a couple of small things I don't like (the RIT/XIT has only +/- 2.54 kHz
range), but all the big things are great, and a massive improvement over my olf
FT-901DM. IF I had to do it over, tough I might have bought two '930s for the
(used, that is) for the price I paid for this shiny new rig.
73, Dave VE2ZP/VE9CB ve2zp at BBS.VE3JF.AMPR.ORG
>From Tony Brock-Fisher <fisher at> Wed Jun 29 12:22:41 1994
From: Tony Brock-Fisher <fisher at> (Tony Brock-Fisher)
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 07:22:41 -0400
Message-ID: <9406291122.AA15563 at>
Hewlett-Packard Andover Radio Club Field Day Results:
Call: W1HJS Country:
Category: Multi Multi 3A
160 0 0 0 0
80 183 732 0 0
40 196 784 113 226
20 268 1072 65 130
17 0 0 0 0
15 44 176 123 246
12 0 0 0 0
10 18 72 26 52
6 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 53 106
NOV 0 0 0 0
SAT 0 0 0 0
PKT 0 0 30 60
709 + 410 = 1119 Total QSO
(2836 CW QSO PTS + 820 SSB QSO PTS) X 2 POWER MULTIPLIER + 700 BONUS = 4,356
Operator List: Tom James W1HET Andy Buckler K2OP
Gary Dallas WA1YHO Tony Brock-Fisher K1KP
Phil Walker W1PW Marc Davidson WB1AOP
Jeff Struven N1OEK John Mira KD1GQ
Dan Goodwin KA1JML
Equipment Description: (2) IC-735's; TS-180; 4 computers;
80 meter dipole at 30'; TA-33JR at 30';
40 meter dipole at 20'; AEA Isoloop at 20';
AEA Isopole (2m) at 15'; (2) 5KW generators.
-This was our first full-blown effort. We operated from the Medical Products
Group site in Andover, Mass on the banks of the mosquitoe laden Merrimac
River. Not much light in the tent at night - when dawn broke, there were
piles of dead mosquitoes in strategic locations - like next to the paddles
and another near the F1 key! Not to mention quite a few on the "windshield".
-First time with CT; never again without it! Problem: can't see laptop screen
at night; can't see VGA in the daytime! Had so many dyed-in-the-wool CW ops
that we actually forgot to make any Q's on 75 SSB!
-Thanks to all for the Q's; look for us again next year!
P.S. yes we did work WF2L.
>From RHALL <RHALL at> Wed Jun 29 09:39:38 1994
Date: 29 Jun 94 08:39:38 EST5EDT
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <MAILQUEUE-101.940629083938.256 at>
>From Bill Standerfer <bills at> Wed Jun 29 14:17:52 1994
From: Bill Standerfer <bills at> (Bill Standerfer)
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 94 07:17:52 MDT
Subject: what i did during field day
Message-ID: <9406291317.AA01530 at>
George Fremin III wrote:
>Worst use of phonetics: WD0HND -- Have a Nice Day. please!
This is a pet peeve of mine and I found it particularly annoying during FD.
The number of people either using weird phonetics or, just a bad, not using
any at all was high. If you want to be cute with phonetics, do it after the
>I am going to make a list of the calls that worked me the most
>number of times - if anyone is intrested I will share this.
I think I worked you only once. :-) Nice signal as always up here.
Bill Standerfer * Hewlett-Packard Company
CFI-A, IA, ME * VXI Systems Division
bills at * Loveland, CO 80539
Baron N222AB - KF0DJ - Pikes Peak 253 * 303-679-2378
>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM Wed Jun 29 17:34:00 1994
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 94 09:34:00 PDT
Subject: FW: what i did during field day
Message-ID: <2E11A2B0 at admin.ClemsonSC.NCR.COM>
From: owner-cq-contest
To: cq-contest mail list
Subject: what i did during field day
Date: Monday, June 27, 1994 12:49PM
For several years I have wanted to see how many QSOs could
be made on a single band during FD.
<del -- George reviews his excellent 20 m results>
George Fremin III
Austin, Texas C.K.U.
George et al:
(Whoever the 'steve @Gamma.attmail/something' is that
keeps flaming me and to whom I am unable to respond due to
mailer problems, please note that I intend this for the reflector.)
I have tried the same thing, and want to congratulate you and the
other contesters on this reflector for the high rates and large
number of FD QSO's. I have tried it on 40m and 80m from home,
with rates as high as 150 / hr. However, I get so fed up with the
"hey there <hiccup> OM, please copy my uh, uh, uh, # Alpha,
zz section, gord head" type of exchanges. Even though Field Day
has been argued to be not so much a contest as an emergency
preparedness drill, the 'usual' crop of operators (not the
contesters who are participating!!!) is sooooooooooooooooo slow
I get terribly unmotivated.
How do you guys/gals tolerate it? Just stoke more 807's on the
73, Tom WB4iUX
Tom.Skelton at ClemsonSC.NCR.COM
>From Jim Stevens, KI4HN" <ki4hn at jabba.Cybernetics.NET Wed Jun 29 15:20:27 1994
From: Jim Stevens, KI4HN" <ki4hn at jabba.Cybernetics.NET (Jim Stevens, KI4HN)
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 10:20:27 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: MARS Field Day '94
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9406291004.A10818-0100000 at jabba>
Results for the Mecklenburg (Charlotte, NC) Amateur Radio Society.
Call: W4BFB
Class: 2A
Section: NC
Power: 150W or less
HF SSB: 818
HF CW: 683
6M SSB: 111
2M FM: 6
2M Pkt: 6
Satelite: 2
QSO Points: 2315 X 2 = 4630
Bonuses: 700
Equipment: CW: TS440, Cushcraft A3 at 40, 40&80 Inv Vees at 35, N6TR's LOG.
SSB: TS450, A3 at 40, G5RV at 35, N6TR's LOG.
6M: Drake, 10El Yagi at 40.
2M&Pkt: FT767, Vertical at 45.
Main CW ops: WN4BBJ, KI4HN, N4YYN
Comments: In general, it went well. Sure glad that the hot weather broke.
Week before it had been 95+, but on Sat&Sun highs were about 88 and there
was always wind. No novice/tech+ station since I don't think there is
anybody in this club that is novice or tech+. Seems most of the new hams
quickly fall into one of two categories: quickly upgrade to General and
beyond or codeless techs for life. I think next year we need to go 4A,
so we can have two serious stations and two play stations. I know that
some of the people didn't get to play with CW since me and WN4BBJ were
running contest speed CW. We had our sites on out QSOing the SSB station,
but we fell behind Sun morning when they starting QRMing us bad, and we
never could catch-up again.
73, Jim, KI4HN
ki4hn at
>From clay torsten <rtclay at> Wed Jun 29 15:19:03 1994
From: clay torsten <rtclay at> (clay torsten)
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 09:19:03 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: what i did during field day
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9406290931.A13102-0100000 at>
> George Fremin III wrote:
> >
> >Worst use of phonetics: WD0HND -- Have a Nice Day. please!
Yes, someone called me (at N4AR) several times with their last two
letters...on cw!
Torsten n4ogw at
>From Chris Gay" <KU4A at LEXVMK.VNET.IBM.COM Wed Jun 29 15:36:24 1994
From: Chris Gay" <KU4A at LEXVMK.VNET.IBM.COM (Chris Gay)
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 94 10:36:24 EDT
Subject: slow exchanges
> How do you guys/gals tolerate it? Just stoke more 807's on the
> coals??
> 73, Tom WB4iUX
I consider it just one of the challenges of Field Day. Plus, it probably
impacts everybody equally. Yes, it is frustrating. To me, the most
frustrating thing is the people who don't seem to accept the convention
that the CQing station gives it's exchange first. In other words, the
conventional exchange:
CQer: CQ Field Day from W4XYZ
caller: W1XYZ
caller: roger 2A my-state
CQer: roger QRZ Field Day from W4XYZ
gets corrupted to:
CQer: CQ Field Day from W4XYZ
caller: W1XYZ
CQer: W1XYZ go ahead
caller: 2A my-state
CQer: roger 2A KY QSL?
caller: roger, good luck and have fun
CQer: CQ Field Day from W4XYZ
But it is important to keep in mind that Field Day is a chance for
contesting to be exposed to the "masses". It is probably the first
contesting experience for many new hams, and probably does a lot to
get them interested in contesting. We can't expect everyone to be
a top notch op in their first contest experience.
Chris KU4A
N4AR Field Day team
Kentucky Contest Group
>From dgf at (David Feldman) Wed Jun 29 15:56:05 1994
From: dgf at (David Feldman) (David Feldman)
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 07:56:05 -0700
Subject: what i did during field day
Message-ID: <199406291456.HAA27742 at>
>> George Fremin III wrote:
>> >
>> >Worst use of phonetics: WD0HND -- Have a Nice Day. please!
W0GI = "W 0 Gastro Intestinal" - wonder about the food there...
>From alan at (Alan Brubaker) Wed Jun 29 15:58:23 1994
From: alan at (Alan Brubaker) (Alan Brubaker)
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 94 08:58:23 -0600
Subject: VP5NC in IARU Contest
Message-ID: <9406291457.AA14239 at dsd.ES.COM>
Also, look for K6XO (+KI7WX), multiop, both modes, all bands. We
expect to be QRV for the full 24 hour period.
Alan, K6XO
alan at
High solar fluxes are for wimps...
>From mraz at (Kris I. Mraz) Wed Jun 29 16:05:27 1994
From: mraz at (Kris I. Mraz) (Kris I. Mraz)
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 94 10:05:27 CDT
Subject: what i did during field day
Message-ID: <9406291505.AA10658 at>
Tom WB4iUX says:
> ... the 'usual' crop of operators (not the
> contesters who are participating!!!) is sooooooooooooooooo slow
> I get terribly unmotivated.
> How do you guys/gals tolerate it? Just stoke more 807's on the
> coals??
I help out/coordinate our club effort on FD. What's frustrating is watching
the "Shack-On-The-Belt" club members trying to operate an HF radio for the
first time. Its all I can do to keep from telling them to get out of the way
so we can start making contacts. They have a great deal of difficulty properly
tuning in an SSB signal. They can't figure out which way to turn the knob.
One fellow would tune verrrry slowly, taking several minutes to tune a
10 Khz range to make sure he didn't miss anything (I guess).
Another new ham (license pending) assumed that stations that didn't answer
his call were being assholes, trying to snub him. He didn't understand that
there were probably many stations calling and he just wasn't loud enough.
We can only hope that they will mature into real hams with our seasoned
guidance :-)
Kris AA5UO
mraz at
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