Regional reporting

tavan at tavan at
Thu Mar 24 10:41:03 EST 1994

Those interested in contest ranking and score comparisons
should welcome the regional boxes despite the wide
margins.  The best measure of accomplishment (other than
winning) is your percentage of the best score in your
geographic area.  Thanks, Mark, for responding quickly to
good grass roots requests.  To the naysayers who miss the
Top 10 box:  yes, it should be there.  Be patient.  Expect
more oscillation to reach the ideal now that the world is
becoming more responsive.  Remember when ANY change was
subject to months or years of agonizing debate?


/Rick N6XI

>From drs at (Doug Snowden)  Thu Mar 24 18:53:13 1994
From: drs at (Doug Snowden) (Doug Snowden)
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 1994 13:53:13 -0500
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <9403241853.AA287415 at rs2>

Since we have the go-ahead to talk about antennas here:

I am in the process of raising my miniature 45 foot tower to 68 feet. In the
process I plan on putting a tribander up in place of my homebrew 3 element
20 meter monobander. I once compared the old HyGain TH3 to the 204BA and found
practically no difference in received levels. With that experience behind me
I feel I will work more DX with a tribander since I can't put up monobanders
for each band. My question:

What is the general experience with the various tribanders? I am sort of 
thinking of a KLM KT34A (figure the XA is too big) or maybe a HyGain TH5.
I have Rohn 25 with torque guy attachments.  

Regarding Dave, WX3N s comments about Carpal Tunnel syndrome. I have had
severe arthritis for about 12 years and it is tough. You look for every aid
you can find. I find that my arthritis stops my antenna work more than my
operating in the tests. I guess that when you have a competitive nature to
you it drives you a lot....

	73's Doug, N4IJ

>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at  Thu Mar 24 20:26:57 1994
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at (H. Ward Silver)
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 1994 12:26:57 -0800 (PST)
Subject: KM9P-Yes...KR0Y-NO
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9403241255.B12135-a100000 at bach>

I think that regional top-x boxes will eventually become VERY competitive.
 They are pretty loosey-goosey the first couple of years, but then will
begin to draw participants.  Watch the low-power entries in CQ-WW grow
over the next few years.  Keep the Top Ten...these are the operators and
stations that set the standards for everyone.  I want to know who they are
and their acheivements should be clearly printed!  I may never get there,
but those who are there should be rewarded, even if 160-meter contests
have weird geographic biases :-)
73, WArd

Oh yes, mouse pads (costing $2-3) are excellent elbow pads for the tuning
arm, and a dishtowel rolled up lengthwise and held in place with rubber
bands is a cheap, effective wristpad.  Now to do something about my
derriere after 48 hours...ouch!

>From engberg at (Bob Engberg)  Thu Mar 24 11:37:21 1994
From: engberg at (Bob Engberg) (Bob Engberg)
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 94 11:37:21 AKS
Subject: QST/NCJ via e-mail.
Message-ID: <9403242037.AA04764 at>

Pete, N4ZR writes:

>Now if I could just get my NCJ electronically (or QST for that matter!)

But, Pete, it is just no fun holding the computer on my chest while
reading QST in the warmth of a waterbed, or snuggling up to the

e-mail: engberg at
packet: K0MVL at KL7AA

>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at  Thu Mar 24 20:35:36 1994
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at (H. Ward Silver)
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 1994 12:35:36 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Oxymoron of the Week
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9403241236.C12135-8100000 at bach>

Let me get this straight...

KR0Y is complaining that his low score should NOT have made a Top-X box.

Take me now Lord...this is the big one!

Jeff, I'm just kidding, but it really struck me as funny!
73, The Wardster, N0AX

>From kayjc at (John C. Kay)  Thu Mar 24 20:49:04 1994
From: kayjc at (John C. Kay) (John C. Kay)
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 1994 14:49:04 -0600
Subject: Shack Suggestions?
Message-ID: <9403242049.AA05595 at degas>

Spring fever has arrived and in a quest to "clean up" the house, I'm moving
radios to the basement. I'm pretty much starting from scratch in the back
corner of the basement.  Can anyone give me any pointers of stuff I should
build into room while I'm building my own walls?  I'm considering for
electrical, a master cut off switch, 4 outlet boxes every 4 ft or so, 2 or 3
"amplifier" outlets, etc. The radios will be along a wall that will have a
removable panel so that from the back I can easily reach the "rat's nest".
PLEASE SEND RESPONSES TO ME DIRECTLY. Maybe if there's enough response, I'll
post a summary of suggestionsback to the list.  Room shape is 
 		       8' Outside Wall
                  /            |
                 /             |
      Removable /              |
      Panel -> /               | 9' Outside Wall
      Here    /                |

Primary interests are HF Contesting and DX. Some of the space will be devoted
an electronics workbench.

Thanks in advance for your advice!

John (WV9T)

John C. Kay                         Motorola
kay at             Cellular Infrastructure Group
Amateur Radio Callsign WV9T         Arlington Heights, IL

>From Smith, Pete" <PSmith at  Thu Mar 24 23:52:00 1994
From: Smith, Pete" <PSmith at (Smith, Pete)
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 94 15:52:00 PST
Subject: Peter Dahl
Message-ID: <2D9227DE at>

Does anyone know if Peter Dahl transformers is still in business? 
 Phone/fax/address much appreciated!

>From barry at (Barry Kutner)  Thu Mar 24 20:43:22 1994
From: barry at (Barry Kutner) (Barry Kutner)
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 94 20:43:22 GMT
Subject: Regional reporting
Message-ID: <Z3LPJc1w165w at>

"Smith, Pete" <PSmith at> writes:
> Now if I could just get my NCJ electronically (or QST for that matter!)

Pete - I don't know about the electronic mags. Next thing everyone
will be talking about is carpal neck/eye syndrome. (Yes, I know
carpal refers to wrist - sounds better than neck tunnel syndrome!)

73 Barry

Barry N. Kutner, W2UP       Usenet/Internet: barry at
Newtown, PA                 Packet Radio: W2UP @ WB3JOE.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
                            Packet Cluster: W2UP >K2TW (FRC)

>From ken.silverman at atlas.ccmail.PacTel.COM (ken silverman)  Thu Mar 24 22:49:33 1994
From: ken.silverman at atlas.ccmail.PacTel.COM (ken silverman) (ken silverman)
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 94 14:49:33 PST
Subject: Need Orion 2300 Info
Message-ID: <9402247645.AA764549373 at>

My friend Bill, K6KM, has been trying to track down wiring information for the  
plastic connector (up on the tower) for the Orion 2300 rotor.  Orion seems not 
to be helping Bill to his satisfaction, nor is the manual of help in this 
matter.  Specifically, Bill is looking for wiring information with respect to 
the internal markings of the rotor of "rotor left" etc.  Bill said that he was 
having problems getting the gender of the plug correct with respect to the 
rotor, and that wiring info referring to "pin 1" might not be exactly what he 
is looking for.

Can anyone help us with this info?  It will sure make my life easier for the 
WPX contest... I'll be using his station signing WM2C.  It sure helps to know 
where the antenna is pointed!

Thanks much, Ken WM2C

>From oo7 at (Derek Wills)  Thu Mar 24 23:03:41 1994
From: oo7 at (Derek Wills) (Derek Wills)
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 94 17:03:41 CST
Subject: KM9P-Yes...KR0Y-NO
Message-ID: <9403242303.AA10722 at>

	Still waiting for my NCJ out here in the US mail black hole.  
        Anyone else in the USA still waiting, or is it time for a 
        phone call to Newington ?

	Steve, N2IC/0

Haven't received mine as of today (3/24).  I just renewed my sub
so I thought that might have something to do with it.  Perhaps not.

Derek aa5bt

>From Robert A. Wilson" <n6tv at vnet.IBM.COM  Fri Mar 25 00:16:36 1994
From: Robert A. Wilson" <n6tv at vnet.IBM.COM (Robert A. Wilson)
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 94 16:16:36 PST
Subject: Late NCJs

Just a reminder that you can subscribe to the NCJ via First Class Mail
if you want to be first in the pileup.  This may explain the difference
between the "haves" and the "have nots."

Bob, N6TV

>From Jay Townsend" <jayt at  Fri Mar 25 00:20:26 1994
From: Jay Townsend" <jayt at (Jay Townsend)
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 1994 16:20:26 -0800 (PST)
Subject: NCJ 3.24.94 Arrived
Message-ID: <m0pjzdS-0001A9C at>

Well finally.  The NCJ arrived in sunny Spokane.  Guess when its shipped as
bulk mail you take what you get.

Jay Townsend, Ws7i  < jayt at >

>From Rick Zabrodski <zabrodsk at>  Fri Mar 25 02:07:55 1994
From: Rick Zabrodski <zabrodsk at> (Rick Zabrodski)
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 1994 19:07:55 -0700 (MST)
Subject: KM9P-Yes...KR0Y-NO
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9403241951.A14368-0100000 at ume>

HEY! DON'T COMPLAIN! Us guys here in the frozen north usually get it when 
have the mentioned contests are over! ve6gk
If I get my copy by april 1 I'll be a happy camper!

On Thu, 24 Mar 1994, Derek Wills wrote:

> 	Still waiting for my NCJ out here in the US mail black hole.  
>         Anyone else in the USA still waiting, or is it time for a 
>         phone call to Newington ?
> 	Steve, N2IC/0
> Haven't received mine as of today (3/24).  I just renewed my sub
> so I thought that might have something to do with it.  Perhaps not.
> Derek aa5bt

>From Jim Reisert AD1C  24-Mar-1994 2110 <reisert at>  Fri Mar 25 02:07:44 1994
From: Jim Reisert AD1C  24-Mar-1994 2110 <reisert at> (Jim Reisert AD1C 24-Mar-1994 2110)
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 94 21:07:44 EST
Subject: T9 in WPX contest (from KC1YR)
Message-ID: <9403250207.AA23771 at>

Msg #496  From: KC1YR  Date: 24-Mar 2210Z  Subj: T9 in WPX contest

Samir T94ON asks me to post the following:

T93M plans to work the WPX contest this weekend on 20 meters SSB, single op.
T97T plans to work on 160 meters.
QSL information:
T93M via DL8OBC
T97T via SM5AQD

Good luck and have fun! 73, Sharon KC1YR

>From Randy A Thompson <K5ZD at>  Fri Mar 25 02:22:07 1994
From: Randy A Thompson <K5ZD at> (Randy A Thompson)
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 1994 21:22:07 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Shack Suggestions?
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9403242119.A4869-0100000 at>

The biggest problem I have had with 3 different basement shacks is heat 
during the winter contest season.  It takes a lot of heater to overcome 
the cold, but...

If you have enough heater, then turn on a couple of amplifiers for a 
weekend, you find that you are sweating!  Or the part of you closest to 
the heater is hot and the other half is freezing.

The only other problem with a basement is lack of windows.  I kind of 
like to see the sunrise and sunset, just to know it is still going on out 

Good luck.

Randy, K5ZD

>From Jack Fleming <oolon at>  Fri Mar 25 03:08:20 1994
From: Jack Fleming <oolon at> (Jack Fleming)
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 1994 19:08:20 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Oxymoron of the Week
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9403241919.G25177-0100000 at>

On Thu, 24 Mar 1994, H. Ward Silver wrote:

> Let me get this straight...
> KR0Y is complaining that his low score should NOT have made a Top-X box.
> Take me now Lord...this is the big one!
> Jeff, I'm just kidding, but it really struck me as funny!
> 73, The Wardster, N0AX

Obviously Jeff has the same problem as I do - just not enough dedication 
to contesting.  Only in my case it keeps me OUT of the boxes.  Jeff, take 
my advice, if you want to score less and keep those low scores out of the 
boxes, watch more Star Trek and Dr. Who on Saturday nights!

Jack Fleming, WA0RJY                          oolon at
Seattle, WA                                   DON'T PANIC!

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