WE9V / KS9K Scores
ka9fox at aol.com
ka9fox at aol.com
Mon Mar 28 13:34:56 EST 1994
> KS9K (op N0BSH) 785 X 443 = 810,690
This was a 40 meter single band effort.
> WE9V (at KS9K) 1674 X 696 = 2,653,152
This was a 15 meter single band effort.
Both efforts break the previous 9-land records.
73 Scott KA9FOX
"I'm too short for QRO"
I resisted every effort to turn on the rig this weekend... the new YL in my
life -a FOX!- is requiring more skill, timing and determination than the WPX
could have possibly needed. Is there some PED trainer for winning over YLs?
I guess I've spent too much time running and now I need to search and POUNCE!
I guess I should move this to the Dating Reflector. ;-)
>From terwill at leotech.MV.COM (Paul Terwilliger) Mon Mar 28 19:41:03 1994
From: terwill at leotech.MV.COM (Paul Terwilliger) (Paul Terwilliger)
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 94 19:41:03 GMT
Subject: NX1H wpx ssb
Message-ID: <znr764883663k at leotech.mv.com>
Call: NX1H Country: United States
Mode: SSB Category: Multi Single
160 0 0 0.0 0
80 375 1160 3.1 186
40 166 696 4.2 52
20 1297 2981 2.3 399
15 1035 2702 2.6 221
10 76 189 2.5 33
Totals 2949 7728 2.6 891 = 6,885,648
Operator List: NX1H, WT1S, N1HFE, K1TR, K1MNS (2 QSOs this time!)
This is just a hair over the existing W1 record. Hopefully it will
stay that way after the bogus mults (xx/AE, NP4IW/6, etc) are removed.
At the last minute, discovered that WPX M/S isn't CQWW-style, with
a separate mult station. Oops! Good thing N1HFE read the rules!
Also couldn't get CT (8.53) to do serial numbers right - it wanted
separate numbers per band. Ended up with post-it paper over the
log window's serial numbers, and notes to use the summary window's
"ALL" number instead.
Discovered in CT that, after doing control-rightarrow to the announce window,
pressing pgup switches the spot filtering between mults-this-band to
mults-all-bands, qsos-this-band, and qsos-all-bands. We find a new
feature each time out...
More on CT to the CT reflector, when I get a chance...
Paul, NX1H
>From Jim Hollenback <jholly at hposl42.cup.hp.com> Mon Mar 28 19:05:57 1994
From: Jim Hollenback <jholly at hposl42.cup.hp.com> (Jim Hollenback)
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 94 11:05:57 PST
Subject: Model for A4
Message-ID: <9403281905.AA15970 at hposl42.cup.hp.com>
Has anyone made a successful Elnec/YO model for a Cushcraft A4? If so
would you be willing to share the information?
jholly at cup.hp.com
>From Steve Kelly <srkelly at agora.rain.com> Mon Mar 28 18:43:44 1994
From: Steve Kelly <srkelly at agora.rain.com> (Steve Kelly)
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 1994 10:43:44 -0800 (PST)
Subject: KC7EM CQ WPX 40m Single Band
Message-ID: <Pine.3.87.9403281044.A1053-0100000 at agora.rain.com>
KC7EM CQ WPX Phone 40m Single Band
QSO's QSO Pts Mults Score
913 3244 x 406 = 1,317,063
Kenwood TS-940S, Henry Amp, Macintosh IIci computer
3/3 DX Engineering Full Size Yagi's @ 160'/80' on TIC RingRotors
Activity was pretty good both nights. Seemed like the JA runs were way
down Sunday morning. The JA activity was a complete reversal from the
ARRL Phone test. Great to see solid participation by US stations. Things
were right on target for breaking the 1.5mil score level until murphy
stepped in. My radio stopped functioning at 10z Sunday morning. Looks
like the pass transistors in the power supply gave up the ghost. I'll be
back next year to try again :-)
Be it resolved that a voice keyer is a definite must, not to mention a
back-up rig. Its now time to spend a few bucks on the equipment inside the
North America 413 45.2% (US 352 38.6%)
South America 23 2.5%
Europe 71 7.8%
Asia 345 37.8% (JA 337 36.9%)
Oceania 55 6.0%
Africa 4 .4%
Steve Kelly
srkelly at agora.rain.com
>From tree at cmicro.com (Larry Tyree) Mon Mar 28 18:05:44 1994
From: tree at cmicro.com (Larry Tyree) (Larry Tyree)
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 94 10:05:44 PST
Subject: CW Internet Sprint contest
Message-ID: <9403281805.AA19411 at cmicro.com>
Contest period: 00:00:00Z to 02:00:00Z on Sunday Apr 3rd (Saturday local)
Bands: 40 and 20 meters only.
Max power output: 150 watts.
Exchange: Consecutive QSO number (starting with one), name and state
or province or DXCC country (if outside W/VE). The name for
the first QSO is your name. For every QSO afterwards, the name
you send is the name you received in the previous QSO.
Call: CQ INT
The standard sprint QSY rule must be followed. Both callsigns must be
sent during the exchange. Only one signal at a time please and all QSOs
are to take place on CW. All information submitted must have been decoded
during the contest. The use of post contest detection or verification
techniques or systems is not allowed. Also, do not make round robin
type QSOs. It will be very easy to spot these with the names floating
around. A round robin QSO is one where you should QSY, but instead
hang around to work the station who is QSOing the station you gave
the frequency to.
You may work the same station multiple times provided they are separated
by at least 3 other QSOs in both logs (regardless of band). For example,
if WN4KKN and N6TR had a QSO, they both must work at least three other
stations before they could work each other again. Changing bands does
not eliminate the three QSO requirement.
You must not work the same station or stations using any kind of schedule
or system. It is the intent of this rule to make sure we don't run out of
stations to work. It is NOT the intent of this rule for you to change how
you would operate the contest if dupes were not allowed. If, in the log
checkers opinion, you have not lived up to the intent of this rule, your
log will be disqualified!!
Total score is the number of contacts you make. The same penalities used
in the sprint contests will apply to busted contacts with the following
exception: If any information is miscopied, it will be removed from both
Please refrain from using vulgar or inappropriate names. If you receive
one of these names, fell free to either edit it or replace it with your
starting name. Make sure to make a note in your log so we know what you did.
Logs must be sent in ASCII format via internet to n6tr at cmicro.com within
72 hours of the end of the contest.
Logs must show the band, time, station worked, number sent, number received,
name received and QTH received for each QSO. Also, please tell me the
name you start the contest with. I will assume the name you send is the
name received on your previous QSO, so you don't have to show that.
Results will be publised on CQ-CONTEST.
Good luck, tell a friend and HAVE FUN!!
Tree N6TR
tree at cmicro.com
>From geoiii at bga.com (George Fremin III - WB5VZL) Mon Mar 28 19:07:32 1994
From: geoiii at bga.com (George Fremin III - WB5VZL) (george fremin iii)
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 1994 13:07:32 -0600 (CST)
Subject: 6D2X arrl ssb band totals
Message-ID: <199403281907.AA03593 at zoom.bga.com>
i thought some might find this intresting.
i have spent the last two years operating the arrl ssb dx contest
from 6D2X-ray. last year we operated in the multi/2 class and this
year we entered the M/M class.
our M/M effort should really be best described as M/3 as we only
had 3 stations on during the contest. anyway here are the band
breakdowns from the two years.
93 94
160 531 760
80 1371 1679
40 1850 2033
20 2114 3251
15 3536 3839
10 4217 2267
tot 13619 13819
the most notabicle thing from the above numbers is the diffrence in
10m condx. most of the 10m score this year was made via various
forms of scatter ie. back, side, forward etc.
this makes for slow rates indeed.
also it must be noted that anytime that we were on 10m and 15m - this
means all day long - we were using a butternut hf6 on 20m!
now to the point of all this - both years we really tried to
give out the freq of the other stations so that folks would
work us on more than one band. so the question that i had was
"how many people did we work on more than one band?"
so here are the numbers -
93 94
unique calls 8735 7991
6-bands 113 182
5-bands 192 248
4-bands 329 319
3-bands 588 749
2-bands 1388 1471
1-band 6125 5022
so on more than one band
2610 2969
of course i am sure that there are a few broken calls - but i found
this kind of interesting to look at. thanks for all the contacts.
George Fremin III
Austin, Texas C.K.U.
geoiii at bga.com
>From David Robbins (KY1H) 413-494-6955(w) 413-655-2714(h) <robbins at guid2.dnet.ge.com> Mon Mar 28 20:16:12 1994
From: David Robbins (KY1H) 413-494-6955(w) 413-655-2714(h) <robbins at guid2.dnet.ge.com> (David Robbins 413-494-6955 413-655-2714 (KY1H w h))
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 94 15:16:12 EST
Subject: Gerrymandering club areas!
Message-ID: <9403282000.AA19762 at thomas.ge.com>
Sure, the proposal to exempt some clubs from the 175mi rule sounds interesting.
But it would raise more problems than it could possibly fix. I could see my
club, the YCCC applying for compensation for the part of our radius that covers
Long Island Sound and the offshore waters, and the off shore areas around Cape
Cod. Maybe we could get the rest of Northern VT and NH added, there are some
members up there that are outside the radius. Or would we be better off
getting more area in central NY or down into NJ? Maybe we could get credit
for all of Maine if we try to even out the populations of the different club
areas like they do congressional districts... but we would probably have to
give up New York City or maybe Albany to another club. How would the FRC and
PVRC draw the line where they overlap? should they get compensation because
their radiuses overlap? Maybe we could tie it to propagation, and give
the black hole clubs bigger areas so they could improve their club scores?
I think the whole idea of the ARRL radius limit is to keep club competition
down to real clubs, not just groups of contesters spread all over the world
adding their scores together to beat some other group that does the same.
maybe 175mi isn't the best, it is still a very long drive to attend even 2
meetings per year for those near the edge, but i don't think there should be
exemptions from it for special cases... after all, every case is a special
case if you look close enough. We could end up with a mess like the DXCC
country rules that have been interpretted all sorts of ways over the years to
add various 'countries' to that list.
73, dave. robbins at guid2.dnet.ge.com
>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at seattleu.edu Mon Mar 28 20:18:25 1994
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at seattleu.edu (H. Ward Silver)
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 1994 12:18:25 -0800 (PST)
Subject: WPX Multi-Multi Score
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9403281225.A3090-b100000 at bach>
Well, it's not exactly the largest score you'll ever see...less than 10k
points...but unless another group enters a m/m score, it will be the
record for the 7th district!
Myself and three nine-year-olds went at it for several hours on Sat and
Sun afternoon. Competitiveness was dampened considerably by an absolutely
gorgeous weekend and the boys were more interested in playing outside than
sitting in the shack...where are their priorities? (:-)
However, I got the shack wired up so that I can run two low-power
stations, each with a PC running N6TR, and my pair of headphones able to
switch between either rig. One boy was tuning and the other was getting
help in working a pileup. The remaining boy was pestering me about when
HE was going to get to operate. I felt like I had taken three young
fishermen out and ran into a school of hungry perch. Yow! You get the idea.
Their most enjoyable feature, however, seemed to be using the "Gab"
functions to send messages like "Work somebody, butthead!" to the other
station. It seems that we never really do grow up, do we?
They'll be on again in Field Day and before you know it, there will be
another three or four Novii loose and wondering why they can't work
anybody in Sweepstakes in the Novice Band!
73, N0AX
P.S. I wonder if they really did set a record...were there any other
7-land multi-multi's out there?
>From Joel B Levin <levin at BBN.COM> Mon Mar 28 20:51:30 1994
From: Joel B Levin <levin at BBN.COM> (Joel B Levin)
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 94 15:51:30 -0500
Subject: Casual WPX Phone score
Message-ID: <19787.764887890 at bbn.com>
Call: KD1ON Country: United States
Mode: SSB Category: Single Operator
Hours: around 15? QTH: Southern NH
160 1 0 0.0 1 (just to say I did it)
80 10 30 3.0 7
40 16 86 5.4 6
20 108 191 1.8 83
15 140 359 2.6 102
10 43 93 2.2 31
Totals 318 759 2.4 230 = 174,570
Equipment Description:
Yaesu FT-990 @ 100 watts (30 on 160)
Flattop 45 meters long up 10-25 meters
(Sunday morning SWRs went all to heck during heavy wet snowfall until
rain came and rinsed snow off ladder line feed; rest of weekend filled
with scheduled personal events and a XYL having a very bad day Sunday
:-( .)
>From slay at netcom.com (Sandy Lynch) Mon Mar 28 22:06:41 1994
From: slay at netcom.com (Sandy Lynch) (Sandy Lynch)
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 1994 14:06:41 -0800 (PST)
Subject: WA6BXH WPX Results
Message-ID: <199403282206.OAA23078 at mail.netcom.com>
1994 CQ WPX SSB Contest Results
Station: WA6BXH Class: Single Operator, All Band
Country: U.S.A QTH: La Center, WA
Band QSOs Points Prefixes subtotal
160M 0 0 0 0
80M 0 0 0 0
40M 138 786 22 17,292
20M 604 1,064 351 373,464
15M 576 1,195 149 178,055
10M 17 48 10 480
1,338 3,093 X 532 = 1,645,569
Zero Value QSOs = 117 Qs or approx. 13% of total
The antenna farm has 6 towers totaling >800ft. As I remember:
40M - 3 element full size yagi up "really high" (>100ft)
20M - 5/5/5 mono band yagis
20M/10M - 4L 20m quad at 135ft (interlaced with 6 element 10m yagi).
15M - 6/6/6 mono band yagis
10M - 6/6/6 mono band yagis
FT-1000D running monoband amplifiers: running around 1KW output.
The Heil Pro-Set-4 developed an intermittent in the mic audio line - argghhh
and suffered badly in the dual receive (stereo) mode.
Lost the amps Friday nite til Saturday morning. So, did not
even bother trying 40m the first night.
Computer & software: Macintosh SE running Marathon v2.2e by Kevin/N0IOS.
Called it quits Sunday morning after about 28 hrs of operation or so.
Thanks to my JA XYL (Akiko/WH0AAM) for letting me play during the contest.
Additional Comments:
The W7RM QTH is like a "DisneyLand for Hams". Rush is a good cook, too.
If I were "really" a good contest operator - I would have been "dangerous".
I am in awe of the truly Great Ops in this contest.
Cheers de Sandy WA6BXH/7J1ABV
Member: Northern California Contest Club - NCCC
slay at netcom.com
>From charlie.morrison at chowda.sbs.com (Charlie Morrison) Mon Mar 28 14:55:04 1994
From: charlie.morrison at chowda.sbs.com (Charlie Morrison) (Charlie Morrison)
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 1994 14:55:04 GMT
Subject: WPX PH Rumors #1
Message-ID: <9403281704505674 at chowda.sbs.com>
CQ WPX SSB 1994 Score Rumors
Taken on 3.830 by WZ1R
WZ1R 6105 x1155 =16.0 M @ KY1H
NX1H 2949 x 891 = 6.8 M @ K1MNS
K5XI 3089 X 933 = 6.78 M
N1AU 2517 X 768 = 5.1 M + KC1F
KM5X 2277 X 782 = 4.3 M @ K5MR
WX1Z 2139 X 748 = 3.7 M @ K1KP
NJ1V 2067 X 738 = 2.9 M
KF9PL 1615 X 690 = 1.5 M
VD2ZP 3100 X 850 = 7.5 M
WM2H 2734 X 793 = 6.4 M @ N2RM
KF3P 2992 X 866 = 6.3 M
WN4KKN 3070 X 792 = 6.0 M
K3ZO 2418 X 739 = 5.02 M
K5ZD 2190 X 747 = 4.7 M 24HRS
WB5VZL 2101 X 730 = 3.4 M
KF2O 1302 X 632 = 2.3 M
KA4RRU 1362 X 621 = 2.04 M
WS1A 1254 X 568 = 1.87 M LP
WE6G 1250 X 580 = 1.6 M
K4VUD 1672 X 634 = 1.55 M
K1AR 851 X 510 = 1+ M
AC0W 762 X 442 = 831 K LP
KI4HN 610 X 364 = 519 K LP
AA1EY X 343 = 485 K LP
KE1Y 875 X 400 = 955 K 80M
W9LT 700 X 363 = 535 K 80M
KS9K 785 X 443 = 810 K 40M N0BSH opr.
AC4NJ 1615 X 690 = 1.5 M 20M
WF1L 1151 X 550 = 828 K 20M LP
KA1CZF 275 X 237 = 133 K 20M QRP
KC1XX 1825 X 681 = 2.95 M 15M
WE9V 1674 X 696 = 2.6 M 15M @ KS9K
N8II 1366 X 604 = 2.5 M 15M
AC4WO 1450 X 600 = 2 M 15M
VE3EJ 3611 X 906 =10.7 M
6D2X 4196 X 881 = 6.7 M
VE3RM 1952 X 731 = 3.6 M 20M
QSOs by Band
160 312 160 -
80 1053 80 374
40 891 40 157
20 2000 20 1297
15 1431 15 1035
10 417 10 76
------- -------
6105 2949
>From H. L. Serra" <hlserra at teetot.acusd.edu Mon Mar 28 22:45:07 1994
From: H. L. Serra" <hlserra at teetot.acusd.edu (H. L. Serra)
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 1994 14:45:07 -0800 (PST)
Subject: CT M/S serial numbers
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9403281405.B7034-a100000 at teetot.acusd.edu>
Paul- We encountered the same serial numbers by band problem with CT in
our M/S effort from 6E2T, except you solved it more innovatively. We
assumed CT was correct until someone dragged out the rules and we found per
band serial numbers were only for M/M stations. Steve VS6WO had the
reverse problem at VS6WO M/M. CT showed their serial numbers as
consecutive throughout contest without regard to band, but they needed
serial numbers by band. This leads me to believe the code was swapped
somewhere during the version 8 revision. Any more info on this or how to
fix? 73, Larry N6AZE
>From H. L. Serra" <hlserra at teetot.acusd.edu Mon Mar 28 22:56:55 1994
From: H. L. Serra" <hlserra at teetot.acusd.edu (H. L. Serra)
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 1994 14:56:55 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Gerrymandering club areas! "One ham, one vote."
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9403281453.D7034-a100000 at teetot.acusd.edu>
Dave- This debate sounds like the constitutional convention all over
again! I think gerrymandering is NOT a good idea, for whatever the
ultimate rational purpose. But let's try this-- state constest clubs for
ARRL/CQ competition. You PVRC and FRC guys benefit from the 175 mi rule
because you can cumulate regional club scores across state
boundaries in states that happen to be small and close together. In CA and
FLA and TX (with the biggest ham populations by state, BTW) we cannot even
have clubs that include active contesters more than 175 mi from contest
centers. Also, I'm reminded of the wisdom of BAKER v. CARR-- one man one
vote. Maybe the ARRL as a national organization should start thinking about
"One ham, one vote" in the revision of some of these rules.
>From oo7 at astro.as.utexas.edu (Derek Wills) Mon Mar 28 23:14:48 1994
From: oo7 at astro.as.utexas.edu (Derek Wills) (Derek Wills)
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 94 17:14:48 CST
Subject: Gerrymandering club areas! "One ham, one vote."
Message-ID: <9403282314.AA04792 at astro.as.utexas.edu>
Maybe the ARRL as a national organization should start thinking
about "One ham, one vote" in the revision of some of these rules.
But of course votes from Extras and contesters should count more, and . . . . .
Derek aa5bt
>From Obermann Mark" <obermann_mark at macmail1.cig.mot.com Tue Mar 29 00:02:30 1994
From: Obermann Mark" <obermann_mark at macmail1.cig.mot.com (Obermann Mark)
Date: 28 Mar 1994 18:02:30 -0600
Subject: S/S AND S/M
Message-ID: <199403290002.AA04419 at pobox.mot.com>
I am glad that most of the comments I've read here on e-mail lately do not
buy into squelching the competitive nature of our sport. I had read with
disdain several months ago the attempt to do the impossible ... equalize the
competition to encourage participation. The latest thread suggests that we
should look at splitting single-op categories into single transmitter and
multi-transmitter. From my perspective, it's just one weapon in my
contesting arsenal. A 100W transmitter to an auxilliary antenna as a second
station will do wonders for your score. The challenge we face as competitors
is overcoming the fundamental obstacles to using these skills. We are faced
with 1)technical challenges; 2)physical and mental challenges and 3)monetary
and space challenges. Number three is perhaps the most difficult to get
around, but as KM9P pointed out, it doesn't take much! Numbers one and two
are the ones that true contesters will relish in attacking.
The goal of most contesters is to improve their score by whichever way they
can within the letter and spirit of the rules. Hardware is one way.
Learning band conditions thoroughly to different parts of the world is
another. Using computers if it helps the score. Multiplexing with two
radios. These are all ways to help you do better against the guy across the
street. It encourages inventiveness, increases technical knowledge and
pushes the skill base to the limit.
Breaking the single-op category into single transmitter and multi-transmitter
reduces the incentive of mid-level contesters to take the next step towards
increasing overall ability. The overall level of competition may hence
eventually be reduced. Keep the single-op category the same.
Mark AG9A
>From Brian Bogh <0006125879 at mcimail.com> Tue Mar 29 01:36:00 1994
From: Brian Bogh <0006125879 at mcimail.com> (Brian Bogh)
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 94 20:36 EST
Subject: N7LOX wpx score
Message-ID: <94940329013649/0006125879NA4EM at mcimail.com>
Call: N7LOX Country: United States
Mode: SSB Category: Single Operator
Low Power 100 w.
160 0 0 0.0 0
80 53 74 1.4 35
40 31 112 3.6 13
20 308 670 2.2 219
15 308 443 1.4 178
10 44 121 2.8 23
Totals 744 1420 1.9 468 = 664,560
The wx was so nice I nearly bailed out.
Put in about 24 hours. Hope CQ gets my category
correct this year, last year they had me as
high power. I'm sure it didn't have anything
to do with someone hearing my big sig!!
73 N7LOX the loxman.
no more bagel jokes
unless you include capers and
cream cheese of course..
>From Mark Curran <curran at corona.med.utah.edu> Tue Mar 29 02:09:04 1994
From: Mark Curran <curran at corona.med.utah.edu> (Mark Curran)
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 1994 19:09:04 -0700 (MST)
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9403281916.A20178-0100000 at corona>
WPX SSB Results for K6XO/7
Operator KA1ODA Single Band 15M
QSO 667
Points 1148
Mult 377
Point/QSO 1.72
Score 432,796
Equipment: FT1000, Al1200, PC w/LOG, 3 el at 45 feet
Continent List, Thought this was interesting:
USA calls = 265 39.7%
VE calls = 37 5.5%
N.A. calls = 22 3.3%
S.A. calls = 22 3.3%
Euro calls = 81 12.0%
Afrc calls = 6 0.9%
Asia calls = 14 2.0%
JA calls = 178 27.0%
Ocen calls = 42 6.3%
Entering in a new catagory, Most well known personalities worked.
KM9P, WN4KKN, AA6TT and the coup de gras: CALLED BY K1AR!! We're not
worthy! We're not worthy!
Fun Stuff. First real experience with paths other than the short ones,
which never seemed necessary from W1 land. Can't wait to inherit the
family home in CT!!! Friday night thought 15 single was poor choice.
Only a few JAs on backscatter, and a few VK and ZL contacts. Saturday
went much better with good NA mults, and some EU. JA run was decent.
Sunday had a good EU opening, and Asia came up around 2300 to make the
last couple hours fairly productive. Most surprising contact was RK0AXX,
over the pole after the band seemed dead. Tried to use the '1000s dual
recieve to find new mults/piles, some success, need more practice :).
Many thanks to Alan for yet another guest op opportunity from K6XO.
Mark Curran
Curran at Corona.med.utah.edu
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