contester email address list

george fremin iii geoiii at
Fri May 20 10:57:05 EDT 1994


in the FAQ that Trey puts out for this mail reflector he states 
that i have a list of contester's email address. 

i do have a list - but is it old and out of date. 
i would like to update my list - and then i can send
a copy of it to everyone that is on the list i compile. 
so if you would like such a list - and you want to be on 
such a list then by all means send me a message with the following.
1 - your first and last name. 
2 - your email address -- if your email address is diffrent 
                          than your reply to address - please let me
3 - your CALLSIGN -- this is important as i will sort the list by

i will wait at least a week before sending out a version of the list. 

George Fremin III
Austin, Texas C.K.U.                        
geoiii at

>From Bruce Herrick <bdh at>  Fri May 20 16:55:59 1994
From: Bruce Herrick <bdh at> (Bruce Herrick)
Date: Fri, 20 May 94 10:55:59 CDT
Subject: SS Results
Message-ID: <199405201556.KAA04473 at>

Last night, WU9B, a friend who is not real active in contesting, mentioned
that he tried for a pin in SS Phone last year.  He had enough fun that he
eventually ended up with his first clean sweep.  As a reward, his score was
not listed in QST and he has not yet received his mug, six months after the
contest and a month after the results were published.  Of course, his check
was cashed immediately after he sent it in.

Anyone else with similar experiences?
--Bruce WW1M

Bruce D. Herrick               bdh at      Home:   414.462.1270
Pryon Corporation                                  Office: 414.253.5678
N93 W14575 Whittaker Way                           Fax:    414.253.2772
Menomonee Falls, WI  53051                         PacketCluster: WW1M > NB9C

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