Contest Announcement Screwup?
aa2du at
aa2du at
Thu Dec 7 10:39:36 EST 1995
If I may, I'd like to make a suggestion to all of you: I have been reading messages
with similar content for several weeks now, and couldn't agree with
them more. However, instead of just flaming away into the vacuum
of cyberspace, why hasn't ANY of you bothered to send a copy of
your note to the ARRL? Strange phenomenon might actually
reach the people who are empowered to make change IF they SEE the
The proper address to E-mail compliments and complaints is to
contests at
This should put the message in front of those who are responsible for
the ARRL contest program. A note to your ARRL Director would not be
a bad idea either. Oh, if your not an ARRL member, you might want to
join in order to have your voice heard. Being a membership organization,
the ARRL is responsive to membership input. If you are not a member, the
ARRL (rightfully so) will show less interest in your suggestions.
Very 73,
>The rules for ARRL contests are detailed for a purpose- to make sure everbody
>understands exactly is permitted and what is not.
>I strongly urge the ARRL to go back to the old system of printing ALL the rules
>for contests in QST.
> Scott N1EE/6 (Life Member, ARRL)
J.P. Kleinhaus, AA2DU ARRL CAC hudson Div. Rep.
E-mail: aa2du at
Compu$erve: 74660,2606
It's not a bug...It's a feature!
>From Sarayuth Prommajan <RRT3NET/RRT3POST/Sarayuth%Read-Rite2 at> Thu Dec 7 17:10:00 1995
From: Sarayuth Prommajan <RRT3NET/RRT3POST/Sarayuth%Read-Rite2 at> (Sarayuth Prommajan)
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 95 12:10 EST
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <43951207171034/0005186288NA4EM at MCIMAIL.COM>
>From jreid at (Jim Reid) Thu Dec 7 17:29:57 1995
From: jreid at (Jim Reid) (Jim Reid)
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 1995 07:29:57 -1000
Subject: The Horse Returns!
Message-ID: <199512071729.HAA21363 at>
Aloha to all who have been following this incident,
At about 3:30 Tuesday afternoon, a Fed Ex truck drove up, and
delivered back from the Kenwood Service Corp ( in Long Beach),
my TS-950SDX,, and in a new shipping carton.
I waited until Wednesday AM to open the box(my son
had to help me, it weighed about 60 pounds or so) inside
was found a bag of broken parts: knobs, pots, switches,
some small transistors, and a large PCB with digital display,
and the invoice for the repair costs. Written on,
as a hand written note, were these words, "Shipping damage
cost, parts $377.08, labor, $250.00. UPS claim #43111720
for reimbursement." Have never heard of that number before.
However, I have been phoned by both UPS in Honolulu, and
also a call from California, that UPS would pay for the shipping
Then there was a listing of parts replaced, 16 items, including
one $327.33 part, which must be the digital display board,
the one that reads out the digital S-meter, and the various frequency
settings, as that was one of the smashed- up parts returned.
Total parts," adjusted" (whatever that means) cost is given as $572.52.
Shipping and handling as $99.20; labor as $350.00, then less the initial
deposit check I sent with the rig back in October of $175.00, for a total
of $799.72.
As requested by UPS Honolulu last week, I faxed over to them the
invoice; guress they will figure out what to do with it, and I will learn
my share, or recompense, whatever.
By Wednesday afternoon I had the rig all set up, and ready for the
"smoke test." Turned on the power, and up came 14000.00 on the
display, and noise from the speaker, it works again! Went to 40M
and fired up on CW, sounded fine, and KH6AFS on the Big Island
immediatedly responded to my "test de AH6NB". Said it sounded
grreat, so it now transmits also (the original problem before the
shipping damage).
Then I discovered that the 250 Hz CW filter was missing!!? Next also
the 1.8 kHz SSB filter. So will have to call Kenwood this morning and find
what happened to them Maybe now is the time try IRC filters?
Wonder if the digital recording/playback module I had installed is
still there, haven't tried that one yet.
We tried the SSB transmission next, and KH6AFS
reports that every time I push-to-talk, an S9+30dB hum appears on my
frequency along with the voice modulation!?? Will hope that is a simple
ground loop problem between the TNC, computer, rig or whatever this
morning. Good clean CW tone, no traace of hum, per KH6AFS.
Anyway, its nice to have the radio (the contest race horse) home, now
just have to get everything set back up properly. And settle with Kenwood
and UPS. Found it interesting that Kenwood used Fed Ex to return the unit,
for which the cost was $99.20; going via UPS, the cost had been $89.15.
Assume the return was insured, declared value, as had been the outbound
Anyway, for the many of you who have asked about the status of this
situation, this brings you up to date.
73, Jim, AH6NB
73 and Aloha,
Jim Reid, AH6NB (Happily retired on the Island of Kauai)
Hawaii, USA Email: jreid at
>From Swanson, Glenn, KB1GW" <gswanson at Thu Dec 7 18:09:00 1995
From: Swanson, Glenn, KB1GW" <gswanson at (Swanson, Glenn, KB1GW)
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 95 13:09:00 EST
Subject: QST Contest Announcements
Message-ID: <30C72D32 at>
Greetings fellow contesters,
We here at the ARRL are trying (hard) to implement "user friendly" rules,
yet cover the important stuff, too. (i.e. How do we print the rules--while
attracting newcomers.) We're working on it--trust me! Suffice to say that
I've passed your comments on the proper folks here at HQ, and steps will be
taken to try and prevent such oversights in the future. Thanks for your
feedback--and understanding!
BTW, When your January issue of QST arrives, do check out my "New Ham
Companion" article (titled: "It's Time to Explore VHF/UHF Contesting!") it
plugs the *ARRL* January U/VHF contest! It spells out the caveats you
mentioned--in detail. I mention that repeaters are not to be used, suggest
some simplex frequencies (and it says: "except 146.52"), further, it gives
info on the proper exchange, provides info about "how to find your grid
square," etc. etc. We're trying our best to promote contesting.
Trivia quiz: How many different pages is the January U/VHF Contest mentioned
(Check it out when you get your January QST!)
And, the *ARRL* HF QSO Party Results are plugged on the front cover--and
inside the magazine, of course.
Have fun in the *ARRL* January VHF/UHF contest and happy holidays!
73, Glenn Swanson, KB1GW
The American Radio Relay League
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
P.S. The following from J.P. bears repeating:
"The proper address to E-mail compliments and complaints is to
contests at
This should put the message in front of those who are responsible for
the ARRL contest program. A note to your ARRL Director would not be
a bad idea either. Oh, if your not an ARRL member, you might want to
join in order to have your voice heard. Being a membership organization,
the ARRL is responsive to membership input. If you are not a member, the
ARRL (rightfully so) will show less interest in your suggestions.
Very 73, J.P. AA2DU"
>From Swanson, Glenn, KB1GW" <gswanson at Thu Dec 7 18:51:00 1995
From: Swanson, Glenn, KB1GW" <gswanson at (Swanson, Glenn, KB1GW)
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 95 13:51:00 EST
Subject: Minor typo:
Message-ID: <30C7370C at>
I said:
"And, the *ARRL* HF QSO Party Results are plugged on the front cover--and
inside the magazine, of course."
***The above should read "...VHF QSO Party Results..."
Have fun!
73, KB1GW
>From six at (Frank E. van Dijk) Thu Dec 7 18:43:36 1995
From: six at (Frank E. van Dijk) (Frank E. van Dijk)
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 1995 19:43:36 +0100
Subject: PACC contest 1996
Message-ID: <199512071843.TAA20086 at>
The PACC Contest has a website:
February 10 and 11, 1996; 1200Z - 1200Z
160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters
SSB QSOs on 160 are not allowed
CW and SSB
Entry classes
single operator; multi operator; SWL
RS(T)+serial number, start from 001
Dutch stations transmit their Province abbreviation:
GR, FR, DR, OV, GD, UT, NH, ZH, FL, ZL, NB, LB (12)
QSO Points
each QSO with a PA/PB/PI station yields one point
a station may be worked only once per band, regardless
of the mode
1 multiplier per Province, per band. Maximum 6*12=72
Final score
the total of all QSO points on all bands, multiplied by the
total of all multiplier points on all bands (a la CQ WW)
each different Dutch station per band counts for 1 point
complete exchange of both Dutch and foreign station must
be logged
separate sheet per band, submit score calculation
multipliers should appear only when new
please sign log for observation of the contest rules
mail log no later than March 31st, 1996 to:
Frank E. van Dijk PA3BFM
Middellaan 24
3721 PH Bilthoven
Netherlands, Europe
a contest certificate will be awarded to the high scorers in each
country in each entry class. No fee.
The PACC Award can be obtained for working 100 different PA/PB/PI stations
in the PACC Contest, without submitting QSLs. Send application together with
contest log and USD 5,- fee to contest organizer.
Condensed version: work different Dutch stations on each of the bands
10-160 meters (No WARC) in CW or SSB. Transmit RS(T) plus serial
number. Dutch stations transmit their Province abbreviation: GR, FR, DR,
OV, GD, UT, NH, ZH, FL, ZL, NB, LB (total 12) which count as multiplier
per band. Scoring: each different Dutch station per band yields 1 point.
Final score: total band QSO points multiplied by total band multipliers.
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