CAC Member List

W8FN at W8FN at
Tue Feb 28 15:34:06 EST 1995

Who the hell is WB4FLB? Pardon me, but I've never heard of my own division's
CAC Rep.

>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>  Tue Feb 28 21:32:05 1995
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 1995 13:32:05 -0800 (PST)
Subject: CAC Member List
Message-ID: <794007125.585392.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>

> Who the hell is WB4FLB? Pardon me, but I've never heard of my own division's
> CAC Rep.

Send him a message and introduce yourself.  His email address is 
hext at WKUVX1.WKU.EDU.

--Trey, WN4KKN/6

>From k3lr <k3lr at>  Tue Feb 28 21:57:03 1995
From: k3lr <k3lr at> (k3lr)
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 1995 16:57:03 -0500
Subject: ARRL CW DX  K3LR
Message-ID: <199502282157.QAA12325 at>

More K3LR ARRL CW Data......  
K3LR Antennas:
160- 3 element 1/4 wave vertical inline beam  (4 directions)
80 - 4 square  1/4 wave ground mounted self supporting verticals
40 - 4 ele/4 ele     @ 190'/100'      and 2 ele @ 140'
20 - 5 ele/5ele/5ele @ 170'/110'/50'  and 5 ele @ 120'   
15 - 6 ele/6ele/6ele @ 120'/80'/40'   and 5 ele @ 50'
10 - 7 ele/7ele/7ele @ 100'/66'/33'   and 6 ele @ 200'
See you on Phone with another great crew in multi-multi!
HOUR   160   80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM TOT

   0  5/5  38/22   120/32    64/19    21/4     .....   248/82  248/82 
   1  4/4  23/9     75/17    36/6       .        .     138/36  386/118
   2  3/3  28/5     55/7     25/2       .        .     111/17  497/135
   3 10/7  23/8     38/6      7/2       .        .      78/23  575/158
   4  8/6  26/8     38/4      5/4       .        .      77/22  652/180
   5 10/1  35/4     36/4      8/5       .        .      89/14  741/194
   6 11/5  48/4     64/2      9/3       .        .     132/14  873/208
   7  6/3  18/3     63/5     13/3       .        .     100/14  973/222
   8  2/2   8/3     69/3     19/6     .....    .....    98/14 1071/236
   9   .   12/1     36/3      9/4       .        .      57/8  1128/244
  10  1/1   5/1     20/1      4/1       .        .      30/4  1158/248
  11   .   14/1     16/3     49/5      6/6       .      85/15 1243/263
  12  1/1   3/0     26/4    110/11    39/21      .     179/37 1422/300
  13   .     .      11/1     74/4    107/20     1/1    193/26 1615/326
  14   .     .       5/1     66/8    115/6     12/11   198/26 1813/352
  15   .     .        .      60/1    106/7     20/12   186/20 1999/372
  16 ..... .....    .....    45/3     71/4     12/4    128/11 2127/383
  17   .     .        .      52/4     47/4      5/0    104/8  2231/391
  18   .     .        .      52/1     19/2      2/0     73/3  2304/394
  19   .     .        .      39/0     11/5      6/2     56/7  2360/401
  20   .     .      10/0     26/2      8/2      2/0     46/4  2406/405
  21   .     .      52/1     22/0      6/0      2/1     82/2  2488/407
  22   .   26/2     50/3     10/5      8/2      1/0     95/12 2583/419
  23  4/1  34/1     40/1     11/1     34/3       .     123/7  2706/426
   0  2/0  36/1     59/2     38/1      3/0     .....   138/4  2844/430
   1  1/1  26/6     35/2     18/0       .        .      80/9  2924/439
   2  2/0  13/1     18/2       .        .        .      33/3  2957/442
   3  1/1  17/1     24/0      4/1       .        .      46/3  3003/445
   4  1/1  13/1     21/1      1/0       .        .      36/3  3039/448
   5  3/0  27/1     23/2      3/1       .        .      56/4  3095/452
   6  6/0  28/1     45/1      3/0       .        .      82/2  3177/454
   7  1/0  20/3     59/1      6/0       .        .      86/4  3263/458
   8 .....  8/1     57/0      1/1     .....    .....    66/2  3329/460
   9   .    3/0     30/0       .        .        .      33/0  3362/460
  10   .    2/0      7/2       .        .        .       9/2  3371/462
  11  2/0   1/1      4/0     32/2      2/0       .      41/3  3412/465
  12   .    5/1     22/2     79/2     65/3       .     171/8  3583/473
  13   .     .        .      51/1     88/1       .     139/2  3722/475
  14   .     .        .      41/0     93/4      7/7    141/11 3863/486
  15   .     .        .      41/1     64/1     13/7    118/9  3981/495
  16 ..... .....    .....    48/1     64/1      4/2    116/4  4097/499
  17   .     .        .      50/1     36/3      1/0     87/4  4184/503
  18   .     .        .      45/0     22/1      2/0     69/1  4253/504
  19   .     .        .      33/0      5/2      3/0     41/2  4294/506
  20   .     .      15/0     19/2      7/5      1/1     42/8  4336/514
  21   .     .      46/0      6/0     14/1      2/2     68/3  4404/517
  22  3/0  12/0     44/4      6/1     24/0      2/1     91/6  4495/523
  23  1/0  16/2     28/2      4/1     16/0       .      65/5  4560/528
DAY1 65/39 341/72   824/98  815/100   598/86    63/31  .....  2706/426
DAY2 23/3  227/20   537/21   529/16   503/22    35/20     .   1854/102
TOT  88/42 568/92 1361/119 1344/116 1101/108    98/51     .   4560/528
Tim K3LR
K3LR at

>From oo7 at (Derek Wills)  Tue Feb 28 23:08:46 1995
From: oo7 at (Derek Wills) (Derek Wills)
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 95 17:08:46 CST
Subject: di-dit-dit
Message-ID: <9502282308.AA09078 at>

	>>By the way, have we all forgotten that "di-dit--dit"  --   
        >>not "?"  --  is the right way to quickly ask "QRL?"
	>>Dave K5GN

  This was one of many things I didn't know before joining this
group.  I tried it once, and someone on freq replied with two
dits (meaning "go away" I guess).  I replied with one dit ("sorry,
CUL, whatever") and the person sent "FOC?"    Gosh, I felt so proud
being mistaken for one of "them".

At least, I *think* that was what was sent...

Derek AA5BT, G3NMX
oo7 at

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