Wanted: Icom UX-14 interface
s57ad at ljutcp.hamradio.si
s57ad at ljutcp.hamradio.si
Sat Jul 1 08:22:07 EDT 1995
Thanks for reading this MSG!
Our club (S50D, former S53DCM) finally decided to spend some bucks for
buying Icom UX-14 CI-IV / CI-V interface for our IC-751 radio.
But, it seems, UX-14 is not available any more here in Europe, as
IC-751A is off-line.....
Please, inform me to my E-mail address, whether any UX-14 is available
over there in States or in JA, (address of vendor, price, etc).
Thanks in advance for any help!
73 & GL IARU RS Championship
Mirko, S57AD
Snail: Mirko Sibilja, S57AD
Savska 31
68290 Sevnica
Tel. ++386-608-33 445 (week-ends only)
Fax ++386-608-41 190 Attn. Mirko Sibilja
E-mail: S57AD at ljutcp.hamradio.si
Packet: S57AD at S50BOX.svn.eu
*** Do not torture Yourself. It is MY job! (Family Adams) ***
>From Rich L. Boyd" <rlboyd at CapAccess.org Sat Jul 1 10:40:19 1995
From: Rich L. Boyd" <rlboyd at CapAccess.org (Rich L. Boyd)
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 1995 05:40:19 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Contest Station Design
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9507010517.E29553-9100000 at cap1.capaccess.org>
On Fri, 30 Jun 1995 John-Warren at easy.com wrote:
> Rule #1 is very simple: Buy a hill.
> John, NT5C.
Rule #2: If you buy a hill build the towers a lot heavier and/or plan on
a healthy annual maintenance budget.
I'm impressed with how well stations built on flat ground work. Hills
seem more helpful on VHF/UHF.
Rich Boyd KE3Q
>From XTFF35A at prodigy.com (MR CHARLES A CULLIAN) Sat Jul 1 16:34:01 1995
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 1995 11:34:01 EDT
Subject: Contest Station Design
Message-ID: <013.08188567.XTFF35A at prodigy.com>
I can attest to the vertues of a hilltop location, but the winds
are really bad. Each year I get a couple over 100 mph. Right now I
have 4 beams that need repair.
For multi-tower setups I suggest that the towers besituatedsuch
that beams are end on when pointing to major population centers like
Europe and Japan. Also, obviously the greater the separation, the
better the interaction performance.
A word of caution, even if there is not interference, use front
end filters because you can destroy the RF secrion of the rx even if
the if performance eliminates audible interference (especially on 10
Separate coax to each beam also helps because the isolation of
some remote relays is not good enough to provide the desired
isolation. The simplest, and possibly most effective fix for front
end overload from another band is an open stub at the rx input. Tuned
to a half wave at the desired listening freq, the stub will
effectively eliminate the 2nd harmonic from the next lower band by
providing an open quarter wave (i.e. short circuit) for that
frequency while providing an open circuit at the listening frequency.
This will give at least 20 db reduction, usuallyenough to eliminate
Is this the type of info that is desired here? It is really
pedestrian, but I remember learning it the hard wayover the years.
73 and good contesting,
Chuck, K0RF
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