IR4T IARU 95 Claimed Score
i4ufh at
i4ufh at
Sun Jul 16 01:23:44 EDT 1995
IR4T 1995 Claimed Score
IARU HF Championship -- 1995
Call: IR4T Country: Italy
Category: Multi Single
160 24 38 1.58 5 11
80 61 109 1.79 9 13
40 291 1025 3.52 19 15
20 1479 6101 4.13 45 20
15 609 2019 3.32 31 16
10 80 240 3.00 14 7
Totals 2544 9532 3.75 123 82
Score: 1,954,060 points
fabio.schettino at
>From David Brian Ritchie <dbr at> Sun Jul 16 00:40:02 1995
From: David Brian Ritchie <dbr at> (David Brian Ritchie)
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 1995 16:40:02 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <Pine.3.88.9507151614.A18150-0100000 at>
Call: W6UE Country: USA
Category: 3A - LAX SECTION
160 0 0 0 0
80 185 740 108 216
40 514 2056 464 928
20 750 3000 996 1992
15 235 940 562 1124
10 2 8 337 674
6 2 8 72 144
2 1 4 266 532
222 1 4 75 150
432 1 4 60 120
1.2 1 4 17 34
10GHz 1 4 1 2
SAT 2 8 13 26
PKT 111 444 * *
80N 0 0 * *
40N 25 100 * *
15N 9 36 * *
10N 2 8 165 330
222N 0 * 33 0
1842 + 3169 = 5011 Total QSO
x 4 = 7368 PTS + x 2 = 6338 PTS = 13706 PTS
Bonus Points:
Em. Pow. (Class 3A) 300
P.R. 100
Public Place 100
Info. Booth 000
Message Orig. 100
Message Relay (10) 100
Sat. QSO 100
Nat. Power 100
W1AW Message 100
Packet QSO 100
TOTAL REGULAR + BONUS POINTS = 13706 + 1360 = 15066
Equipment Description:
VHF: IC575H, IC271H, IC375A + TE Brick, IC471H, IC1271A
SAT: FT726 + Bricks
HF: 5 ele 15M Monoband Yagi
4 ele Triband Yagi
4 ele 20M Monoband Yagi
2@ 2 ele 40M Monoband Yagi
2@ 1 ele 80M Delta Loop in same physical plane for isolation
2@ Tower Trailers with 65 foot crank up towers
Operators (* indicates ARRL Member)
Club Affiliation: SCCC
Note: This effort was a joint venture by the Caltech Amateur Radio
Club (W6UE) and the JPL Amateur Radio Club (W6VIO) using the
callsign W6UE.
This is to certify that in this contest we have operated
our transmitters within the limitations of our licenses and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.
David B. Ritchie, N6DLU
Caltech Amateur Radio Club
Jay A. Holladay, W6EJJ
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Amateur Radio Club
Dave Ritchie 818-683-8800 (w)
dbr at 818-683-8900 (FAX)
>From kf3p at (Tyler Stewart) Sun Jul 16 03:56:26 1995
From: kf3p at (Tyler Stewart) (Tyler Stewart)
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 1995 22:56:26 -0400
Subject: Results of Alpha 87A Survey
Message-ID: <199507160256.WAA29896 at>
>Thanks for the survey on the 87A. I am not sure what you mean when you say the
>pin diode problem has "gone away". Just received mine back from ETO for
>replacement of the pin diodes after less than a year of service. Think it is a
>problem that needs to be followed. Wonder if ETO is. 73 de Fred.
Yes, I'm not sure that it can be concluded that the PIN diode problems have
gone away...yet. However, the latest update to the QSK diode board is to
replace the on-board diodes with a daughter board assembly that mounts to the
rear chassis near the UHF output connector. Since mine have been modified
I have not had another failure, but I think it is too soon to say that the
PIN diode problems are solved...let's wait another year and see what happens.
They've also added a choke and gas protector across the output for static/
lightning protection.
I really dont agree that there is anything wrong with their customer service.
While at times they seem a bit disorganized and slow, the end results have been
very pleasing and all upgrades have been free except for shipping. They are
fairly liberal with their warranty and it IS 4 years not 1 like most...
Of course 48 hour turnaround would be nice!
73, Tyler KF3P
>From De Syam <syam at> Sun Jul 16 03:16:24 1995
From: De Syam <syam at> (De Syam)
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 1995 22:16:24 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Colombian Independence Contest: K3ZO results and comments
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950715220904.4340A-100000 at>
Since I was a resident member of the Liga Colombiana de
Radioaficionados (HK3NBB, K3ZO/HK3) for almost four years, I always
try to participate in their annual Colombian Indpendence Contest,
and did so again this year.
For those of you who think you might want to get into it, sorry,
it's already over. QST had the wrong date. In recent years the
contest has been the 24 hours of Saturday, GMT.
This is basically a 40 meter phone contest, which is a problem for
us here in the Continental USA because we can't use phone below
7150 and the contest is basically going on between about 7040 and
7100. I do not operate illegally; I pick out a clear frequency
above 7150 and call "Say-coo Concurso" until someone finally
answers. I record my "CQ contest" call in Spanish on my trusty
DVK-100 before starting to operate the contest and thank goodness
KM3T installed the automatic repeat feature in it when he lived
here several years ago. I might have to call for 15 minutes
before the first HK happens to tune up the band and hears me, but
things will move along reasonably rapidly from that point onward.
That's because I ask the first HK who calls me to go back down the
band and tell everyone that I'm up here on 7153, or wherever, and
in the contest. In another five minutes every CQ or QRZ brings an
answer. This year I had to wait until 0530 before doing much
because of BC QRM. When I finally started CQ'ing at 0530, the
first answer I got was HJ4TGY at 0547. I asked him to go down and
tell the gang about me and at 0550 the run began: 18 stations
before 0615 and then another 22 before 0700. Things slowed down
after that and I went to bed at 0740 with 47 stations in the log.
Up again at 1100, I put 10 more stations in the log on 40 before
the sun closed the band down for us for the day, and found two HK's
running W's on 20 in the contest before going back to bed again.
That was my total participation in the contest: 59 QSO's. It
should be good enough for another first-in-the-USA certificate to
hang on my wall.
Pretty slow, you say, but in what other contest will you find a QSO
distribution like this? HJ/HK: 40 YV: 6 CM: 4 HR: 1 TI: 1
OA: 1 HP: 1 CX: 1 PY: 1 W: 1 HK0: 1 HI: 1.
Yes I always try to work the stations that are actually in the
contest and not point the beam at Europe at run Europeans all day
long, getting 001 from each one of them. When I lived in Colombia
I was on the LCRA's log-checking committee and remember a big log
from UP1BZZ with 2200 QSO's and not a single HK! That's when the
rules were changed to require a certain minimum number of HJ/HK's
in order for a log to be credited.
The HJ's are Colombian novices, by the way. I'm always happy to
work them because I had something to do with starting the novice
license when I was in Colombia. When I arrived in Colombia in 1980
and joined the LCRA there were a bunch of old-timers who either rag
chewed on 40 meters or occasionally worked a little DX. Those
interested in contests could be counted on both hands and were
generally recent converts from CB who had enjoyed the conditions on
11 meters but wanted more action. There was a minimum age of 18 to
obtain a license, and the entry-level license was a VHF-only
technician-class-type license. Most new HK's would obtain a shack-
on-a-belt and stay on 2 meter FM for the rest of their lives.
At that time the LCRA had a young, dynamic, forward-looking
President, Arturo, HK3BED, and I began harping on the minimum age
restriction, saying that Colombia would need a lot of engineers to
be self-sufficient in the data-processing revolution, and by the
time a kid turns 18 he has already decided on a career so amateur
radio was being given no chance to influence career choices for
Colombian youth, a role it had fulfilled so well in other countries
including the USA.
I still remember Arturo and myself sitting in a restaurant having
lunch and marking up a draft proposal for a new license which his
secretary had knocked out on her Selectric 2. It called for a new
class of license, the novice class, with no minimum age
requirement and a requirement that the holder make a certain
minimum number of QSO's on HF before being able to use VHF at all.
This would make certain that the new ham would be exposed to the
wonders of HF right off the bat before settling in to a humdrum
life on 2 meter FM. Arturo sold the idea to the authorities except
they wanted a minimum age of 12, certainly a lot better than 18.
But after a few years, as it became obvious to the authorities that
the kids in ham radio aren't the ones who cause the problems --
it's usually the old farts like myself -- the minimum age
requirement was eliminated altogether.
I still live with the hope that if during the Colombian contest
each year I give a few HJ's their first USA QSO, they will be
convinced that contests are good for something and will reward us
later with QSO's in the CQWW and the ARRL during the lean low-
sunspot years when what you have on some bands is what's south of
you, period!
A number of the calls I worked this year were the likes of HJ6ZUX
and HJ2ZZB, which makes it obvious that they have gotten near the
end of the alphabet in call-sign assignment. In Colombia, the same
suffix is not assigned in more than one call area, so the
progression is the same in each call area no matter how many hams
there are in a particular one. It leaves me wondering what they
will do now: start assigning the same suffix in more than one
area, go back through the alphabet from the beginning and pick up
vacant calls, or start using the 5J and 5K prefixes for regular
assignment. Up to now the 5J and 5K prefixes have only been
available for multiop contest stations and for special events.
Guess I will find out the answer when I enter next year's HK
Very 73,
Fred Laun, K3ZO
>From kf3p at (Tyler Stewart) Sun Jul 16 01:53:37 1995
From: kf3p at (Tyler Stewart) (Tyler Stewart)
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 1995 20:53:37 -0400
Subject: More SO vs SOA
Message-ID: <199507160053.UAA25078 at>
>Hi Bob, KR2J...
>Perhaps I worded my bulletin poorly...I am not referring to the skill level
>of the operators... Those skills come with doing a lot of contesting... And,
>I was not referring to the ability to make more points as SOA... I was
>referrring to the increasing investment / equipment level necessary to hope
>to be a certificate winner... In SOA it has already inflated to a top grade
>transceiver and and an Alpha 87 (or similar) for (nearly) instantaneous band
>changes, tower/beams assembly, and access to a DX spotting packet network...
>In many trophy/certificate winning stations, it includes multiple operating
>setups, with separate amps /antennas, etc...This trend is carrying into SO,
>My concern is that we DO NOT CONTINUE to raise the barriers to winning a
>certificate as a SO, with modest equipment, so high that it ceases to be the
>entry point to contesting... I would like to keep SO a single op / single
>rig, with multiple awards and recognition for these ops.... i.e. "Best
>improved score from the previous year", etc.... and whatever else we can
>dream up... I feel this is exceptionally important to continue to attract new
>This is not to discourage those, who wish to move up to "no holds barred"
>SOA, from investing in the gear necessary for rapid band changing - or from
>doing a multi single / multi multi campaign... This is even to be encouraged,
>for those who have the right stuff -> location / finances / etc.
>BUT.... This discussion is about keeping SO the entry level to contesting for
>the newcomers....
>Hope this clarifies my position...
>Cheers ... Denny k8do at
SO=entry level? Actually in most contests, its the most competitive class.
The awards you describe are best handled by your contest club (you do belong
to one, dont you?) Then your club can have awards for best score using
a tribander es wires, bestscore on an R7 vertical, etc.
In my book, entry level is low power and/or single band categories. There
you can get by without an Alpha 87 and/or great antennas for all bands.
Of course there are all different "levels" of score in all categories, but
a lot of operators consider SO unassisted to be the most skillful since you
have to find your own mults and band openings. That is why you will find
them there....however SOA is slowly picking up steam.
73, Tyler
>From Joseph M. O'Brien" <jobrien at Sun Jul 16 05:50:14 1995
From: Joseph M. O'Brien" <jobrien at (Joseph M. O'Brien)
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 1995 00:50:14 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: N3KZ IARU M/S Score
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.950716004548.28283B-100000 at mercury>
IARU HF Championship 1995
Call: N3KZ Country: United States
Mode: CW Category: Multi Single
160 2 2 1.00 1 1
80 46 90 1.96 9 3
40 266 774 2.91 20 14
20 852 2892 3.39 32 20
15 127 373 2.94 14 11
10 7 17 2.43 4 0
Totals 1300 4148 3.19 80 49
Score: 535,092 points
All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.
Operator List: WI2E & WI2N ____________________________________
Equipment Description:
SSB Station: TS-850S/Alpha 76A at 300-500W
CW Station: TS-430S/Ameritron at 300W
Antennas: 20-15-10M: 5 el. Telrex tribander @35 ft.
R5 Vertical @70 ft.
40M: 3 el. KLM monobander @70 ft.
80M: Dipole @70 ft.
160M: Dipole @45 ft.
Computers: 486 & 286
Eric (WI2N) and I (Joe, WI2E) operated N3KZ this year in the multi-
single category. In the past, we've teamed up (along with AA2BJ) to
operate this contest from Eric's home QTH, but this year we had the
opportunity to use the University of Pennsylvania Amateur Radio Club's
(UPARC) remote station in Valley Forge, PA. The VF site sports a nice
antenna complement and its mountaintop location doesn't hurt either!
The first challenge was simply to get out to Valley Forge. I'm
working in New Haven, CT this summer while Eric is in New York City.
We decided to rendevouz after work at our home QTH to pick up a car and
some computer equipment. We ended up setting out for Philadelphia
around 9:30 PM and didn't arrive on PENN's campus until sometime near
midnight. We made a quick trip to a supermarket and then headed over
to Eric's school-year apartment to pick up our backup radio and some
other random radio-related equipment. From there it was over to the
UPARC's on-campus station to pick up the rest of our gear. To make
a long story short, we didn't arrive at the site until 2:30 AM.
We then began feverishly setting up the stations. For a while,
I really didn't think we'd have a station on by 1200Z. The TS-940S,
our main CW rig, had no audio with the CW filter in. Computer problems
materialized shortly thereafter, followed by the realization that the
amps probably weren't going to be putting out more than 400W. Finally,
high SWR abounded. But by daybreak, things were beginning to fall into
place. The 940S was out, and our trusty 430S was in. The amps? Well, not
much could be done there, but the computers were working and the antennas
were back to normal. We then spent the last 1/2 hour before the contest
climbing one of our 50 ft. towers to set up the 160M antenna.
By contest time we were exhausted. I hadn't had more than
4 hours sleep during any night since Tuesday and Eric was in similar shape.
But with 1200Z the adrenalin kicked in and we were off and running.
Eric took most of the SSB duties while I operated mostly CW. We spent most
of our time S&Ping, feeling out the station's capabilities
and formulating contest strategy on the fly. 20M was great and 15M was
in good shape, but we never got things going on 10M. Somehow we missed
this early morning 10M opening that I've read about, and I'm sure that
cost us a nice amount of mults.
By the late afternoon, we realized we were in better shape than
we'd ever been in before. Then our monstrous, 5 pt. QSO runs to Europe
began on 20M. Calling CQ, we alternated between runs on CW and SSB. I
had personal bests, finally getting the Last 100 meter over 100 and seeing
the Last 10 rate hit a PED-like, 173.5. During the runs, we faced the
QSO rate vs. Multiplier decision a few times and opted to stay with the run.
I'm looking forward to doing some analysis to see if we made the right
Nightime brought very high-rates on 40M and 80M, but far too many
1 point QSO's. We did a decent job on 40M, but DX was sparse on 80M and
non-existant on 160M. We probably would benefit from more juice from the
amps and a beverage or two. I know I spent too many frustrating minutes
trying to call stations in Western Europe on 80M to no avail. Still,
the rates were higher than anything we had personally experienced. Eric
had a nice run on 40M SSB early Sunday morning after the foreign broadcast
stations disappeared. It was a nice, unexpected, boost.
Overall, we had a great time. I really enjoyed operating another
contest with WI2N, and I'm already looking forward to the next one. Thanks
to everyone who gave us a QSO! I hope we work again soon!
Joe O'Brien, WI2E
jobrien at
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