A/P Sprint Results - N6ZZ

N6ZZ at aol.com N6ZZ at aol.com
Sun Jul 16 13:14:55 EDT 1995

                            A/P SPRINT SUMMARY SHEET

     Contest Date : 16-Jul-95

    Callsign Used : N6ZZ
         Operator : N6ZZ

         Category : Single Operator, Single Transmitter

 Default Exchange : 599 + #


   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Prefixes   

   40CW        1                1                    1           1 
   20CW       17              17                  17         13 

 Totals         18              18                  18         14 

    Final Score = 252 points.

 Soapbox Comments

 The ultimate S&P contest.  Sprint QSY rule confused some.  Especially those
 on local packet who were trying to work VS6BG when he wouldn't stay on one

73 - Phil, N6ZZ

>From [user unknown]" <cmschonewaldcox at ucdavis.edu  Sun Jul 16 18:14:58 1995
From: [user unknown]" <cmschonewaldcox at ucdavis.edu (user unknown)
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 1995 10:14:58 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: African Italy
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.950716101334.7880A-100000 at chip.ucdavis.edu>

To all Contesters from the CQ WW Committee:

***The CQ WW Committee has voted to clarify the country status of
IG and IH, African Italy. Starting with the 1995 contests, IG/IH
will count as a country multiplier in the CQ WW. The country of
African Italy***. 

Cu in the contests
73 Bob K3EST

>From Steve Merchant <merchant at crl.com>  Sun Jul 16 21:07:34 1995
From: Steve Merchant <merchant at crl.com> (Steve Merchant)
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 1995 13:07:34 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: AP Sprint Results - N4TQO
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950716125723.23659A-100000 at crl.crl.com>

This was my attempt to simulate what it's like to copy 10 watt JA 
stations in California during WPX and CQWW.  Still putting antennas 
together, I literally threw a Field-Day 80m dipole up on the roof, 
attached to a 6' stepladder for a total height of around 29'.

   QSO   PFX

40  11    4
20   4    3

    15    7   112 points

This was a lot of fun, and I'll look forward to trying it again when I 
have a tribander up.  There seemed to be a fair amount of activity, 
although I did hear a lot from the same set of stations, suggesting that 
the Internet Sprint no-dupe rule would be very useful here.

I'd be interested to know how propagation was from AP to 6-land on 20m.  
I did a lot of calling to no avail.  I'm sure VS6BG was very frustrated 
from trying to copy me on that band.  Was it just my lack of antenna?

Things sounded very successful for a first outing -- I recommend it to 
all who can get up early (04.30 for me).

73, Steve  N4TQO
merchant at crl.com

>From CT1BOH at tpone.telepac.pt (JOSE C. C. NUNES)  Mon Jul 17 05:38:02 1995
From: CT1BOH at tpone.telepac.pt (JOSE C. C. NUNES) (JOSE C. C. NUNES)
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 95 21:38:02 PDT
Subject: asia sprint
Message-ID: <Chameleon.950716214152.CT1BOH@>

               MODE: CW  CLASS: Single Operator  ZONE: 14
JH4UYB         16-Jul-95 1236 20 CW  599    3 * 1 JH4
DL4UYT         16-Jul-95 1236 20 CW  599    1 * 0 0
JE1JKL         16-Jul-95 1405 20 CW  599   43 * 1 JE1

3 qsos


3qsos 2poits * 2mults = 4 points

jose carlos cardoso nunes
ct1boh at telepac.pt

>From XTFF35A at prodigy.com (MR CHARLES A CULLIAN)  Sun Jul 16 23:32:13 1995
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 1995 18:32:13 EDT
Subject: SquINT Results
Message-ID: <013.08727590.XTFF35A at prodigy.com>

Six year old Kendra (K0RF) had 39 qsos and 14 colors for a total of 
1092 points.
By the way, 21 of the qsos were with kids.
This was great fun and she can't wait to try again. She even asked 
how she can do contests with me.

Chuck and Kendra

>From James Brooks <0005851359 at mcimail.com>  Mon Jul 17 00:53:00 1995
From: James Brooks <0005851359 at mcimail.com> (James Brooks)
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 95 18:53 EST
Subject: AP Sprint 9V1YC
Message-ID: <90950716235309/0005851359NA4EM at MCIMAIL.COM>

    AP Sprint Score  9V1YC

41 Q's  26 mults = 1066

(31 Q's on 20m,  10 Qs on 40m)

Not bad for a first run.  Had a fair turnout, and was pleasantly
surprised to hear so many USA calling in.  AI7B, N6ZZ and N4TQO had
killer signals for 150w.  Heard VK5GN but missed him every time -
no path between us at that hour.  As Phil said - the ulitmate S & P

Interesting how the NA crowd called "CQ AP" while most of the Asians called
"CQ TEST".  Experience from the NA sprint I guess....

High point:  Explaining the QSY rule to HC5AI.

Low point:   Explaining the QSY rule to BV7WB.

Next time, on KE9A's advice I think we should up the limit to
max power (i.e. whatever your license allows) and have a SprINT
style work-the-dupes rule. Should make it a tad more fun.

Any suggestions for when to hold the the next one?

(reminder - E-mail logs to 9v1YC at mcimail.com)


James 9V1YC

>From scotty at iquest.com (scotty neustadter)  Mon Jul 17 00:57:49 1995
From: scotty at iquest.com (scotty neustadter) (scotty neustadter)
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 1995 18:57:49 -0500
Subject: K4BFT, Class 5A FD Score
Message-ID: <199507162359.SAA23333 at vespucci.iquest.com>

The WX gods smiled on K4BFT here in the Rocket City, the "popcorn"
thunderstorms stayed away from the site.  It didn't get REALLY HOT until 2PM
local on Sunday when we were in the teardown mode. Out socre is down about
10% from last year.  Propagation is the culprit.  In '94 15 meters stay open
'til past midnight (local) and we posted our highes score ever.  The year 15
went back to "normal" and 10 was pretty awful.  Our Novices were off a 100
QSOs on 10 and K4BFT was also down a bunch on 10 and 40 SSB.  Our CW output
was within 10 QSOs of last year, all the drop off was on the SSB side except
for 20 which did just a little better than last year.  Only had one rig
(Novice) go flakey, and only one antenna (15SSB). Will have both fixed for
next year.

Band	         CW'95	Phone'95
160 Meters	  4	
80 Meters	255	341
40 Meters	586	797
20 Meters	568	1459
15 Meters	 84	600
10 Meters	  0	76
Novice	         35	208
Satellite	  7	149
Packet	          9	
V/UHF	          7	118
QSOs/Mode	1555	3748
Total  QSOs		5303
QSO Pts	6858	
Pts x Mult	13716	
% Prior Yr.		-10.49%

Our score relative to last year will only be down about 5% due to the
"other" bonus that was tossed in this year.  We had 67 ARRL members make at
least one QSO, 670 points.

Scotty Neustadter, N4PYD
Huntsville ARC Field Day Chair
President, North Alabama DX Club
Huntsville Hamfest Chairman 
-- 1995 Amateur Radio Industry Group National Convention 
Internet: scotty at iquest.com
MCI Mail: N4PYD  Fax: 205 880 9530
 Nothing is more fairly distributed than common sense: no one thinks he
needs more of it than he already has. --Descartes

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