TS-870 vs TS-940/TS-950
ea1au at ibm.net
ea1au at ibm.net
Tue Nov 14 21:39:52 EST 1995
Hi to everybody on the list! I will like to read your comments about the
new Kenwood TS-870 in front of the TS-940 (My actual Rig) and the TS-950 SDX
(perhaps a good option). I work 95 % CW DX & Contesting.
73 Carlos
Carlos Reboreda EA1AU
E-MAIL : ea1au at ibm.net
AX25: ea1au at ea1rkv.eapo.esp.eu
>From Bob Schreibmaier" <k2ph at dxis.monroe.pa.us Tue Nov 14 21:34:50 1995
From: Bob Schreibmaier" <k2ph at dxis.monroe.pa.us (Bob Schreibmaier)
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 1995 16:34:50 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Big Amlifier For Sale
Message-ID: <m0tFT0H-0002EJC at dxis.monroe.pa.us>
> Please do *not* post for-sale type messages to the CQ-Contest
> mailing list. This is explicitly prohibited here. This type
> of traffic should be directed via the normal for-sale channels,
> such as rec.radio.amateur.swap or your local packet radio
> channels.
Actually, post to rec.radio.swap -- rec.radio.amateur.swap is
not a valid newsgroup.
But, the advice is definitely valid!
| Bob Schreibmaier K2PH | E-MAIL: k2ph at dxis.monroe.pa.us |
| (a.k.a. "The QRPer") | ICBM: 40o55'N 75o30'W |
| Kresgeville, PA | Euthanize the Limbaugh Loonies. |
>From Jerry Sidorov" <jerry at ua9ar.urc.ac.ru Tue Nov 14 21:15:47 1995
From: Jerry Sidorov" <jerry at ua9ar.urc.ac.ru (Jerry Sidorov)
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 95 00:15:47 +0300
Subject: SECOND RSGB 1.8MHZ CONTEST rules wanted.
Message-ID: <AB3SGgmen0 at ua9ar.urc.ac.ru>
Hi fellow contesters,
would someone send the SECOND RSGB 1.8MHZ CONTEST rules to me?
Sorry for bandwidth...
73, Jerry UA9AR, the chief operator of RK9AWN.
Mail: Jerry Sidorov, P/O Box 9411, * E-mail: jerry at ua9ar.urc.ac.ru
Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russia *
>From Takao KUMAGAI <je1cka at dumpty.nal.go.jp> Wed Nov 15 00:43:34 1995
From: Takao KUMAGAI <je1cka at dumpty.nal.go.jp> (Takao KUMAGAI)
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 09:43:34 +0900
Subject: [cq-contest 10107] JIDX Score de WC6H
Message-ID: <199511150043.JAA02745 at dumpty.nal.go.jp>
In message "[cq-contest 10107] JIDX Score de WC6H"
on 95/11/14, "Tim Coad" writes:
: Many times JA's would say I was 20 db over on 15,20,&40...but very few were
: calling.
Sorry for the poor activity. We've been trying to solicit
the activity as possible as we can. 'll continue to spread
the information.
DO NOT FORGET to send the result by email.
We JIDX committee has been accepting the result by email.
The exact information for email-logs will be given by
jidx-info at dumpty.nal.go.jp
#get jidxelog.eng
in the body of the message.
Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
TEL:81-30-066-6408, FAX:81-423-93-4449
Internet: je1cka at nal.go.jp
>From Randy Thompson <k5zd at iconics.com> Tue Nov 14 14:15:43 1995
From: Randy Thompson <k5zd at iconics.com> (Randy Thompson)
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 1995 09:15:43 -0500 (EST)
Subject: NCJ editorial
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.951114091113.14655E-100000 at genesis.iconics.com>
I have to agree with Bruce on this one. My experience with RTTY (very
limited) was kind of ... well - boring. You just call CQ and the station
that answers either moves the LEDs or not. I didn't see much skill being
required to pick a multiplier out of a pile-up, or tune in a weak one.
With WF1B software, you just click the mouse on the call and the QSO is made.
Now before my RTTY friends get upset, I am not against RTTY contesting.
It is as competitive as any of the other modes. It just doesn't have the
same appeal to me as an operator. However, if someone gave me a
demodulator, I would probably get on in all of the RTTY contests (I am a
sick puppy).
k5zd at iconics.com
On Tue, 14 Nov 1995, Barry Kutner wrote:
> Since there has been a little chatter on the RTTY reflector about the NCJ
> editorial, figured I'd throw in a few comments here for you RTTY-deprived
> contesters...
> Bruce, AA5B, made the comment "There wasn't very much human interaction
> involved..." referring to operating the ARRL RTTY Contest (my LEAST
> favorite of them all). Bruce, please explain to me how the yearning for
> human interaction is satisfied by pushing a few F keys on CW or pushing a
> few buttons on the DVK?
> Bottom line, the computerization of the ham shack has removed a lot of
> the human factor in any mode. Personally, I like the RTTY contests for
> exactly that reason. The family visitors in the shack, and other
> distractions don't really disrupt the operating activity. It allows real
> human interaction in the shack, rather than being a totally isolating
> activity. 73 Barry
> --
> =======================================================================
> Barry N. Kutner, W2UP Internet: barry at w2up.wells.com
> Newtown, PA Packet Radio: W2UP @ WB3JOE.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
> Packet Cluster: W2UP >WB2R (FRC)
> .......................................................................
Randy Thompson, K5ZD
k5zd at iconics.com
>From Dr. Eugene Zimmerman" <ezimmerm at DGS.dgsys.com Tue Nov 14 14:48:40 1995
From: Dr. Eugene Zimmerman" <ezimmerm at DGS.dgsys.com (Dr. Eugene Zimmerman)
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 1995 09:48:40 -0500 (EST)
Subject: NCJ editorial
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.951114093711.14689I-100000 at DGS>
Hi Barry
I am surprised that you would say to Bruce, AA5B
> snip . . . snip . . . Bruce, please explain to me how the yearning for
> human interaction is satisfied by pushing a few F keys on CW or pushing a
> few buttons on the DVK?
There is a _big_ difference in interaction between an RTTY contest and a
cw/ssb contest. The automation in the latter removes some of the
drudgery and bookkeeping but both remain a _receiving_ contest. The
human being receives the signals and decodes them - not a machine. The
RTTY contest is completely technology driven - the operator can copy
nothing - a machine does it.
Things were different in the old days of unstable receivers, mechanical
printers and tube-type TUs. I have never been as interested in RTTY
since my mother told me that either my Model 19 or I would have to go. I
got rid of the Model 19!
You will no doubt welcome the fully automated cw contest station, using
advanced DSP to improve the recieving filters and packet spots to find
the stations. Eventually this type of station will be able to beat all
but the very best operators at the largest superstations. The operator
of such a station will not even have to be present to win. I personally
am awaiting the advent of packet on meteor scatter. I can then go to
work and return several hours later with my log filled with hundreds of
Q's and I will not have had to gobble once like a chicken to work any of
73 Gene W3ZZ
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