One person antenna installations ??

KY2T at KY2T at
Tue Nov 14 22:21:34 EST 1995

Don't know where I heard, saw, or what, but does anyone know of any 
articles, what have you, on putting up reasonably big antennas
by ones self ??  Say something like a 204BA.   YCCC newsletter
article ??  Rumor I got was that Mike Staal (sp?), when he was 
with KLM, was known to put up the KLM test antennas either
by himself or himself and maybe 1 guy on the ground.  
(This was at the test range, in the early days before computer
modeling, where the cut and try method was utilized.)

NO, I DON'T plan to TRY to do it myself!!  I just want to see how it
might be done.  Could get some ideas on how to handle big
antennas up on the tower.  

Thanks in advance.

Tom KY2T (FRC)

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