Need E-mail adress for K1AR

rlake at rlake at
Tue Oct 31 06:03:20 EST 1995

Hi all...I wud like e-mail adress for for either John Orr
or someone else about someone operating out of band a bunch
of times during the cqww...Wud like to squelch this qrm
Randy N1KWF>>

>From Marijan Miletic <s56a at>  Tue Oct 31 11:06:39 1995
From: Marijan Miletic <s56a at> (Marijan Miletic)
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 95 11:06:39 0
Subject: Re; Last two letters?
Message-ID: <96620 at>

Hi Contesters,

In the old days of YU3EA I would give "East Africa" but many people insisted on
geography and rejected to work EU.  Same problems with N1YU when somebody
insists on USA only.  
I am not sure how can I make CT users happy with two letters out of S56A?
Here is our modest score in CQ WW SSB m/s done mainly by YL Jelka calling CQ:
SCORE 29-Oct-1995 S57NW 

 Band  QSOs Pnts Mult Zone
 160M    31   32   22    5
  80M   119  128   42    7
  40M   203  326   81   21
  20M   449  888   83   26
  15M   500 1075   97   32
  10M    68  156   23   12
  All  1376 2605  348  103

TOTAL : 1.174.855 Points

Member of: Slovenia Contest Club

Rig : IC-735 & FT-990 + SB-221
Ant : TH6DXX, 402BA, Windom, R7

Comment:  We had fun & fine beans!

88 de Jelka, S57NW

73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU.
P.S.  Serbian beans delicacy was intended to atract more ops.  They came, ate
dinner and left without touching mike!

>From Bob Patten <z002816b at>  Tue Oct 31 12:32:17 1995
From: Bob Patten <z002816b at> (Bob Patten)
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 07:32:17 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Last two letters?
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9510310729.B13495-0100000 at>

On Mon, 30 Oct 1995 py2ny at wrote:

> Message from K5ZD read.
> My callsign is PW2N, not only "November" , "Two November", or "Papa
> Whisky"
> I believe that all of us can send full call during contests or pile-ups.
> Isn't hard...

Amen!  If there is any other possible QSO to be made while someone is 
wasting their/my time with the useless two letters, I'll struggle for 
that alternative QSO every time!

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