Fair Play???

KB5YVT at aol.com KB5YVT at aol.com
Mon Apr 1 23:05:46 EST 1996

Getting to sit out from operating this WPX and keeping an eye on the new guys
that had a chance to operate at K5XI, I was able to tune around on one of the
positions not in use.  BTW this gesture by a Top Contest Station (K5XI) will
result in some new callsigns in the logs for contests to come.  Thanks to
those who were patient with the new guys, first time using CT can be a
nightmare for a beginner!  They didn't set any records but they S&Ped
themselfs into being hooked!  

I found the following tactic being used more than a few times by multi
operations. I think a station would feel that they had a great run freq.
 They would QSY to another band to run thru a few mults and Q's for 10 mins.
 While they were away, another call would be used to "hold" the great run
freq. until they could return after the ten minute ticker said QSY ok. 

Great strategy or foul play???

73  Mike  KB5YVT (W5NN)

>From Steven Sample <aa9ax at iglou.com>  Tue Apr  2 05:15:03 1996
From: Steven Sample <aa9ax at iglou.com> (Steven Sample)
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 00:15:03 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Amps for Sale...
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.92.960402001049.3671A-100000 at iglou>


Thanks for the forward!!!  I've been looking for opportunities like this
for a long time.  Would you mind forwarding the names/calls/phone numbers
of these guys offering the QRO stuff for sale?

I can't wait to join the elite and light up MY cigar.  (And I'm still
waiting for my Tee shirt from K7SS (Danny...what's going on here???  I've
been waiting since I made my sworn statement about NEVER going QRP

I've got a good contest friend (NJ9C) who works with the power company.  I
think he can get me put on the grid.

Thanx and 73...


On Mon, 1 Apr 1996, Steve Sacco KC2X wrote:

> No joke -  I found these in "for sale" Web page.  I've removed the seller's
> e-mail address.
> Steve KC2X
> 4CX5000 GG AMP
> 4CX5000 grounded grid amp.All commercila broadcast components with vac var
> caps in all tuning and coupling pos.2-30 mHz at over 6KW
> out.Fully metered with built in ant coupler.Unit is in 6 ft.cabinet and is
> very heavy.220VAC single phase.Cabinet needs some paint but is in
> otherwise VG condx.Located in Atlanta GA area.Will del in reasonable dist
> but will not ship.Pics are avail if serious interest.
> A fine addition for the serious contester/DX'er. Two Henry 3000D amplifiers;
> one on 80m and one on 20m. These are in near-mint condition,
> professionally converted to amateur service. New 3CX3000A7 tube, Pi-L tank
> circuit, solid-state driver, dual Bird wattmeters built in. 30 watts
> drive produces full output. These are commercially rated continuous key-down
> , no time limit units. Cabinets are 24"X24"X44". Will take Yaesu
> FT-ONE, FT-900, FT-990, or FT-1000D in trade.
> --
> kc2x at nebula.ispace.com

>From Steven Sample <aa9ax at iglou.com>  Tue Apr  2 05:18:30 1996
From: Steven Sample <aa9ax at iglou.com> (Steven Sample)
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 00:18:30 -0500 (EST)
Subject: "Pirate" QRM
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.92.960402001644.3671B-100000 at iglou>

On Mon, 1 Apr 1996, Chad Kurszewski  WE9V wrote:
<text   text   text   text
> ---
> Chad Kurszewski, WE9V              e-mail:  Chad_Kurszewski at csg.mot.com
> The Official "Sultans of Shwing" Web Site:  http://www.4w.com/ham/sos

Can you give us the official spelling of Schhhwwiiinnnggggg???

Or can you guys demonstrate it Thursday nite at Dayton?


>From Ed Tanton N4XY <n4xy at avana.net>  Tue Apr  2 09:20:40 1996
From: Ed Tanton N4XY <n4xy at avana.net> (Ed Tanton N4XY)
Date: Tue, 02 Apr 1996 04:20:40 -0500
Subject: Final QRO
References: <v01540b07ad86022b7fd2@[]>
Message-ID: <3160F168.1938 at avana.net>

Respectfully Bill, I disagree. I pursued this for a while in hopes that 
I could take a measure of the general feelings of this fairly 
representative group of amateurs. That measure  comes down to about what 
I expected-with sentiment (where present) running against such 
operation. I could indeed name names. I can tell you there are 3 
specific stations with RG-17 within 5 miles of my house. I have been 
told by others close by that there are several more. 

Doing something about them is another matter however. The specific three 
are all friends (or at least acquaintances) of mine. No, that does not 
excuse them AT ALL... it does mean however, that AS FAR AS I KNOW-and 
for a continuous weekend I WOULD KNOW-they do NOT use that power at 
length in contests-which was my primary concern in this thread. It is 
just as illegal to simply call a DX station at these levels, but 
considerably less disruptive than a weekend of it (not to mention less 
likely to draw the attention of the FCC.) 

At least one of the three has serious TVI/RFI problems at 1500W out-and 
I believe it is difficult NOT to have such problems at higher levels.

While I utterly oppose operation of any sort beyond the law, I am more 
concerned with the bad influence the high power operators have on 
others-and on the FCC-than anything else. Blatant abuse-such as we have 
been hearing about-is a threat to all of us. There ARE appropriate uses 
for amplifiers-in certain times and places, under certain conditions. 
Those times and places occur considerably less frequently than 
(ham)-public opinion holds, except as a kind of retaliatory: "Well he 
was running so much power right next to 'my' frequency..." and that is 
the real shame of it. 99 times out of 100 we COULD have that QSO @ 100W 
or less with few problems-if only we would all try. And I do. You do. 
This effort was to encourage others to do the same.

There aren't any easy solutions. Punishing those who are foolish enough 
to be blatant about it, and ostrasizing those who espouse illegal high 
power philosophies seems to me to be the best overall solution-hence 
this entire little go-around the past few days. I think enough was said 
to establish a) many do not care (and they'll remain that way until it 
affects THEM; and b) many do care, and would like to see such abuses 
curtailed-case by case. That sums it up for me.
        Ed Tanton  N4XY  (770) 971-0436  Marietta, GA
        email: n4xy at avana.net   URL: Coming Soon

Bill Coleman AA4LR wrote:
> OK, I've had it up to HERE with this QRO business. It all seems like
> flim-flammery.
> Either lots of people are running excessive power, or they aren't. I've
> seen messages that imply that this or that person runs excessive power, or
> that they've seen lots of stations that are so capable. (Even a bunch of
> April fools messages admitting to QRO operation)
> Bottom line is this -- if you are truely concerned about illegal high power
> operations, then NAME NAMES. Let's have the callsigns of the folks who do
> this. We'll handle it ourselves. Let's tell them how we feel about their
> illegal operations. Let's not work them in a contest. (I wouldn't ever
> suggest you work them and then remove them from your log -- that would be
> unethical) After all, we are supposed to be self-policing, right?
> Without specific accusations, this whole business is nothing but an urban
> legend.
> Me? I don't even own a drive..., I mean an amplifier.
> Bill Coleman, AA4LR      Mail: aa4lr at radio.org
> Quote: "Not in a thousand years will man ever fly!"
>             -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

>From w7ni at teleport.com (Stan Griffiths)  Tue Apr  2 09:38:50 1996
From: w7ni at teleport.com (Stan Griffiths) (Stan Griffiths)
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 01:38:50 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Bad Sportsmanship
Message-ID: <199604020938.BAA05850 at desiree.teleport.com>

>After listening for a while, I found a strong signal from CX and
>decided to make a contact with that station. This is how the exchange
>CX7...  QRZ
>K2YJL/M (replied with my call)

Stuff deleted . . .

>So what am I saying? He never repeated my call or number but
>apparently blew me off so he wouldn't have to waste time with the weak
>signal. Then he gave the same number to the next station he worked. I
>wouldn not have been offended if he just said that he couldn't copy at
>that time and that I should try later. If I hadn't remained on
>frequency for a few more moments, I would have ended up with him as a
>contact in my log when he didn't log me. I think that is just poor
>sportsmanship. We can't all have KW rigs. What do you think?
>Joe, K2YJL/M

I think the CX simply did what he thought was expedient at the time.  He
probably did not want you to call him later when he would again have to
struggle with your weak signal.  If it happened to me, I would be upset too.
I don't like it, but there is little I DO like about contesting anymore.  It
is a dirty game these days.  I don't play it anymore.

Stan  w7ni at teleport.com

>From w7ni at teleport.com (Stan Griffiths)  Tue Apr  2 09:39:10 1996
From: w7ni at teleport.com (Stan Griffiths) (Stan Griffiths)
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 01:39:10 -0800 (PST)
Subject: A contester is born...
Message-ID: <199604020939.BAA05925 at desiree.teleport.com>

>     I invited him over to my very modest station (100 watts and one wire) 
>     for the start of WPX.  After watching me for about an hour we swapped 
>     seats.  I helped him through the next hour for about 15 Qs (hey...I 
>     said 100 watts and a wire - what do you expect?!) then gradually faded 
>     into the background.  He was hooked!  I wish I had a picture of the 
>     look on his face when stations in Croatia, Russia and Bulgaria 
>     answered his calls.

Unless, I don't understand Part 97, since we don't have third party
agreements with Croatia, Russia, and Bulgaria (to the best of my knowledge),
your unlicensed guest is not supposed to talk to them.

>     He returned Saturday afternoon and made me sit in the second chair for 
>     about four hours while he worked the contest.  Jay is looking forward 
>     to the next ham classes in the Atlanta area.  This summer he will be 
>     on the air as KF4???.
>     I guess this puts us in the Multi-Single category for CQWW WPX???

I think it would disqualify you for violation of Part 97.
>     My only regret is I waited 22 years after I got my ham ticket to get 
>     into contesting!
>     73, Tad, NZ3I

If I am off-base here, I KNOW I can depend upon someone here to set me

Stan w7ni at teleport.com

>From w7ni at teleport.com (Stan Griffiths)  Tue Apr  2 09:39:13 1996
From: w7ni at teleport.com (Stan Griffiths) (Stan Griffiths)
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 01:39:13 -0800 (PST)
Subject: QRO - Name Names
Message-ID: <199604020939.BAA05934 at desiree.teleport.com>

>OK, I've had it up to HERE with this QRO business. It all seems like
>Either lots of people are running excessive power, or they aren't. I've
>seen messages that imply that this or that person runs excessive power, or
>that they've seen lots of stations that are so capable. 
>Bottom line is this -- if you are truely concerned about illegal high power
>operations, then NAME NAMES.
>Bill Coleman, AA4LR      Mail: aa4lr at radio.org
>Quote: "Not in a thousand years will man ever fly!"
>            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

Pretty risky, naming names.  Some who you name won't hesitate to launch a
defamation of character or liability lawsuit in your direction.  Do you need
that kind of grief?  It will cost you a lot in time and money even if you
win.  There has to be another way . . . or you can do what the FCC does . .
. find out what the violations are and make that activity legal.  Consider
these examples:

1.  CBers were not signing their calls.  FCC eliminated callsigns.

2.  CBers not getting proper licenses.  FCC eliminated licenses for CB.

3.  Some hams run excessive power.  FCC raised the power limit from 1 KW in
to 1500 watts out.

4.  Now some hams run 5 or 10 KW.  What do you think the FCC is likely to do
about it . . . ?

If someone violates a rule, eliminate it.  Soon there will be no violations
(and no rules) and I am not convinced we would be worse off than we are now.

Stan  w7ni at teleport.com

>From Allan Schlaugat <allanws at primenet.com>  Tue Apr  2 09:49:05 1996
From: Allan Schlaugat <allanws at primenet.com> (Allan Schlaugat)
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 02:49:05 -0700 (MST)
Subject: "Pirate" QRM
Message-ID: <199604020949.CAA03995 at usr3.primenet.com>

At 15:32 4/1/96 -0600, Sean E. Kutzko wrote:
>Chad, WE9V, wrote:
>>I was QRM'd Sunday on 20M by a person with a DVP who would go around
>>and record other contester's CQs and replay them on my frequency.
>Yep... he got me, too. He started off by playing my own CQ back to me, 
>and  I just blew him off. Then I heard KM1H's CQ, and managed to maintain 
>my jocularity over the situation. He didn't actually "get me" until he 
>played just a callsign to me, and then I took the bait.
>So, somebody was having fun at our expense... what else is new?
>BTW, thanks for the QSO's, everybody. Congrats to WE9V for taking the M/S 
>US call are 9 title from us by DOUBLING our score. Sheesh. :)
Ditto for me at W0AIH. Heard WE9V, VC3SK and others with that darn
DVP on 20 meters Saturday afternoon calling CQ on the run freq. Oh well.. this
is not new.

I don't subscribe to the 3830 reflector so here is a real quick score from
NE9U (@ W0AIH).
 ops: NE9U, N9ISN, W0AIH, K0TG and N0AXL  multi/multi
1850 Q's, 740 multis for a score of 2.7 million. This was my first WPX
contest and first
time @ W0AIH. Good thing Paul, Dave and 'TG were there to hold my hand and show
me around the place. 

73   Al

>Sean Kutzko						 Amateur Radio: KF9PL
>Urbana, IL       WWW=http://hobbes.ncsa.uiuc.edu/sean/   DXCC:306 wkd/302 cfmd
>		"Maybe you'll find your way someday...
>      	 but while you're at it, you'll have some fun." -Little Feat
Allan W. Schlaugat         allanws at primenet.com
Eau Claire, WI  USA       Amateur Radio: N9ISN
"I had a real bad day today; I had to re-rivit my pizza cutter"

>From mavesba at emh.misawa.af.mil (Capt Brian A Maves)  Tue Apr  2 12:49:27 1996
From: mavesba at emh.misawa.af.mil (Capt Brian A Maves) (Capt Brian A Maves)
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 21:49:27 +0900 (JST)
Subject: Listening High
Message-ID: <9604021249.AA04020 at emh.misawa.af.mil>

Just a short observation from last weekend I'd like to throw out for

I talked a couple of friends into a casual (approx. 36hrs) M/S effort in WPX
SSB here from northern Japan, 7J7ABC.  Having a modest station, 3el
tribander and inv-V (G5RV) @35ft, we spent lots of time S&Ping.

Occasionally I went looking for a quiet place on 20mtrs to call CQ and get
something resembling a run going.  Of course, anything below .275 was out. 
Although I couldn't here many loud stations, I'm sure stateside, everybody
was shoulder-to-shoulder all the way from .150 (Who currently owns that freq
anyway?)  Invariably I would settle between .295 and .325.

Here's the deal.  During our W/VE opening, such as it was, 2100-0200Z, I
couldn't get a run going up high above .295.  Only luck I had was a 15-20
station run late in the operning, when I found some quiet space around .178. 
However, during our EU opening, local afternoon/evening 0600Z-1100Z, I
periodically stopped above .295 and managed to run 10-15 Europeans and
Russians in a few minutes before things dropped off and I started another

Just an observation, for what it's worth.

Brian  7J7ABV/NB9T
>From the other Black Hole (SMC)

>From Dave Hockaday <wb4iuy at nando.net>  Tue Apr  2 12:53:56 1996
From: Dave Hockaday <wb4iuy at nando.net> (Dave Hockaday)
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 96 07:53:56 EST
Subject: S Units
Message-ID: <9604021253.AA25095 at nando.net.nando.net>

>S meters show larger than expected increases because  6 dB is NOT an S unit.
>That figure never was an industry wide standard, and certainly isn't today.
>Almost every rig is 3 to four dB per S unit when properly aligned. And even
>the dB end of their scales are usually wrong.
>Remember three dB is three dB, with either voltage, current or power. It's
>one of those rules that work funny but save headaches. 
>73 Tom

About the only thing that is "standard" in s-meters, is that 50uv is s-9,
and I've even seen some rigs that were calibrated at 100uv for s-9. 

73 de Dave Hockaday WB4IUY
wb4iuy at nando.net
QRP-L #307


>From Robert E. Naumann" <kr2j at ix.netcom.com  Tue Apr  2 12:37:51 1996
From: Robert E. Naumann" <kr2j at ix.netcom.com (Robert E. Naumann)
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 07:37:51 -0500
Subject: miultiple personalities
Message-ID: <01BB206B.80202380 at ix-ftw-tx1-19.ix.netcom.com>

As AT&T says: Know The Code !

KR2J/5 Dallas,TX

From: 	Gary Nieborsky[SMTP:k7fr at ncw.net]
Sent: 	Monday, April 01, 1996 3:02 PM
To: 	cq-contest at tgv.com
Subject: 	miultiple personalities

Bad news:

I didn't participate in the WPX but did listen around Saturday afternoon and
a little Sunday morning.  Here is what I heard:

KC1XX cq-ing on 40, 20, 15M simultaneously. (Sunday around 1800Z)
KI7WX on 14.303 and 14.186 (Sunday about 1730Z)
F6FGZ on 7.225 (Sunday at 1700Z)
KS9K on 14.230 and 14.325 (Saturday at 2330Z)

What caught my attention was that KS9K was calling "CQ 80 meters" while on
14.325 and "CQ WPX" on 14.230.  I tuned across 40M Sunday AM and heard F6FGZ
booming in with my beam pointed towards ZL-land.  First I thought it was
some wierd propagation because all I was hearing was some Cal stations then
it dawned on me that EU doesn't have an allocation up there.

KI7WX was on a continuous cq loop on 14.303.

KC1XX was the same as 'WX on 40 and 15M.

All seemed to be coming out of Cal area based on beam
heading/propagation/time of day.

Based on Chads post on the QRM-ing it seems that the recent inclusion of
voice recorders on rigs has now made its presence known to the less
desirable elements of ham-dom.  This raises a real ugly rules problem: If
it's not you with multiple signals and you get DQ'd because of these
pirates, what venue is there to plead your case? Even worse, what about the
guys who may have worked your alter-ego?  Do they get DQ'd?  This could
become a cross checking nightmare.

Fortunately the ones I heard weren't responding to the stations calling them
(not many of those) so this may not be an issue....yet.

My first thought for a way around this is to require computer logging.  This
would at least make the cross checking a little more managable. The downside
to that would be less participation.

Any thoughts?

Gary K7FR

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