Stub QTHs
W8JITom at
W8JITom at
Thu Mar 28 13:13:50 EST 1996
In a message dated 96-03-28 08:37:23 EST, you write:
>Question 1): it would seem that placing the stub as close to the linear is
>the best place for it (I guess)....but it sure would be easy to place a
>t-connector on the outside of the house where the hardline ends and take
>rolled up stub line and hang it up on the outside wall of the house on a
>graden hose would also be very cosmetic/neat/orderly.
The best place to put a hi-reject stub is exactly a 1/4 wl from the source,
if the source has a low pass filter in the output (like an ampolifier). The
reason is a shorted stub is a low impedance, if you just place it across the
amp output the low shunt Z of the stub barely improves the bypassing. If the
stub is pl;aced 1/4 wl away (at the harmonic F) the transmission line inverts
the impedance to a high impedance. We not only have the advantage of a low Z
stub shunting the line at the stub location, we have the andvantage that the
amplifiers tank (a low shunt Z at the harmonic) looks into a very high Z load
at the harmonic frequency! The improvement in supression can be many dB!
>Question 2): Okay I 'm gonna put the stub/trap outside. Is there a length of
>coax running to the rig from the stub that would be better or worse? I know
>some have talked about using two stubs and a crtical spacing between the two
>exists (is it 1/4 wave or 1/2 wave ??).
1/4 WL at the harmonic fy, always! Unless the source is high Z at the
harmonic, like a series "C" T network!
>Question 3): If I make the stub out of 1/2" CATV hardline what is my
>multiplier for calculating its length? If I understand correctly, hardline
>a much better choice for this type of a "filter", as opposed to say RG213
>with a woven shield. Hopefully the stub I will need is an "open" at the far
>end and I can home in on the correct length with my tubing cutter and a pair
>of lineman's pliers.
The shield QUALITY has little to do with anything except as it affects line
loss. A lower loss line will present a more extreme impedance at the far end.
Use a low loss line for the stub! Loss is critical to performance.
>Question 4): Have you used Autek RF-1 to make stubs? What technique do you
>use with it, i.e. what position do you set the meter in, etc. Have you found
>it to consistantly say the same thing - and - have you checked it against
>another measuring device. I like ours a lot, it is neat, but I sometimes see
>it "take off" on the lower frequencies, I suspect due to the fact that we
>have an AM broadcast sire nearby which probably is overloading it.
I use a 259 MFJ, but the Autek or anything else will work. BC stations are
always a problem for these instruments. The MFJ 259 instruction manual covers
it all in great detail (it was written by a contract engineer well informed
about RF). Buy the manual, even if you have an Autek!
73 Tom W8JI
>From Bruce Lallathin <aa8u at> Thu Mar 28 18:17:02 1996
From: Bruce Lallathin <aa8u at> (Bruce Lallathin)
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 13:17:02 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Power
Message-ID: <199603281817.NAA10563 at>
At 09:19 AM 3/28/96 -0800, you wrote:
>Bruce, Bruce, Bruce...
>W4QRO was a me, because that's ME in the photo. There is
>no W4QRO, nor an LA1ON (Lay One On...get it?) The author's name, Olof
>Lirpa, is easily rearranged into a major clue.
>The whole idea was to tweak the QRO crowd and let them know that we
>know. Subtle peer pressure will often accomplish much more than direct
>confrontation and moralizing.
>If it bugs you that some of the guys run smoke (and they surely do), then
>I suggest 100W and QRP contesting...there is more honor than glory in
>these categories, but I find it extra-satisfactory!
>73, Ward N0AX
>NCJ Profile Columnist
Tnx Ward,
I see now, should have seen it then. I really don't concern myself much with
how well others do as I judge results at this end in comparison with my/our
previous entries. I figure we are our best competition! It is a shame that
some resort to 5+kw, but so be it. When we out-do them it feels all that
much better. HI
One station in Ohio is famous for running very much in excess of legal power
routinely on 160M. I have seen his station, it is impressive. I just put up
better antennas and evened the playing field. Don't have to worry about
burning anything up either. Legal power is plenty anyway.
I worked a PY0 at the mult station during cqww last fall, didn't realize the
drive was turned all the way down and the amp was in stby....did it q5 with
only 20 watts out to the droopy dipole. What a surprise and on 160M!!!
In the final analysis, this is a hobby...........
cu in wpx!
>From Tom Morrison <t.morrison at> Thu Mar 28 13:16:00 1996
From: Tom Morrison <t.morrison at> (Tom Morrison)
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 13:16:00
Subject: SURVEY: Last call for responses
Message-ID: <9603281924.AA29069 at>
It is now time to respond to the SURVEY regarding amateur radio logging data
interchange format previously posted to several lists. Valid responses have
been received from:
(Ronald D Rossi)
(Arthur Tan)
AA2DU (J.P. Kleinhaus)
AD1C (Jim Reisert)
AL7PT (Richard D. Kennedy)
EI5DI (Paul O'Kane)
F5MZN (Olivier Le Cam)
G0WCW (Darren Hatcher)
I0JBL (Luciano Blasi)
K1VR (Fred Hopengarten)
K9GS (Gary Schwartz)
KA5WSS (Robert Barron)
KI6VY (Darrel J. Van Buer)
N4PYD (Scotty Neustadter)
N4ZR (Pete Smith)
N6TR (Larry Tyree)
N6TV (Robert A. Wilson)
NF4L (Mike Reublin)
VE7CFD (David Shipman)
WF1B (Ray Ortgiesen)
WF3T (Steve Steltzer)
WN4AZY (Dennis)
Send responses to T.Morrison at
73, Tom K5TM
[Note to folks who forwarded survey to other lists: Please forward this request
as well. Thanks.]
Tom Morrison, T.Morrison at
Liant Software Corporation
512-719-7019 FAX:512-719-7070 WWW:
>From Chad Kurszewski WE9V <kurscj at> Thu Mar 28 19:29:50 1996
From: Chad Kurszewski WE9V <kurscj at> (Chad Kurszewski WE9V)
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 13:29:50 -0600
Subject: Stub QTHs
Message-ID: < at>
>Question 1): it would seem that placing the stub as close to the linear is
>the best place for it (I guess).
Of course the best place to place a filter is at the source of the
problem...the amplifier. If you use high quality well shielded coax
between the amp and the wall it will reduce transmission line radiation.
>Question 2): Okay I 'm gonna put the stub/trap outside. Is there a
>length of coax running to the rig from the stub that would be better
>or worse? I know some have talked about using two stubs and a crtical
>spacing between the two exists (is it 1/4 wave or 1/2 wave ??).
There really isn't ONE magical lentgh from the source. One application
will be different from another.
The magical length is if you use TWO cascaded stubs. This would be 1/8
wave spacing, not 1/4 or 1/2 as commonly believed.
>From work previously done by John Brosnahan, W0UN:
Single shorted 1/4 wave stub RG-213 Ultimate atten: -31.5dB
Dual 1/4 wave stubs, 1/4 wave seperation -53
Dual 1/4 wave stubs, 1/8 wave seperation -76
Another major bonus with the 1/8 seperation is the huge increase
in attenuation bandwidth. The 1/4 seperation has a -40dB bandwidth
of 480kHz or 1.7% (at 28.2MHz). The 1/8 wave has 1.3 MHZ(!) or 4.6%!!
>Question 3): If I make the stub out of 1/2" CATV hardline what is my
>multiplier for calculating its length? If I understand correctly,
>hardline is a much better choice for this type of a "filter", as opposed
>to say RG213 with a woven shield.
The lower loss the transmission line, the higher loss it will have
at the open/shorted stub length. The tradeoff is that although the
notch will be "deeper", it will also be "narrower".
You will find that you will need to add short pieces to the stubs
for CW vs. SSB CONTESTS to get the optimum return loss for the harmonics.
Also, as you can see from the above data from using RG-213, you can
get some serious attenuation, especially if using dual stubs seperated
by 1/8 wave. Plus you get the added bonuses of increased bandwidth,
lower cost, smaller size and ease to work with.
Happy Tuning!
Chad Kurszewski, WE9V e-mail: Chad_Kurszewski at
The Official "Sultans of Shwing" Web Site:
>From oo7 at (Derek Wills) Thu Mar 28 19:38:46 1996
From: oo7 at (Derek Wills) (Derek Wills)
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 13:38:46 -0600
Subject: Power
>>Judging by the recent write-up about W4QRO in NCJ I would say if
>>you use enough extra power you too can be famous.....I don't know
>>if this piece was a spoof, or if it was serious. If it was serious
>>then shame on NCJ! Next time I see W4QRO at the top of the box
>>scores I'll know how he got there.
Sigh. No wonder people misunderstand some of my postings. Or perhaps
this posting is more subtle than I thought, it's all very confusing...
Derek AA5BT, G3NMX
oo7 at
>From Bruce Lallathin <aa8u at> Thu Mar 28 20:28:19 1996
From: Bruce Lallathin <aa8u at> (Bruce Lallathin)
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 15:28:19 -0500 (EST)
Subject: ct9.27
Message-ID: <199603282028.PAA23217 at>
>>This may have been addressed before, but since Im new to the
>>reflector, Im gonna ask again.
>>I have just noticed that vers.9.27, which I downloaded from the BBS a
>>few weeks ago, shows it to be registered to n2md. I tried swapping
>>the register.exe files out with my older versions backup but no
>>bueno'....any way to change the registration to my name and call?
>>73 and thanks in advance
>>Dale NY5B
>>ny5b at
>>Submissions: ct-user at
>>Administrative requests: ct-user-REQUEST at
>>Questions: owner-ct-user at
Hi Dale,
I have the same problem. It is a bit embarassing to have a guest operator
notice it thinking I got pirate software! I tried several times to ask Ken
K1EA about it but he never responded to messages on the BBS or to email. I
don't think he is devoted to the business like he once was. Maybe if I lived
on the Right Coast and was a part of the right crowd he would bless me with
a reply....and a properly registered copy. Fortunately, this flaw is only
If you find a cure, let me know too.
Bruce aa8u at
>From AA7BG--Matt <AA7BG at> Thu Mar 28 21:09:05 1996
From: AA7BG--Matt <AA7BG at> (AA7BG--Matt)
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 21:09:05 GMT
Subject: Super QRO contesters.
Message-ID: <199603282109.VAA27998 at>
>because I have personally talked to some 'testers who admit to using as
>much as 5 KW.
As well as the NNY section, there will be a few other changes for the
November Sweepstakes this year, the most notable being the power
classifications. The new classifications shall be:
Q - 1500 watts or less
A - 1501-5000 watts
B - Over 5000 watts
AA7BG at
>From SM7PKK <mats.persson at> Fri Mar 29 21:06:08 1996
From: SM7PKK <mats.persson at> (SM7PKK)
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 22:06:08 +0100
Subject: Power and where the transmitters are located
Message-ID: < at>
I know that there are some! European multi stations running way too much
power. Well=20
I wouldn=B4t mind if they run Very high power even if I can=B4t but atleast=
should comply with
the rule of keeping all that power within the Distance rule. Spreading all
those multi KW=B4s
all over a town and to call it multi-multi thats way out.=20
If they stayed within the designated area it would be very interesting to
see how high power
they could run or rather how many stations they could hear not counting
And if they could run 6x 10 KW stations within 500 Meter and still hear
anything they deserve to win.
The power isn=B4t all if you don=B4t know how to use it. There are several
QRP-contesters who have beaten out many high power stations times over.
Most of the conteststations who win have a good balance between power and
gain in their antennas.
They know how to maximize the use of what they have because what really
matters is the people=20
operating the station. I think there is only one way to reach the real top
and that is to have=20
many years of experience in contesting checking up on previous results and
learning from that.
If the above can=B4t be reached the way around it in EU atleast is to have
Major Power splattering=20
allover the bands so nobody else in EU can hear anything and thus not make
any contacts.
73 de Mats=20
A contest mini pistol!
SM7PKK E-mail: mats.persson at
Mats Persson
S-212 14 Malmoe
Sweden CW !!
P.S My logs are open forever.. ever.. ever..
>From barry at (barry) Thu Mar 28 20:52:55 1996
From: barry at (barry) (barry)
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 96 15:52:55 EST
Subject: Loos tension gauge
Message-ID: <wiqiLD1w165w at>
Pete Smith <n4zr at> writes:
> At 08:46 PM 3/27/96 PST, frenaye at wrote:
> >A couple of weeks ago (3/13) W3LPL mentioned using a sailboat tension gauge
> >(Loos Tension Gauge Model 90 for 3/16-9/32" cable) for tensioning guywires.
> >
> >A couple of notes:
> >
> >1) Loos & Co does sell them directly
> >
> >2) Cost is $31.16 plus shipping (UPS)
> >
> >3) They take credit cards for payment
> >
> >4) New phone number for Loos: 941-643-5667
> >
> >73 Tom
I guess I wasn't paying attention the first time around. How does one
use this on EHS steel and Phillystran? Tnx/Barry
Barry N. Kutner, W2UP Internet: barry at
Newtown, PA Packet Radio: W2UP @ WB3JOE.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
Packet Cluster: W2UP >WB2R (FRC)
>From VA3WTO,Rui" <va3wto at Thu Mar 28 21:42:56 1996
From: VA3WTO,Rui" <va3wto at (VA3WTO,Rui)
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 16:42:56 -0500
Message-ID: <1.5.4b13.32.19960328214256.006775fc at>
Good luck to all.
VA3WTO Email: va3wto at
/ / / Rui Wittwer Phone:416 656-5728
/ / / 307 Caledonia rd
\ / / Toronto Ontario VA3WTO is a member of the VA3SK contest team
/ \ / M6E-4T4 Canada please call us at the major Contests
/ /|\
/ /
/ /|
/ |
/ |
>From DFREY at (DFREY) Thu Mar 28 20:10:21 1996
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 15:10:21 -0500
Subject: FCC Rules, etc
Message-ID: <15b02710 at>
Do any of you WWW crawlers out there know if the FCC Part 97 rules are
available on the Internet somewhere?
Please reply direct.
>From Bruce Lallathin <aa8u at> Thu Mar 28 22:17:35 1996
From: Bruce Lallathin <aa8u at> (Bruce Lallathin)
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 17:17:35 -0500 (EST)
Subject: ct9.27
Message-ID: <199603282217.RAA05483 at>
At 04:18 PM 3/28/96 -0500, you wrote:
>According to Bruce Lallathin....
>>don't think he is devoted to the business like he once was. Maybe if I lived
>>on the Right Coast and was a part of the right crowd he would bless me with
>>a reply....and a properly registered copy. Fortunately, this flaw is only
>>If you find a cure, let me know too.
>>Bruce aa8u at
>Avoiding the east coast bashing in your note, I must sadly inform you that
>no matter if you lived 5 miles from ken and you were an officer in his
>contest club and you opped with the ct-support staff. you still wouldn;t
>get an answer.
>John L. Luigi Giasi, AA1AA John.Giasi at
>System Programmer/Administrator aa1aa at
>Information Resources Division
>Univ. of Mass. Medical Center (508) 856-UNIX
>Worcester, MA 01655 FAX: (508) 856-2440
> "Canter & Seigel have wasted more human and computer resources than rtm."
Tnx Luigi,
I suspected that might be true. Hey, it's great software anyway! I would be
willing to pay for updates and others would too. As much work that goes into
keeping it current, he deserves some bucks for his efforts. Didn't mean to
bash the east coast....sorry
aa8u at
>From Brian K. Short" <ke7gh at Thu Mar 28 22:34:20 1996
From: Brian K. Short" <ke7gh at (Brian K. Short)
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 22:34:20 -0000
Subject: SSTV'ers Again
Message-ID: <01BB1CF6.B8D01DC0 at>
I was mistaken yesterday. To all those who responded
it was actually two hillbillies on 14.233MHz operating
SSTV and they said that they would report all contesters
near the frequency as malicious interference to 'Uncle
Charlie'. It seems to be primarily a couple guys, but
I wish someone could say educate those guys.
Good Luck in WPX
73 de Brian
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