No subject

veillet at veillet at
Thu May 2 10:58:19 EDT 1996

Could somebody explain me what is the P-150-C list mentionned in the rules
of the nex CQ M contest ? Is it available somewhere on the net ?
tnx - Chris, F5IDM

>From David Robbins <ky1h at>  Thu May  2 10:15:05 1996
From: David Robbins <ky1h at> (David Robbins)
Date: Thu, 02 May 1996 09:15:05 +0000
Subject: Ground Rods Made Easy
References: <960501230551_526199565 at>
Message-ID: <31887D19.1CC3 at>

Hamforever at wrote:
> The water drill technique works very well in South Texas and South Louisiana
> also.  The effort is reduced by a factor of ten vs. hammering them in.
> 73 de John, WA5TWL

has anyone done a test of the effectiveness of a rod put in this way 
compared to a hammered in rod?  it would seem to me that using the 
'water drill' is creating a larger hole.  this is evidenced by the 
comments that the rods are also easy to remove.  but doesn't this 
reduce the surface contact area with the earth and therefor increase the 
resistance of the ground?  i would expect a hammered in rod to have 
better contact with the surrounding earth and probably provide a lower 
resistance contact to it.

73, dave

ky1h at   or   robbins at

>From jfeustle at UOFT02.UTOLEDO.EDU (jfeustle)  Thu May  2 13:37:00 1996
From: jfeustle at UOFT02.UTOLEDO.EDU (jfeustle) (jfeustle)
Date: Thu, 02 May 1996 07:37:00 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Ground rods made easiest
Message-ID: <01I480N77D0O00EZRA at UOFT02.UTOLEDO.EDU>

Here among the Big Bolt contest group, we've found that a quarter of a stick
is about all you need. Backfilling might take some time, but this also works
wonders for tower bases and guy anchors. A really delightful spinoff is the
effect it has on the neighbors: never a complaint again.

Remember to practice safety at all times. Count your fingers before and
after installation.

Joseph A. Feustle, Jr.
The University of Toledo    

jfeustle at

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