EMail Gettysburg

ramirezk at ramirezk at
Sat Nov 2 15:14:13 EST 1996

        Could you PLEASE cut out your anti FCC tirades on here?!
 You appear to be the only one that thinks something is wrong 
with the way it is being done. Are you getting a damn vanity 
call??? What is at stake for you in all this??? Don't get the 
rest of us involved in your vendetta against the FCC. I think 
it's high time you quit your Bull Shit! Trey!!! Help us for 
heavens sake!!! 
               Best 73 Ken KP4XS/W4
On Sat,  2 Nov 96, k4sb at wrote:
>Does anyone know the EMail address of someone high up in the 
>office. Enough is enough. It's time they started processing 
manually and
>do their damn testing on their own time. 
>By the way, the FCC Commissioners have Email boxes at
>I think it's high time they heard from us.
>Name: ed sleight
>E-mail: k4sb at
>Date: 11/2/96
>Time: 2:14:24 PM
>This message was sent by Chameleon 

>From slay at (Sandy Lynch)  Sat Nov  2 20:48:06 1996
From: slay at (Sandy Lynch) (Sandy Lynch)
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 1996 12:48:06 -0800 (PST)
Subject: EMail Gettysburg
Message-ID: <199611022048.MAA10415 at>

Me doth think he complains too much.  ;-)

Sandy WA6BXH ....
But then again .... I'm not taking any heat.  ;-)
> Does anyone know the EMail address of someone high up in the Gettyburg
> office. Enough is enough. It's time they started processing manually and
> do their damn testing on their own time. 
> By the way, the FCC Commissioners have Email boxes at
> I think it's high time they heard from us.
> 73
> Ed Sleight  
> -------------------------------------
> E-mail: k4sb at

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