Many thanks to AD1C
K7LXC at
K7LXC at
Wed Nov 6 18:42:55 EST 1996
In a message dated 96-11-06 18:10:32 EST, you write:
> Just a quick note to express my appreciation to Jim Reisert, AD1C,
> for maintaining the various ".CTY" files (that I use with CT). During
> CQ WW SSB contest, the country files were accurate and out of 667
> QSOs, the program never failed to identify a given call sign / country
> combination. My thanks to Jim for a job done exceedingly well, IMHO.
Hear, hear!!
I couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks, Jim!
73, Steve K7LXC
>From aa0cy at (Robert Wanderer) Wed Nov 6 01:39:29 1996
From: aa0cy at (Robert Wanderer) (Robert Wanderer)
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 1996 17:39:29 -0800
Subject: ZF Contacts
Message-ID: <01BBCC11.5B0846C0 at>
I may be making a business trip to the Caymans shortly. Hopefully the
CW CQWW will coincide with this trip. Are there any ZF's active for this
operation that I could join them?
73, Bob AA0CY
aa0cy at
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