RE (Amplifier Needed)- Solved:

K8DO at K8DO at
Fri Nov 15 08:47:27 EST 1996

Thank you to all who wrote... 
Henry Radio has responded to my piteous bleatings and wails of agony and
shipped the repaired rf deck this afternoon, thursday (now if UPS does not
lose it, all will be cool)...with expected delivery next wednesday... I thank
Henry Radio for their concern about my troubles....

Thanks for  the suggestions and offers of help....


>From lare at (Larry Eckenrode)  Fri Nov 15 14:20:29 1996
From: lare at (Larry Eckenrode) (Larry Eckenrode)
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 09:20:29 -0500
Subject: SRI State of Amateur Radio, contesting, etc etc
Message-ID: <328C7C2D.1428 at>

Right out of the box, don't even think about flaming this message 
because the next message is an unsubscribe. But then that won't stop
anything, will it?

Well, the worst thing I've done lately is apply for a vanity call.
Yes, I got one. It was on my list, so I like it. Not my number 1, but 
then that's why we were given 25 choices.
Now I'm sorry I did it.  Every where I go, reflector, 2 meters, HF, 
somebody has a comment, mostly a useless one, mostly from people who
have not changed their call.  End result - I'm sick and tried of hearing
about it.

As for the reflector, well, I subscribe, maybe to learn something from 
the contest experts. I'd like to know where they are. I'm wearing out
the delete message routine in my mail package!!!.

As for contests, all they bring anymore is more flaming about the rules, 
how it's run, etc. etc..   Seems to me there must be something better
in life.

All in all, I wish I could say, "It's been fun!", but it hasn't.

Hope your all enjoying yourselves.
Larry - Now K2GN, Ex - KD2NT, Ex Ex - WA2KRZ

>From 9v1yc at (James Brooks)  Fri Nov 15 14:27:31 1996
From: 9v1yc at (James Brooks) (James Brooks)
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 14:27:31 +0000
Subject: 5th Asia Pacific Sprint Results
Message-ID: <328c7dd3.equator at>

Asia-Pacific Sprint #5  19 October 1996
Final Scores

(* T-shirt winner)

World  Winner     JH7WKQ

JH7WKQ*  53 x 42    2226
JH0KHR   52 x 41    2132
JH4NMT   51 x 41    2091
9V1YC    40 x 29    1160
JH1DYV   36 x 24    864
JA1XEM   30 x 25    750
JE1JKL   34 x 22    748
JK2VOC   29 x 24    696
JE1CKA   31 x 22    682
JH7FAH   26 x 22    572
JH4UTP   25 x 22    550 
JA0FVU   27 x 20    540
JR0BQD   25 x 20    500
JE1PMQ   25 x 19    475
JF3IUC   23 x 20    460
JS1OYN   26 x 17    442
JG1EIQ   21 x 20    420
9V1ZW    24 x 17    408 
JL1ZAZ   24 x 16    384 (op JN1MSO)
JA2QVP   18 x 15    270
JL7RIG   12 x 11    132
JA8MXC   11 x 10    110

VK5GN*   32 x 27    864

North America
W6YA*    55 x 38    2090
W7OM     34 x 28    952
WA7BNM   30 x 26    780
VE7CQK*   3 x  3    9

ZS6CAX*   7 x 5     35

LY2FN*    5 x 5     25

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