which antenna modeling software?
AA4NC at aol.com
AA4NC at aol.com
Sat Nov 23 10:46:17 EST 1996
I'm looking for antenna software primarily for modeling stacked yagis, and
their performance at various heights. I've seen some neat plots from EZNEC,
and heard good things about NEC-WIN. What should I buy?
I seek NEC enlightenment from you modeling gurus... Tnx
>From 102505.2241 at CompuServe.COM (Rick Dougherty NQ4I) Sat Nov 23 11:30:43 1996
From: 102505.2241 at CompuServe.COM (Rick Dougherty NQ4I) (Rick Dougherty NQ4I)
Date: 23 Nov 96 06:30:43 EST
Subject: Cushcraft 402CD
Message-ID: <961123113042_102505.2241_HHM28-4 at CompuServe.COM>
Hi folks...have two questions.....
1. Looking for AO (Antenna Optimizer) file for the Cushcraft 402CD...anyone have
a file to send to me????
2. Thinking of making a 3 element version of the 402CD as I have an extra
element and lots of boom material...seems like I remember that the factory did
some testing on this...yes???? anyway I need a second 40 m antenna to stack
with my 3 el telrex to get some more gain, etc ....comments please??
tnx de Rick NQ4I
>From cshinn at connect.net (charles d. shinn) Sat Nov 23 18:52:23 1996
From: cshinn at connect.net (charles d. shinn) (charles d. shinn)
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 10:52:23 -0800
Subject: qsl reflector
Message-ID: <01BBD92D.ECA7DB80 at a1p30.connect.net>
Why dont we put up a reflector that can recieve input from dx stn's =
(electronic logs) and recieve input from stn's desiring qsl's. Then the =
node could use a background program running all the time to cross check =
(within some small window in time) for entries that match and e-mail the =
qsl back to the requestor? Sounds like a good task for the ARRL or other =
civic minded institution.I proposed this solution to QSL'ing to the =
league in 1976 and recieved a very solicitious response. Now thats =
thinking outta da box!
de W7MAP.=20
From: Dave Hockaday[SMTP:wb4iuy at ipass.net]
Sent: Friday, November 22, 1996 1:09 AM
To: cq-contest at tgv.com
Subject: qsl reflector
I think I saw a post recently about a reflector where one could inquire
about qsl routes, does anyone have this info?
wb4iuy at ipass.net
Visit my reflector page at http://www.ipass.net/~teara/reflect.html
>From rthorne at ibm.net (Richard Thorne - WB5M) Sun Nov 24 06:14:25 1996
From: rthorne at ibm.net (Richard Thorne - WB5M) (Richard Thorne - WB5M)
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 22:14:25 -0800
Subject: ARRL 160 RESULTS
Message-ID: <3297E7C1.732C at ibm.net>
Have the results of the 1995 ARRL 160 contest been published yet. I
admit this is a loaded question. I've gone through all of my QST's
and can't find it. I'm either blind or they have not been published.
>From radio at UDel.Edu (Robert Penneys) Sun Nov 24 06:04:03 1996
From: radio at UDel.Edu (Robert Penneys) (Robert Penneys)
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 1996 01:04:03 -0500 (EST)
Subject: If you're reading this.....
Message-ID: <199611240604.BAA05953 at copland.udel.edu>
If you are reading this before the contest is over, You are Bad!
Hey, I'm at this wonderful station, and I've been checking into Email and
enduring the chimes of Windows 95 just to punctuate my boredom. So it's
Sunday at 0600 and 5/8 done.
Excuse my typical band example, and GO FRC!!! Free compulsory vanity calls
for all!
>From vburns at netcom.com (Victor Vernon Burns) Sun Nov 24 14:24:30 1996
From: vburns at netcom.com (Victor Vernon Burns) (Victor Vernon Burns)
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 1996 6:24:30 PST
Subject: SVGA Splitters....source for,
Message-ID: <InterAp.3.1.a.19961124062430.5 at WWW.ALGONET.SE>
I don't know if there was ever a good answer to the question of Multiple Mo=
nitors, but this company makes a great device to share many keyboards, moni=
tors etc. and one computer....for the ultimate single op set-up with six op=
erating positions and one computer.
Hall Reserach Technologies
714-641-6607 6698-FAX
The Cuba Libre Contest Club
>From Charlie_Deel at cpqm.mail.saic.com (Charlie Deel) Sun Nov 24 19:43:24 1996
From: Charlie_Deel at cpqm.mail.saic.com (Charlie Deel) (Charlie Deel)
Date: 24 Nov 1996 11:43:24 -0800
Subject: Floating concrete
Message-ID: <n1363297294.86094 at cpqm.saic.com>
Reply to: RE>Floating concrete
Concrete ships float for the same reason steel ships float, they displace a
volume of water greater in weight than the weight of the material used to
construct them. Having built and raced concrete canoes in college I have seen
it firsthand. But, you fill a steel or concrete ship with water, and they
sink like a rock (re: Titanic). Concrete support foundations will not float,
since they do not displace a volume of water greater in weight than the
foundation concrete itself.
Cliff W4CE
Date: 11/22/96 19:45
To: Deel, Charlie
Some seemed to question the concept of concrete floating ...
the more seasoned among us will recall WWII"s concrete ships,
and there are many small pleasure craft made from concrete
sprayed on a wire mesh form.
Ken Kopp - K0PP
k0pp at mcimail.com
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Subject: Floating concrete
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>From n4zr at contesting.com (Pete Smith) Sun Nov 24 17:14:33 1996
From: n4zr at contesting.com (Pete Smith) (Pete Smith)
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 1996 09:14:33 -0800
Subject: Floating concrete
Message-ID: <199611241714.JAA08784 at dfw-ix3.ix.netcom.com>
At 11:43 AM 11/24/96 -0800, Charlie Deel wrote:
> Reply to: RE>Floating concrete
>Concrete ships float for the same reason steel ships float, they displace a
>volume of water greater in weight than the weight of the material used to
>construct them. Having built and raced concrete canoes in college I have seen
>it firsthand. But, you fill a steel or concrete ship with water, and they
>sink like a rock (re: Titanic). Concrete support foundations will not float,
>since they do not displace a volume of water greater in weight than the
>foundation concrete itself.
>Cliff W4CE
Isn't it more likely that what happens is that the wet sand above the anchor
does not exert the same resistance to the guy-wire's pull as when dry? Less
cohesive soil (like saturated sand) would tend to flow around the anchor
block, allowing the guy wire gradually to pull it to the surface. I know
this could happen in my Rohn-standard application, because the anchor blocks
are not heavy enough by themselves to handle the maximum guy wire pull they
could theoretically sustain. They rely on the weight of the earth above
them, and its cohesion with the surrounding soil. Fortunately, mine aren't
in sand, but I had a worried few days this summer when the area around one
guy anchor flooded.
73, Pete Smith N4ZR
n4zr at contesting.com
West (bigawd) Virginia
>From ng0x at ricochet.net (Dave Curtis) Sun Nov 24 17:57:45 1996
From: ng0x at ricochet.net (Dave Curtis) (Dave Curtis)
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 1996 09:57:45 -0800
Subject: Too Early?
References: <199611200825.DAA05051 at freenet.michiana.org>
Message-ID: <32988C99.296 at ricochet.net>
Gary V. Smith wrote:
> Is it too early to start talking about hints and tips for the ARRL January
> VHF SS? No.
>Or is VHF contesting even discussed here? Not enough. Needs more. Jump in!
> I've been disappointed with the participation level in VHF contests,Yeah, now, why can't we get the hardcore HF contesters to at least
jump in for a few FM contacts on Sunday afternoon when fresh meat
would be really welcome? Maybe we need a "fresh meat" award for the
best 4-hour Sunday afternoon score? Any takers?
73, Dave N6NZ CM87xi (f.k.a. NG0X/rover)
>From HWDX09A at prodigy.com ( ROBERT REED) Sun Nov 24 18:16:59 1996
From: HWDX09A at prodigy.com ( ROBERT REED) ( ROBERT REED)
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 1996 13:16:59, -0500
Subject: Too Early?
Message-ID: <199611241817.NAA22994 at mime4.prodigy.com>
>why can't we get the hardcore HF contesters to at least
>ump in for a few FM contacts on Sunday afternoon when fresh meat
>would be really welcome? Maybe we need a "fresh meat" award for
>best 4-hour Sunday afternoon score? Any takers?
>73, Dave N6NZ CM87xi (f.k.a. NG0X/rover)
I can't speak for other areas but in the NY/NJ/CT area FMers stopped
participating after the ARRL banned 146.520 from use during contests.
Other frequencies such as 146.49, ,55, .58, 147.51, .54.57 have been
used for group monitoring in this area and contesting has always been
considered a nuisance.
Maybe if contesting had been allowed and people stayed on 146.520
there would be some people slumming over on the righr weekends.
People here do use 146.520 for FM QSO's during Field Day as there is
no restriction then.
73, Bob Reed, W2CE, ex WB2DIN
1991 Route 37 West - Lot 109
Toms River, New Jersey 08757
>From WYLIE at colloquium.co.uk (Tom Wylie) Sun Nov 24 22:34:26 1996
From: WYLIE at colloquium.co.uk (Tom Wylie) (Tom Wylie)
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 1996 22:34:26 GMT
Subject: CQWWCW - or Why am I here?
Message-ID: < at ms.colloquium.co.uk>
Hi guys, and thanks to those who worked me - GM6X. - 40m SOSB.
Well, its 2215 on Sunday night and well may you ask - why is he
here and not on the rig?
Well things did not go quite according to plan at GM6X. Our site is on a
hill top
farm in the south west area of Scotland (home of GM4NFC -actually).
I normally borrow a laptop computer for the contest, but this time I left it too
late and had to us my trusty old 386, with CT. However, the computer
didnt like the linear and fell over every time it was keyed. Got it sorted -
well almost just before the start of the Contest - but guess what - Murphy beat
us to it. Dont know what the problem was but propogation on the Friday
night/ Saturday morning was very poor. Likewise the early morning long path DX
opening didnt happen. Went to bed hoping for a short path opening to VK/JA -
Yes you guessed it - didnt happen. We had a blizzard and snow storm on the
Saturday night/Sunday morning, lost the rotator on the 40m beam, lost
the computer several times and finally lost the electricity supply to the
farm about
1300 on the Sunday.
So this year's test was a dead loss. Less than 1,000 Qs......
Poor condx, very heavy rain/snow static, computer problems, high noise level
and finally no power killed not only the station but the enthusiasm. Had to
drive home through a blinding blizzard..........
How I wish I was in southern California- where it never rains
CU guys in the ARRL
73 de Tom
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