ARRL CW from 9G !

Lee Hiers AA4GA aa4ga at
Wed Oct 2 23:46:01 EDT 1996

On  2 Oct 96, pa3gbq at wrote:

> I think it is very hard for me to decide how to run it.
> Single operator  multi or single band. (wich band ?)
> Any suggestions or experience ?

Obviously, all-band would be preferred.  Why?  Because it gives us in 
the states more opportunity for the 9G multiplier on multiple bands 
of course!!

GL de Lee

Lee Hiers, AA4GA
Cornelia, GA
mailto:aa4ga at   

>From gussam at (Gus Samuelson)  Thu Oct  3 00:26:10 1996
From: gussam at (Gus Samuelson) (Gus Samuelson)
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 20:26:10 -0300

Am surprized at the lack of enthusiasm being shown for this topic !
I have been sitting back for a while and wondering when the realistically
demonstrable effects of packet monitoring are going to be analysed.

1: Is one to assume that operating techniques and abilities and the " second
radio" alone are responsible  for the dramatic increase in SO scores.

2: Co-incidental to the ever increasing incidents of top guns working over
100 countries on nearly every bands was the advent of packet radio.

3: Strange thing ... no body uses it !

4: As one who has to bust his butt for every Country Multiplier in a dx
contest, making 100 countries on even one band during a major contest for me
is a feat !

5: There are no packet dxclusters available from this area.  I have often
wondered if my score would increase ? Undoubtedly S & P for multipliers
would not be as difficult, when you already know the freq.!

6: I  have recognized  for quite some time now, that as a perennial SO the
number of countries I have been able to work on each band is markedly
disproportionate to other stations in the same category .... spanning the
same time frames during the packet era. ( Maybe I need to go back to Contest
School )

7: There are some wonderfully equipped stations in the NE mine is average
however location helps and  as a Multiplier in some  contests it helps even
more (ARRL).

I wonder if any one has yet looked at the real stats relative to the
increase in countries worked per band ? Since the inception of packet and of
course there is also one other element which now facilitates the logging and
scoring activities the computer generated log. I guess now in retrospect
teaching myself to be ambidextrous for cw contests purposes was a bit of a
waste hi!

No slight or negative reflection intended or directed to the abilities of
any one in the contest community, but these are real thoughts that have been
with me for a while !
.... Exit quietly don asbestos suit.

      Gus Samuelson                e-mail   gussam&
      P.O. Box 38 Site 4 RR # 1    packet   VO1MP at VO1AAA.#ENF.NF.CAN.NOAM
      St. Phillips, Nfld.
      Canada A1L 1C1

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