Optimum 75M Split Frequencies

Keith Morehouse - WB9TIY blckhole at ripco.com
Mon Oct 21 11:51:56 EDT 1996

AA8U wrote:
> If you have some advice for me regarding split frequency operating on > 75M during CQWW SSB, please reply by direct email.


So no one ELSE knows the "good" freqs to transmit on...

('cept us in-the-know big time 75M op's - see ya'll from KS9K next
weekend !)

PROBE ELECTRONICS 100 Higgins Road, Park Ridge IL 60068 USA
Keith J. Morehouse / WB9TIY / Society of Midwest Contesters
847-696-2828  FAX: 847-698-2045  e-mail: blckhole at ripco.com

>From k7fr at ncw.net (Gary Nieborsky)  Mon Oct 21 16:51:58 1996
From: k7fr at ncw.net (Gary Nieborsky) (Gary Nieborsky)
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 1996 08:51:58 -0700
Subject: WWV stats
Message-ID: <199610211551.IAA20470 at bing.ncw.net>

Any ideas where to get real time SF, A & K indices?  Found the WWV page but
no up to date info.


Gary K7FR

>From lvn at fox.cen.com (Larry Novak)  Mon Oct 21 17:59:49 1996
From: lvn at fox.cen.com (Larry Novak) (Larry Novak)
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 96 12:59:49 EDT
Subject: K3TLX Contest Registry - CQWW Edition
Message-ID: <9610211659.AA08649 at cen.com>

CQ Contest DXpedition Registery.
Updated October 21, 1996

This is a special update of planned CQWW contest Dxpeditions. It only
includes information that was sent to me - I did not try to keep track
of all the postings to the reflector.

If you have additions for future contests, please email to
lnovak at cen.com or via packet to K3TLX.

73, Larry, K3TLX

Contest          Location    Who/email              Status 
CQWW SSB         3DA0DX      WJ2O, ZS6WPX, ZS6BRZ   M/S high power     
                             WJ2O at aol.com

CQWW SSB         3DA0NX      Team Nippon SOAB       BOOKED AND CONFIRMED
                             zs6cax at lia.co.za

CQWW SSB         8P9Z        K3KG & K4FJ            M/S
                             K4FJ at aol.com

CQWW SSB         9M8R        W7EJ   Probably single band 40
                             Ai7b at teleport.com

CQWW SSB         A35SQ       W7TSQ                  SO/AB/Lo Power
** NEW **                    W7TSQ at aol.com

CQWW SSB         CT3BX       Six DL ops             Multi-Single
                             hermann.stein at roche.com.

CQWW SSB         CT3EE       DL4NAC                 SOAB
                             hermann.stein at roche.com.

CQWW SSB         CY0         A4NC
                             AA4NC at aol.com

CQWW SSB         FG          KI6FE/7 es JF2DQJ      SOAB
                             76353.2760 at compuserve.com

CQWW SSB         FJ5AB (St. Barts) N6DLU etal       M/S Confirmed
** NEW **                    dbr at alumni.caltech.edu

CQWW SSB         HC8A        Rich, N6KT             Firm - QSL via WV7Y
                             n6kt at ix.netcom.com

CQWW SSB         J3A         W8KKF, WA8LOW etal     Confirmed M/M
                             Additional ops considered (hflasher at dayton.net)

                             Bill.Gallier.KQ4GC at postoffice.worldnet.att.net

CQWW SSB         PJ9B        N3ED etal              M/M
                             emoody at epix.net 

CQWW SSB         PJ9T        AB4JI etal             M/S (QSL PJ9T via AB4JI)
                             kj4vh at iglou.com

CQWW SSB         V26B        Team Antigua (QSL WT3Q) Confirmed Multi/Multi
                             N3ADL at aol.com

CQWW SSB         V85HG       JO1RUR, JO1BMV         Planned M/S 
                             jo1rur at shizuokanet.or.jp

CQWW SSB         VP2E        WB5CRG                 20 MTR S/B
                             w5robert at blkbox.COM

CQWW SSB         VS6WO       WN4KKN, K5TSQ, etal    multi-single
                             TREY at tgv.com

CQWW SSB         T32         VE7SBO                SO / Speculative
                             ve7sbo at teleport.com

CQWW SSB         V31DX                             multi-single 
                             jdowning at intelenet.net

CQWW SSB         VP2MDE      Joe, W5ASP; Andy, GM0ECO (et. al. ?) M/S
** UNLIKELY DUE TO VOLCANO   Jastaples at aol.com

CQWW SSB         ZD8Z        N6TJ                  FIRM  SOSB
                             jneiger at xti.com

CQWW CW          3DA0NX      ZS6CAX                SOAB, BOOKED AND CONFIRMED
                             zs6cax at lia.co.za

CQWW CW          C6A         WA3WSJ and K3TEJ      Multi-Single (QSL via K3TEJ)
                             k3tej at pottsville.infi.net

CQWW CW          CT9U        DL2HYH                Single-Band (TBD)
                             hermann.stein at roche.com.

CQWW CW          CT3FN       HB9CRV                Single-Band (TBD)
                             hermann.stein at roche.com.

CQWW CW          FS          K9VV                  SO, Booked
** NEW **                    k9vv at indy.net

CQWW CW          J3          J3/WJ2O               Planning SOHP
                             WJ2O at aol.com

CQWW CW          J3          YCCC group (K1XM etal) Firm, booked. QSL via KQ1F.
                             young at young.ENET.dec.com

CQWW CW          5V5A        N7BG, G3SXW, etal     Multi-multi
                             trogo at primenet.com

CQWW CW          HC8N        Trey, WN4KKN          Firm - QSL via AA5BT
                             trey at cisco.com

CQWW CW          HR6         Roatan Is, WA6VNR      Booked
                             jhypna at qualcomm.com

CQWW CW          J6DX        SW Ohio DXA            MS
                             millersg at dma.org

CQWW CW          KP2         Windwood - reserved - operators unknown

CQWW CW          V2          Larry, K3TLX           Reserved Single Op
                             lnovak at cen.com   ** The big 5-0 birthday bash **

CQWW CW          V85HG       JO1RUR, JO1BMV         Planned M/S
                             jo1rur at shizuokanet.or.jp

CQWW CW          VP2EV       AA7VB                  FIRM M/S 
                             AA7VB at aol.com

CQWW CW          VP5EA       Dave, WD5N             SOLP, Reserved
                             wd5n at msg.tx.slr.com

CQWW CW          ZF2RF       K4UVT etal             confirmed multi-single
                             k4uvt at aol.com

     | Larry Novak            \-\-\         email:   lnovak at cen.com |
     | Century Computing, Inc.  |             Tel:   (301) 953-3330 |
     | http://www.cen.com/      |   Amateur Radio:    K3TLX, C6AHE  |
     +       INSULATOR COLLECTORS: http://www.insulators.com        +

>From jomara at pdi-div.com (John O'Mara)  Mon Oct 21 18:12:41 1996
From: jomara at pdi-div.com (John O'Mara) (John O'Mara)
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 1996 13:12:41 -0400
Subject: Help-NA QSX/QSY function
Message-ID: < at pdis1>

Hi all, I'll be starting the CQWW SSB contest at the 40 mtr phone position
at KA4RRU's (W4IY).  We will be running NA version 10.X and I have not been
able to get the radio to QSY to split freqs from a packet spot, announce
window or band map.  I know my radio and interface can do it as I run DX4WIN
and it works there.  I think it is critical to my sanity during the contest
to be able to pick up a packet spot which include the QSX freq and have the
radio and computer do the work to get me there.  Please let me know what I'm
doing wrong.  In addition,  does the announce window in NA show the QSX freq
or just the DX TX freq?  If any of you have any comments or other
suggestions on 40 mtr ops during this contest I would love to hear them.
Thanks all and GL in the contest.  73, Jack WB4NFS 

>From seay at alaska.net (Del Seay)  Mon Oct 21 17:15:13 1996
From: seay at alaska.net (Del Seay) (Del Seay)
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 1996 09:15:13 -0700
Subject: WWV stats
References: <199610211551.IAA20470 at bing.ncw.net>
Message-ID: <326BA191.C22 at alaska.net>

Gary Nieborsky wrote:
> Any ideas where to get real time SF, A & K indices?  Found the WWV page but
> no up to date info.
> Thanks...
> Gary K7FR

Gary: Log into the WD5B DXCluster, and do " SH/WWV ".
It always has the latest.  de KL7HF

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