Pointing yagis straight up. Reliable tuning method???

ramirezk at emi.com ramirezk at emi.com
Wed Oct 30 16:14:56 EST 1996

    I finally got the measurements for my CC 3el 20m yagi and 
have it matched to original specs. It now behaves like a normal 
yagi. I have no way of adjusting the match on this antenna for 
lowest VSWR except the old "Point er up at the sky" method. Is 
this a reliable way to adjust for lowest SWR. How much will it 
vary from the actual swr once it is up in the air assuming no 
resonant wires underneath it. I have an Autek RF-1 which makes 
life easier but I want to get the swr as close as possible to 
the lowest before it goes on the tower. What do you guys do 
before getting the antenna up on the tower? I want this thing 
ready to go for next week's install which will get me ready for 
ARRL SS SSB. (assuming I have my new call)
     Please reply to me direct. Thanks in advance 73 Ken 

>From radio at rn3qo.voronezh.su (Sergey Popov)  Wed Oct 30 21:06:16 1996
From: radio at rn3qo.voronezh.su (Sergey Popov) (Sergey Popov)
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 96 00:06:16 +0300
Subject: FOR LA9HW
Message-ID: <AA8DyToWb2 at rn3qo.voronezh.su>

Thanks for info about UBA96
radio at rn3qo.voronezh.su

>From na2k at juno.com (Harry A. Westervelt)  Wed Oct 30 20:39:41 1996
From: na2k at juno.com (Harry A. Westervelt) (Harry A. Westervelt)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 15:39:41 EST
Subject: My Children & E-Mail
Message-ID: <19961030.134716.6575.6.NA2K at juno.com>

Thanks for reading this message.  What am I to do now that I have access
to E-Mail and the kids don't.  My little one's are complaining that Daddy
can play with the E-mail but they can't.  Is there someone out there on
the reflector who might know of a safe place where I could direct the
kids to meet other kids and exchange E-Mail for a fun time.  The boy
likes swimming, computers, soccer.  The girl (oldest) likes drawing,
ballet, the MALL and music.  Thanks for any help.
			Harry, NA2K
			na2k at juno.com

>From km9p at contesting.com (Bill Fisher KM9P)  Wed Oct 30 21:39:13 1996
From: km9p at contesting.com (Bill Fisher KM9P) (Bill Fisher KM9P)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 16:39:13 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Vanity info
Message-ID: <Pine.BSI.3.95.961030163650.15430A-100000 at paris.akorn.net>

I just talked to someone at Gettysburg.  They Said; "If all goes well
we would like to start issuing callsigns on Friday."

Regarding the W4DX callsign that was taken back by the FCC... They said
they could not alter my application after it was submitted.  So some lucky
devil that didn't bother to take W4DX off his list will probably get it.



>From tree at lady.axian.com (Larry Tyree)  Wed Oct 30 21:33:11 1996
From: tree at lady.axian.com (Larry Tyree) (Larry Tyree)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 13:33:11 -0800 (PST)
Subject: FCC computers down
Message-ID: <199610302133.NAA19110 at lady.axian.com>

To all radio amateurs
ARLB076 FCC computer down
The FCC's Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, office reports that its amateur
computer system has been down for the past two days because of
unspecified difficulties. Despite the current problems, the FCC
still hopes to begin issuing Gate 2 vanity call sign grants by the
end of this week, starting with the first-day applications now
entered into their computer system.
Hams are asked to be patient and to refrain from calling the FCC to
inquire about the status of their vanity call sign applications. The
Gettysburg FCC Office Consumer Assistance Staff is not able to
provide further details on the delay.
On a related note, due to the amateur system difficulties, no new
amateur license or upgrade grants have been released since this past

>From kinzli at TGV.COM (Jeff E. Kinzli)  Wed Oct 30 21:53:32 1996
From: kinzli at TGV.COM (Jeff E. Kinzli) (Jeff E. Kinzli)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 13:53:32 -0800 (PST)
Subject: My Children & E-Mail
Message-ID: <01IB98JJP2TEB3KE4Z at TGV.COM>

> Thanks for reading this message.  What am I to do now that I have
> access to E-Mail and the kids don't.  My little one's are complaining 
> that Daddy can play with the E-mail but they can't.  Is there someone 
> out there on the reflector who might know of a safe place where I 
> could direct the kids to meet other kids and exchange E-Mail for a fun 
> time.  The boy likes swimming, computers, soccer.  The girl (oldest) 
> likes drawing, ballet, the MALL and music.  Thanks for any help.
>                       Harry, NA2K
>                       na2k at juno.com

        Hi Harry,

        There exists a free, web-based mail service called HotMail 
(http://www.hotmail.com). You can sign up for a free email account, and 
the whole mail interface is accessible via any web browser.

        This will get them a free email account, as far as finding 'pen 
pals', they may find something like this on the web...

        -Jeff Kinzli, KA6LAF
        kinzli at tgv.com

>From desmith at telalink.net (Doug Smith)  Wed Oct 30 21:59:23 1996
From: desmith at telalink.net (Doug Smith) (Doug Smith)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 15:59:23 -0600 (CST)
Subject: FW: Magnetic North
Message-ID: <199610302159.PAA11036 at eve.telalink.net>

At 02:39 PM 10/30/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi All,
>Not to belay the subject, but its getting tuff to find topo maps here in E.Ma.

Another source are the DeLorme Atlas and Gazetteers, printed for about 30
states.  They don't have nearly the detail of the USGS maps, but they can be
found in most decent bookstores and many other places.  

73 Doug
Douglas E. Smith W9WI/4		  desmith at Telalink.Net
1385 Old Clarksville Pike	  72777.3143 at compuserve.com
Pleasant View, TN 37146-8098

>From snace at tdrss.wsc.nasa.gov (Steven Nace)  Wed Oct 30 22:57:55 1996
From: snace at tdrss.wsc.nasa.gov (Steven Nace) (Steven Nace)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 15:57:55 -0700
Subject: FCC licensing activity - or lack of???
Message-ID: <v02120d06ae9d88dbe265@[]>

I decided to try the web site defined by AA7NX
(ftp://www.fcc.gov/pub/XFS_AlphaTest/amateur/) and found a nice directory
of Ham data. The ones of particular interest are the seven <day.ZIP> files.
Each one summarizes the previous day's activities. This data mirrors the
other data I have found on various web pages like
http://www.lantz.com/htbin/cbs_today and KI4HN.

Well, I looked at the files for Monday, Oct 28 and Tuesday, Oct 29 (mon.zip
& tue.zip) and found no information. All file sizes are Zero and empty. I
then went to http://www.lantz.com/htbin/cbs_today and found it has not been
updated in the last 2 days. The last update to
http://www.lantz.com/htbin/cbs_today was identical to the FCC's file
sun.zip (Oct 27).

Does this mean the FCC has not processed any Amateur related data in the
last 48 hours?  Have they processed callsigns but have not dumped anything
into the 'public' database?  Who else has ideas?

de KN5H

not KN5S
not KM5H

>From gswanson at arrl.org (Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW)  Wed Oct 30 22:02:00 1996
From: gswanson at arrl.org (Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW) (Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 17:02:00 -0500
Subject: FW: ARLB076 FCC computer down
Message-ID: <m0vIimF-000fGZC at mgate.arrl.org>

From: w1aw
Subject: ARLB076 FCC computer down
Date: Wednesday, October 30, 1996 4:30PM

 ------------------Internet Headers------------------
From: <w1aw at arrl.org>
Organization: American Radio Relay League

ARLB076 FCC computer down

ARRL Bulletin 76  ARLB076
>From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT  October 30, 1996
To all radio amateurs

ARLB076 FCC computer down

The FCC's Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, office reports that its amateur
computer system has been down for the past two days because of
unspecified difficulties. Despite the current problems, the FCC
still hopes to begin issuing Gate 2 vanity call sign grants by the
end of this week, starting with the first-day applications now
entered into their computer system.

Hams are asked to be patient and to refrain from calling the FCC to
inquire about the status of their vanity call sign applications. The
Gettysburg FCC Office Consumer Assistance Staff is not able to
provide further details on the delay.

On a related note, due to the amateur system difficulties, no new
amateur license or upgrade grants have been released since this past

>From WX0B-JTERLESKI at postoffice.worldnet.att.net (Jay Terleski)  Wed Oct 30 22:32:07 1996
From: WX0B-JTERLESKI at postoffice.worldnet.att.net (Jay Terleski) (Jay Terleski)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 16:32:07 -0600
Subject: Pointing yagis straight up. Reliable tuning method???
References: <199610302114.QAA26932 at lucas.emi.com>
Message-ID: <3277D767.27A7 at postoffice.worldnet.att.net>

ramirezk at emi.com wrote:
>     I finally got the measurements for my CC 3el 20m yagi and
> have it matched to original specs. It now behaves like a normal
> yagi. I have no way of adjusting the match on this antenna for
> lowest VSWR except the old "Point er up at the sky" method. Is
> this a reliable way to adjust for lowest SWR. How much will it
> vary from the actual swr once it is up in the air assuming no
> resonant wires underneath it. I have an Autek RF-1 which makes
> life easier but I want to get the swr as close as possible to
> the lowest before it goes on the tower. What do you guys do
> before getting the antenna up on the tower? I want this thing
> ready to go for next week's install which will get me ready for
> ARRL SS SSB. (assuming I have my new call)
>      Please reply to me direct. Thanks in advance 73 Ken
> KP4XS/W4

I think the pointing a yagi straight up is allot of wasted time an 
effort.  I just tried it this summer and found out, as I suspected it 
didn't work.  The measurements I got were off from when I hauled them up 
a trolly wire.  So here is a what I did.  I had rebuilt 6 beams that are 
going on the 2nd tower.  

I use a trolly wire to haul my beams in place on the tower.  My trolly 
has a hook on it that I attatched a pulley with a line so I could haul 
the trolly up the wire say to 40 feet and then with the line dangling 
straight down pull up the beams one at a time.  I attatched feedline of 
course and made my measurements.  I did a good job, so only had to tweak 
3 of the beams.  

I'd like to know how you point a 48 ft beam straight up to begin with 
HI.  I had even taken one of the beams to the garage roof and still it 
was way off.  So me thinks this pointing the beams to the sky is a bunch 
of ham balony.  :^) Jay

>From mats.persson at mbox2.swipnet.se (SM7PKK)  Wed Oct 30 21:48:07 1996
From: mats.persson at mbox2.swipnet.se (SM7PKK) (SM7PKK)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 22:48:07 +0100
Subject: Have a look at SM7PKK DX-pedition site for some news!
Message-ID: <3.0b36.32.19961030224802.00716edc at mailbox.swip.net>

Hi all,

You might find my latest announcment on the site interesting.

Use the address shown below to get in.


73 de Mats SM7PKK


SM7PKK			E-mail: mats.persson at mbox2.swipnet.se

Mats Persson		The SM7PKK DX-Pedition Site-



Sweden			CW !!

P.S My logs are open forever.. ever.. ever..

I do not want to receive any MAILORDER offers of any kind to my e-mail


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