Gate 2

k4sb at k4sb at
Thu Sep 12 23:22:10 EDT 1996

OK guys, this gate 2 business, or rather rumors is getting out of hand.
First of all, if you bother to read the instructions, you will have the
correct address to send the form to, and that address has a POST OFFICE
number in it.

Secondly, the Mellon bank does not time stamp applications, only date
stamp them.

Thirdly, the FCC does not process these forms first, the Mellon bank does,
and processing will begin at 0000:01 on Monday, September 23. In case you're
interested, the Mellon bank is pissed as hell at the FCC for opening the
gate on a Monday because it gives them 2 days backlog.

Try talking to the right people to get the correct information, and don't
screw up some guy by putting out false rumors.

Best of luck to all

Name: ed sleight
E-mail: k4sb at
Date: 9/12/96
Time: 10:22:10 PM

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>From foggie at (foggie)  Fri Sep 13 03:29:44 1996
From: foggie at (foggie) (foggie)
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 1996 02:29:44 -0000 (GMT)
Subject: Vanity calls: only interested in 10 calls...
Message-ID: <XFMail.960913023238.foggie at>

That's a very good question, as I expect to upgrade to extra this month. I
however am only interested in 1 call. (W5ZX of course :) since K5ZX is taken)

Al - kk5zx

On 12-Sep-96 wx3w at wrote:
>Let's say that I'm interested in 10 calls only. And let's suppose that 
>they are all taken when my turn comes. Am I going to be given 
>a NEW call or can I keep my original one (WX3W)?
>Laurent WX3W/F5JTL

E-Mail: foggie <foggie at>
Date: 09/13/96
Time: 02:29:48

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