[CQ-Contest] WPX - proposed changes

jirka at jimaz.cz jirka at jimaz.cz
Thu Apr 3 23:51:30 EST 1997

I as over 20 years active participant want to come with my vote:

Concerning the own country points my personal preference is to keep it as is but 
I do understand the point of small pistols west of W1-2-3-4 and or east of W6 or 
the JAs -do not forget those people - I do not know how many of them the  W6s 
can work but for instance I usually on 20m have about 1/3 of JAs compared to Ws 
on 15m the ratio is more favourable to JAs might be even 2/3. 
On the other hand there is quite a danger that the small pistols who are trying 
to work the audible DX stations would than try less hard since working a bunch 
of local hams. Another drawback of this change would be a big rise of QRM !!! 
due to a lot of interstate activity and this will of course lower the chance to 
work DX ?! 
I still believe that even if this change would be applied it would not change 
the winners in each "cathegory" since you "state-side" guys do not compete in 
absolute score with a Caribean expedition or with us here in EU or with JAs, 
same valid to us or JAs. Simply you can be GOD with the "largest antennas man 
can imagine" but beeing for instance in JA you simply can not beet good operator 
from the caribean or western Africa with a modest tribander. So why to make this 
change - in the reality nothing will change. The man who is really competing 
will not seek interstate contacts for score just for multipliers and the one who 
wants to make a few QSOs does not hunt for points really  anyway.

Concerning 36 - 30 hours. I wote very strongly for 36 hours. It maximizes the 
amount of fun avalailable. If you want to rest you can do that on other weekend. 
During the contest one should "destroy" himself sufficiently !!!!

73 !

Jiri OK1RI

jirka at jimaz.cz 

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