[CQ-Contest] Reminder: JIDX HF CW contest in this weekend

Takao KUMAGAI je1cka at dumpty.nal.go.jp
Tue Apr 8 01:29:25 EDT 1997

Japan International DX(JIDX) High Band CW contest will be held in this 
weekend. We hope all of you be there.

The complete rule and the past results are available both info-server
and Web.

Send an email to
jidx-info at dumpty.nal.go.jp
#get jidxrule.eng
#get jidxelog.eng
#get jidxmult.lst
in the body of the message.


**'96 JIDX PH claimed score is available also.
	JIDX contest committee chairman
	Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
	Internet: je1cka at nal.go.jp
	TEL:81-30-066-6408, FAX:81-423-93-4449
	P O Box 22, Mitaka, Tokyo 181, Japan

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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