[CQ-Contest] Tnx JE1CKA!

VS6BrettGraham vr2bg at asiaonline.net
Tue Apr 8 08:28:49 EDT 1997

With the move of cq-contest to contesting.com & the introduction of
cq-contest-digest, I would like to take a little bandwidth to publicly
thank Tack Kumagai, JE1CKA, for all his efforts in providing the original
While most subscribers wouldn't have the need for such a service, lemme
tell you that out here, it can really help - whether one's trying to get
the mail between earthquakes in Jakarta or fighting a troublesome hotel
PABX & ridiculous IDD routing in post-Gulf War Kuwait - the digest does the
same to rate which good tail-ending can do in a pile up.
Again, thanks Tack.  Thanks to N5KO for setting up cq-contest in the first
place & to everybody involved in the move to contesting.com...
73, VS97BrettGraham - not VS9ZBG - vr2bg at harts.org.hk

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